Boston police asking individuals to stop throwing bottles of urine

Boston police asking individuals to stop throwing bottles of urine.

Hmmm...i wonder which side is throwing piss? Fucking Antifuck Libtard faggots.

stop conflating antifa communists with liberals you damn idiot

>muh libruls get the bullet too
eat shit, faggot. you're one and the same.

oh wow, you put "muh" in front of something that communists actually and unironically say and believe, so that means that they DON'T say and believe that now! I've just been BTFO!

Fuck no. It was your liberal news media that identified antifa as the good guys, and now you own that.


why is there no police scanner for boston. sad panda.


Even if the media could be defined as "liberal", that doesn't make communists liberal.

I'm not a liberal myself either but please continue trying to attack me personally

fucking nazis

>I'm not a liberal myself either

Sure you aren't.

>cops found the piss bottles

The Boston Police Budge kind of looks like a drawing of a raccoon in a cop hat.


>fuzz discovered the projectile pooper

Western liberals seek to destroy all sense of identity, ending with human identity

stop conflating all conservatives with Nazi Larpers you damn idiot

liberals get gassed too fagit

The alt-left has adopted oldschool Pepe tactics

The ironic thing being, they destroy:

Conservatism (classic liberal)

The Western social liberals have won the world. They get everyone to fight, and profit off it.

>p-please stop breaking the law
post yfw american cops

Btw, this is pretty much the "grand conspiracy".

They'll topple countries and kill hundreds of thousands to millions, to anyone that is a threat to Western social liberalism.

They're label one group one thing so that they'll get the enemy of that group's new label, to fight. Then they'll get the state to fight both groups. They'll then make money and consolidate power.

They'll give other ideologies a taste of the capitalist treasure, and they'll get hooked, and you've got a new covert.

They do the same or worst things than the ideologies that say are bad.