The Tor Project is actively working on a way to block racist websites

>The Tor Project is actively working on a way to block racist websites
When did Sup Forums become worse than people who make child pornography?

Other urls found in this thread:!topic/golang-nuts/sN6BFoli5GE


I think they rejected it once they realized it could compromise their child porn.

>t-t-t--t-t-t-they c-c-c-c--ccan't d-do that g-g-guys
>i-it's n-n-n-n-n-nothing g-guys j-j-j-j-j-j-just i-ignore it!

Fake news

>Child tickets

Sounds about right

Isn't all the CP sites a honeypot now anyway now that the government knows how to trace anyone using TOR?

>worse than people who make child pornography?
Leave it to democrats to run pedophile rings well condemning "evil nazis" for using mean words.


Would literally block all Tor onion services.
Whoever submitted this ticket has no fucking idea what they're doing.


What a fucking world we live in.
What a time to be alive.

Tor alternative?

Tor is a UK project. Just look how corrupt the high officials are.
Mfw, people using Tor think they're safe. They're already being spied on by pedos.

don't pretend like you've ever used it


As they are anonymous, I guarantee you these efforts to block the Stormer is initiated by non-whites.

If they were known, they'd be virtue signalling about it on Twitter.

Unironically I honestly never been so disgusted by someone virtue signaling this hard and I never gave a shit about alt right or anything

>the government doesn't own tor

When we started trying to track down pedophiles and expose them.

um yeah. onion routing doesn't work like that. this ticket was made by a complete retard

>implying this is Sup Forums's fault not /sg/

Basically when /sg/ decided to become domestic terrorists.

Atleast we aren't racist at /sg/.

Fbi/cia/Fags etc whatever already have all the nodes on file. They don't take action unless they're 100% certain they have no need for a node.

Every node has been compromised several years back. The only thing the causes problems for undercover operations is when anons begin taking down websites and services. It causes problems for investigators and gives the criminals time to escape.

Good luck. Anyone can set up a relay not to do that

there will always be retard asking devs to implement retarded things.

>Hi, I'm new to the Go language and am quite enjoying working with it. But I came across one interface that made me stop - http.Hijacker.
>Seriously?!? "Hijacker"?
>With the political and historical connotations of that word, couldn't someone have stopped and wondered if it was a good idea to name an interface "Hijacker"? The interface has probably been around for awhile with that name and no objection, but I can't help but object to it!
>Y'know, every time I see that word, I think about the pieces of paper that floated around my Brooklyn garden one horrible September afternoon. That's why I object to the word being so trivialized.!topic/golang-nuts/sN6BFoli5GE

and then you get fucktards who start listening to them like mozilla or now tor

>now tor


>open tor and start downloading hundreds of cp videos and bomb making tutorials
>decide to go through my tor cp collection for a good fap
>start jerking off to my fav vid of a 4 year old girl getting gangfucked in all 9 holes by 9 different men
>i notice with great horror that one of the men has a swatstika tattoo
>moments later i hear a metallic object thunk the ground and start rolling towards me
>what the f-
>wake up in an interrogation room surrounded by fbi, cia, dod, mib, etc.
>they don’t even bother playing good cop
>start torturing me, demanding where i got this racist bigot transphobic paraphernalia on TOR
>tell them some child porn site called The Shekeloli
>they apologize and free me after i clarified i just wanted to see child rape and how to make bombs and get away with murder and abduct children without getting caught and only came upon the wrongthought my accident

This kills the Tor project.

We truly are living in clown world

>Tor alternative?

Use Tails.

I spoke with dedicated4me to see what they'll tollerate, and they're down to host shit like the daily stomer