Give me 1 good reason why Anarcho-Capitalism wouldn't work?

Give me 1 good reason why Anarcho-Capitalism wouldn't work?

>inb4 muh roads
>inb4 muh degeneracy
>inb4 muh NAP is flawed
>inb4 muh corporate greed

Not an argument, kiddos.

Other urls found in this thread:

Because unless you're rich right now and can afford everything you want, you'll get fucked up on every turn

>Not an argument, kiddos.

you dont respond at all to the counter arguments

free market

your entire ideology is reliant upon people not being dickheads and abusing it, which will fall through entirely in practise

The same private companies that the government pays to build them will still operate in AnCapistan if the coin is right.

Not an argument because its about muh feefees. But ill entertain the argument by simply stating social darwinism; survival of the fittest. The degenerates will die out and the strong will breed.

>NAP is flawed
Humans are not all psychotic maniacs who need big nanny gov't to stop them from firing off recreational McNukes™ at their neighbors. Not an argument.

>muh corporate greed
Just don't buy their products or work for them if the corporation goes against your morals. Simply put, in free market capitalism you have the freedom to choose

>inb4 muh roads
really though, you can't take profit efficiently from roads
and society won't run without proper transportation
>placing toll gate every 100 feet

ancap would create pedophile havens were pedophiles abuse and rape children daily. it would make it legal for parents to throw their kid on the lawn and let it starve to death.

warped ideology. sickening.

>start a home buisness
>get kneecapped by megacorp

Refer to


>not all humans are psychotic
it only takes 1 to nuke everyone else

What's stopping a psychotic rich maniac from nuking us now?

>social darwinism; survival of the fittest
so you're not gonna oppose today's governments?

>your lynch mob lynches the wrong person so the lynch mob needs to get lynched by another lynch mob

>1 ancap on a Sup Forums thread defines the entire ideology

Wew lad.

Why not? Survival of the fittest means you fight for survival and relevancy.

If AnCaps can overthrow an authoritarian corporatist government for violating the NAP, wouldn't that prove social darwinism at play rather than sitting idly by and saying "well big brother has us beat. Guess its survival of the fittest, we lose and they win"

i see you didnt bother to answer any of those questions

the point is that he's an example of hundreds of ancaps on Sup Forums that will dodge questions regarding those matters since they lack an answer or it undermines the entirety of anarcho-capitalism

respond to the questions in the image then lol

Anarcho-capitialism is flawed, government is more stable and safter for majority of populace.

Ancaps are literally worse than commies, and least commies can say it's been tried with some success.

Is nap non aggression principle?

Because you didn't ask them. You posted a picture that is cropped out with no proof that that man didnt reply to these questions. Its essentially not an argument.

How about giving us a reason why it would work?

1. we already live in anarchy
2. present governments exist within that anarchy
3. you are a brainlet faggot for not realizing this

No guarantee of upholding of property rights.
No stable way of creating a proper national defense.
Preventing border encroachment by states is extremely difficult.
Equality before the law and codified laws will likely be lacking.
Market has no mechanism to stop epidemics of infectious diseases.

Skeleton state > no state tbqh

i didnt post shit. i was interested to know the ancap solution to those were. i notice you still havent answered those questions though.

The only "arguments" against AnCap are strawmans and logical fallacies that wouldn't happen in a real life scenario

You spergs like to come up with unlikely things such as your NAP violation ancap ball memes that contain ludicrous acts just to undermine our ideology.

Why do you think we always tell you "Not an argument?"

Watch more Stefan Molyneux

>he can't answer the questions

>create enormous power vacuum
>expect it not to be filled by invading nation, communism, corporations or other competing hiearchical system

ancaps are fucking stupid

Because its practical and fair.

Taxation is theft and we don't need to be governed by higher ups to keep us in line

AnCap is basic human nature put into an ideology and it stays true to our species as a whole.


answer the fucking questions then and prove theyre incorrect
here, have the link to the post so you dont have to scroll up and can get it done quicker

I dare you to answer the questions. here they are again:
Can ancaps explain: How the NAP in unabusable, how you would defend against a conquering nation as it is still anarchy, how you would prevent larger companies from ganging up or forcing smaller ones out of buisness, keeping communities homogenous without hive mind, currency and banks, who enforces contratcs, preventing corrution, why anyone has to follow the NAP, ect.

>Because it's practical and fair

For how long? What happens if one, or a series of companies grow too power? What happens if they can now form their own private protection and find themselves above the established system of law protecting everyone in an AnCap society?

What's to stop someone from working specifically to grow strong enough to form a State and impose their own will by financial and militant dominance?

Why would it not make more sense to have a federal government that runs the military/defense and have local democratic republics where the only people who can vote are land-owning white males who are married with children? Why be opposed to government entirely? It seems that big government is the real problem and having the power lie within local governments would be a much better solution than no government at all.

>no reply

they always back down when confronted with logic, just remember that if they challenge you


1. NAP is not unabusable. That's why an NAP exists in the first place. To help serve as a moral boundary. Think of it as the same with global thermonuclear war. Can it happen? Yes. But is extremely unlikely because all countries know that as soon as a missile leaves its silo, all hell breaks loose. This prevents such a confrontation from happening. An invisible boundary and guideline of morals - henceforth what the NAP essentially is.

2. Another strawman, but ill answer it. In the unlikely event of a military conquer, civilians all own their own private property and can choose to work together with other people or form militias together to combat such a threat.

3. There is no big government restriction on business, so its up to the people to decide where their money is spent. If there's a monopoly, it only exists because the people allowed it to by continuing to increase their profits instead of going for a more localized small business alternative.

4. Homogeneity is apart of the degeneracy question which is essentially not an argument because its muh feefees, but let me entertain the question by saying that if people mix up their genes, their offspring will be low IQ and due to social darwinism will most likely not be fit to survive in an AnCap society, basically breeding out the genetically weak.

5. With no federal reserve, we can return to the gold standard and no longer feed our money to (((them)))

6. No one enforces contracts. Its a voluntaryist society where the goods and services that are needed are made through consensual contracts and incentivised with currency.

7. Refer to my first point

Here's your reply.

Because jewish bankers will come into your country to loan everyboy money so they can buy tanks to defend themselves. Then you are going to do a lot of slavery to pay of your debts so you breed more slaves but these slaves will revolt and everyone will be sooo fucking poor the jew bankers cant get their interest money out of you so they confiscate your land, your material wealth, your slaves and you as well as your 250 next descendants because everything is property and everything can be both and sold in muh good ol capitalist system.

>If AnCaps can overthrow an authoritarian corporatist government for violating the NAP
You can't.

>violating the NAP
The NAP is a subjective morality, so claiming a moral high ground in defending something other than your own survival is faulty logic.

>You can't
Not with that attitude

>subjective morality
Morality is objective, Sven. But keep sucking that Tyrone dick while your education system teaches you otherwise





>banks and loans

That would imply we have a central finance system or a federal reserve.

AnCaps believe in the gold standard or cryptocurrencies

>Give me 1 good reason why Anarcho-Capitalism wouldn't work?

Because the overwhelming mass of weak and inferior and a few smart people at the top controlling them will band together to create a government.

Ask yourself, who will enforce anarcho-capitalism? No one because with enforcing it isn't ancap. And because it doesn't have any enforcement it will automatically trend towards government being formed and people being forcefully robbed of their resources by the mob rule.

Not an argument.

>Morality is objective

>Morality is objective
Only if you believe in a God, in which case you'll follow his morality.

Otherwise morality is entirely subjective, a government is just as subjectively moral as the NAP.

Cypriot turk BTFO

>The NAP is a subjective morality, so claiming a moral high ground in defending something other than your own survival is faulty logic.

Cooperating is better for survival. The NAP facilitates that.

You either believe in the advances and evidence science provides or you don't. If you don't then you're a moron and have no business arguing about anything. If you do, then go and read. Morality has been confirmed for almost 5 years to have origins in genetics and can be seen in the entirety of the primate family.

>no borders

>nobody is stopping you and your community from putting up your own border

Human nature is selfish. That's why.

>not an argument
Not an argument

>Other than the exact reasons anarcho-capitalism wouldn't work, tell me why anarcho-capitalism wouldn't work

>no reply

Natural monopoly doesn't exist and is always created through the state in some manner.

>Valid arguments given
>"Not an argument, kiddos"
Is this even a fallacy for just a retard with a keyboard?

>your entire ideology is reliant upon people not being dickheads and abusing it
Oh and your entire point is nonsense. Why would you give up your freedom in the UK if people are horrible? What about your healthcare relying on these bad people? You're fucking retarded m8.


>be ancap society
>communists legally form armed militia groups
>take over and kill anyone who disagrees with them
>impose communist dictatorship

AnCap would never work because it assumes everyone would just try to get along.

Good thing there won't be a government that can give power to a mob of selfish people then. The NAP works against all non-consentual (i.e all selfish actions).

Best post ITT coming through.
AnCap is a step in the right direction but no, it is not concurrent with reality. Reminder that while AnCapism means well and is certainly preferable to statism but it is utterly inferior to Laissez-faire Capitalism. LfCap>AnCap for the same reason Minarchism>Anarchism and THAT is because objective law>polycentric law. Read a little of these lexicons to discover why.
Ayn Rand's criticism of pure anarchism is irrefutable, especially in C:TUI and TVoS. I like Molymeme but a case against anarchism can be observed in his attempt, and failure, to "rebutt" Ayn Rand.
Observe the comment section.

Not much to explain. If you're a dickhead or try to monopolize the market someone else will take advantage of the situation and profit. Look at auction houses for examples in MMO's. What happens when one person tries to charge a higher premium?

>population control

whats stopping the low income low iq dregs from out breeding you faggots. if theres no welfair you'll see all the deshaundas and mary kates pump out 10 children as a survival tatic even more so than today. how do you stop that?

>whats stopping the low income low iq dregs from out breeding you faggots. if theres no welfair you'll see all the deshaundas and mary kates pump out 10 children as a survival tatic even more so than today. how do you stop that?
They can't and won't because they'll kill themselves as well not only the children. If you can barely feed yourself you likely wouldn't even need an abortion as malnutrition would help terminate those pregnancies.

unless you work, dammit

people being dickheads will result in them not being able to trade and do business with anyone. which means they will starve and die. no one wants that.

bad people will get bad life because social stigma and probably being killed by the family of the victim. but then again, if the family's revenge is unjust, they will be badly stigmatized as well and face difficulty in surviving.

how do you even conquer something? there's no state so how do you even conquer them?

people can have their little collective colony if they want to. the thing about ancap is that you can form a little communist heaven in your environment (if every local person agrees to it). while in ancom, you can't.

basically, strip down all states, and let people decide with whom they want to group with.

why do you want to violate human nature? are you not hooman?

>not be able to survive anyway because no businesses
ancap is not against guns, btw.

me on the left
also i love your new twitter meme

>ancap is not against guns, btw.

yeah i'm sure that would work out when groups like antifa and BLM start purchasing anti-tank weaponry and making roadside bombs.

>ancap would create pedophile havens were pedophiles abuse and rape children daily. it would make it legal for parents to throw their kid on the lawn and let it starve to death

Whether or not it's legal people still do these. Making it illigal doesn't exclude the possibility of these things happening.

>Be democratic society
>Communist form armed militia groups
>Take over and kill anyone who disagree with them
>Impose communist dictatorship
Why isn't this happening today? It's because there's enough armed opposition to make such a communist takeover not very probable.

You assume an ancap community wouldn't be armed to the teeth. With no state and rights that need protection it's only natural that communites will band together to create security companies that protect their rights. A high gun per citizen count also heavily disincentivizes invasion since the resulting guerilla warfare would result in extreme losses for the agressor. Cooperatively run militias would also be more effective thanks to them having to compete and thanks to less useless bureaucracy.

>look at auction houses in MMOs

Anyway, his is when a private police force is created to protect profits and prevent competition, that is only one way that they could kill all competition and charge a higher premium.

I am a psychotic maniac who needs big nanny gov't to stop me from firing off recreational McNukes™ at my neighbors.
Come and take them, over my cold hard dead penis.

ancap wont work
the reason modern capitalism works is that when doing buisness with people you can trust the law not to get fucked over. in ancap all you have to do is put all your money into mercenary's. noone would actually make stuff except guns.

Ancap is literally what the modern illegal drug trade is right now

They don't have nukes you braindead spastic, that's what stopping them.

then the poor would straight away take control of the country. you heard it here first. anarco capitilism leads to full blown communist take over

Other private police forces would incentivize a business owner to compete for profit rather than violently conquer people for profit. Warfare against heavily armed people cost a lot more than making your product more competetive.

>Psycothic rich maniancs don't have nukes

>communites will band together to create security companies that protect their rights

>hmmm lets band together to protect ourselves and arm ourselves from dangerous threats
>hmmm this is turning out to be larger and complicated, maybe we should agree to have some sort of management structure
>maybe put some people in charge of running and managing it and delegating responsibilty?
>its turning out to be quite expensive, maybe we should get each participant to put in a tithe to be able to finance this armed protection

Just don't call it government.

long story short

Unless they choose to work together instead to become huge multinational corporate conglomerates which use their combined private police forces to cull competition and subjugate the masses.

>taking a parasite seriously

This assumes you can maintain some kind of arms industry still exists after you tear the state down. The amount of logistics required to make an AK and the bullets needed to make it a threat are beyond a cottage industry. At some point or another, all of an ANCAPs guns will break down, run out of ammo or rot away from extreme use. The effective replacement rate isn't good enough without some form of mass production plan.

This is such a good point, T.B.H. He's not, user. He is a parasite.

so it should be controlled because you're scared of it? so centralized laws should be made out of the most popular opinions? in an ancap society, people will be scared to fuck up because it will fuck up their lives. just like so many things that you feel you shouldn't do in your job, even if it's not against the law, because you don't want to be fired and be replaced by other workers.


Which is what we have today. Government forces you to buy all these bad services that the free market could've handled better, for the profit of the political elite. This scenario you're fearing is the one we have now. Giving people their rights back and arming them is the first step away from this.

Show me one ancap society that ever worked

Actually plenty of people do reloads on their own among other things. UK for example they had a guy (Luty) make weapons with off the shelf components as a matter of protest. Gun jesus explains it.
State wasn't required to make firearms or ammunition at all up to present times my friend.

Show me a socialist or communist one that worked and didn't murder it's people as well?

>the reason modern capitalism works is that when doing buisness with people you can trust the law not to get fucked over
that's not true. that would even be against capitalism, because basically the state in interfering in the agreement process. it's like minimum wage and anti-discrimination law all over again.

>Show me an example of democracy that ever worked before democracy was tried
Italian intellectuals, everyone.

ancapism is logically sound. communism is not even feasible in theory.

>The degenerates will die out and the strong will breed.

Don't you mean the strongest pedos will win out by breeding all the 10 year olds they can find?

I know I'm pretty late to the thread, but here's the main reason your perfect anarcho-capitalist society can't work.

Anarcho- implies no rules and regulations on the capitalism part. Guess what happens when companies and businesses don't have to follow rules? They'll bully their opponents out, they'll buy everyone out, and when people try to compete, they'll suddenly end up dead. Then, this company will actually advocate to create a government to create regulations and legislature to ensure the company keeps its profits and its stream of cash uninterrupted.

Basically, the United States was kind of what you dreamed of. No taxes, no bullshit regulations. Guess what happened in the late 19th century? Big businesses bullied others out and bought others out. Oil kikes, rail kikes, and (((Federal Reserve))) kikes got power by lobbying in Washington for regulation and legislature to secure profits. Sure, they nuked the fuck out of Rockefeller's oil meme, but guess who they can't nuke out? The Rothschild kikes who literally abused the ancap system SO MUCH that they LITERALLY OWN MONEY. They fucking own money. It doesn't even matter if they make a profit now, they literally own the money everyone uses.

Basically, the US is why ancap doesn't work. Capitalism is a shit system when there's no regulations, unless you like sucking corporate dick and "voting" to change the system your shit system created.

nope. morality would STILL be objective whether you believed in him or not
he made morality, after all

Oh great ancaps again

I am now a #rothbardmissile

The last thing I want is for someone to call me a statist.

>go to jail for not paying taxes
>dont go to jail for not paying contracts you never asked for, used, or implicitly needed
totally the same