Why is German propaganda so unintentionally hilarious?



this was made by a Jew
this obviously not

We do women love Nazi cock so much?

What 's funny about either of those?

who is she supposed to represent?



It's punching Scotland for one

That is a curiosity I noticed that when recently enjoying some of Hitler's fine speeches he referred to an International 'Clique"... this is a word I'd hear spoken by bitter and homely High School girls who weren't in the popular group..


>not being shit at everything

Because germans in general can only be funny unintentionally

and northern England.
Even if it was only Scotland, England and Great Britain are or at least were synonymous in German.

all the shitty Krauts left around 1500 and went to England

*years ago

who's making those shitty cars which fell apart as soon as they leave store then

I guess the answer for this thread would be Germans since Anglos don't really make cars.

Spitfire > Mesher shit

Kek, case in point, fucked up a simple post...

many Germans also left in 1500
Tolkien's family came even later afaik