Ouch...that really hits home huh


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are we still doing the pepe-thing?

Can the mods ban that image please

>tfw 200-year old slave-owning german frogposter

Frogposters begone

Can the mods ban love live.


If you were born in 1817 you would be too old to fight in the Civil War

but we won in 2016


Well the #Resistance is winning now chump

I'm triggered. This image is very bigoted towards pepe. Plz delete this.

Why don't they include communists in the list?

They really are in a war against a cartoon frog and they think they can get the glory of the greatest generation.

Except Trump won the election.

OP's pic doesn't work.

Losers in 1924


Because communists never believe they are losers and always believe that they are first ever true communists.

Of course, the opposite of what they believe is true.

Except Trump is in the White House.

the people that come up with this shit are fucking retards

Shhhh, you're ruining OP's narrative.

>they chose a cartoon toad as an emblem/logo


What about 1778?

Third time's the charm.

No they're not.

What's the last symbol?

>a millionaire and Democratic presidential nominee brought it up during a speech

even more hilarious

Where's the Jacobins, Spanish """Republicans""", and Soviets?

What about communism in 1989

a battles is not a war. wtf is goy


goy war

>they choose dicks in their butts and AIDS in their bloodstream.

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. Sad!

You guys literally accomplish nothing.

>oh wow we stand outside with signs
>lol we hurt a police officer and a couple of Nazis. This must be what D-Day felt like
>haha we took down a statue. It felt better than winning World War I!

We memed a President into office. You will never outdo that. You're too afraid to do the big things because you know it fail. But you'll pass off a 2 hour event as a victory because you "participated." And most of your victories are due to other people because you're too powerless to do it yourselves.

Holy shit leftists being represented by Uncle Sam makes me laff. Leftists only started caring about muh American values when trump became president

the alt-left will be the first murdered by the jew commies and they have no idea.

I want that snek to step on me.

Rare pepe

Stop replying to obvious raid and larp threads like these and get useful threads like these running

Your big mostly symbolic victories are meaningless.

As a part of the left, we control:
>all mainstream media institutions
>all of academia
>all of the entertainment industry
>all of your child's educational curriculum
>the moral high ground within society (nobody will ever grant someone trying to dismantle the concept of "racism" the moral high ground)
>almost all of the government created jobs within the past 60 years have went to our left wing constituency
>all the major tech corporations that are now kicking you guys off their platforms
>the big cities, so if you guys want to protest the police won't protect you because the mayors of big cities are almost always liberal
>judicial activists all over the country

So keep gloating about one minor road bump on our way to total victory, the demographics are on our side, we have entrenched interests within every federal department, the establishments of both political parties are working towards our aims. Trump is powerless, even if he wants something done our entrenched interests simply don't enforce it. You're finished, and the fight was finished decades ago, you're just living in the implementation stages now.

I don't bump them anyway
You replied as much as I did


Except for that part where we got the President elected in a landslide.

he didnt say he fought but he was a slave owner

I want to fuck this snek

also sage

The new flag of the right.


We fucking hate #Resistance liberals, dumbass

These people obviously don't have a clue if they think pepe is exclusively some sort of neonazi symbol. Eejits.


The right still lost.


>January 19, 1807

>lost in 1865
Eurofag here (not Portuguese). However, question: didn't the Dems loose in 1865?

How the hell did Pepe the frog lose in 2017? Last time I checked, Hillary Clinton wasn't elected as president.

I'm confused. Are you saying Lee actually fought?

Cause he didn't. He led.

He was at the battles
That means he fought

Nigger lover

It's not? Was J.K. Rowling right?

>mods please ban he hurt my fufus
this is not your safespace stupid nazi, back to stormfront.

Meanwhile, we control
>the military
>the entire south
>just about every healthy testosterone-level white man with a gun
So feel free to keep pushing accelerationism, makes our job that much easier.

>We control the media
>we control the schools
>idealism over pragmatism
>morality over self-preservation
>Tech industry
They control you, you moron.
Do you think the kikes that run these things are actually liberals? No, they believe that you are goyim, human cattle and they are gods chosen people. Or if they are not jewish they believe you are nothing, you are fucking worthless worker ants that exist to slave away for them.

They use liberalism, and then aggravate the different races, cultures, political groups etc. to be at eachothers throats. They will destroy our race, and society so as to ensure we don't organise and over throw these people as we have done in the past and the usurers can continue to pilfer the tax payers money.

5% every year, print more money, more debt, more real goods and services being used to pay interest on money that does not exist.
Living standards go down, social mobility gets harder, buying power decreases due to inflation.

Right now 8 people own more money than half the world and it is only getting worse.
These are the people that fund these institutions, that you think are the good guys, you think they're on your side so you're right.

One day you will wake up in a slum, not a pot to piss in as your wages won't cover shit any more and wonder what happened as 10 thousand bankers that have stolen all of the resources, all of the wealth, live in their walled off community, but hey you were morally superior, and they're evil cunts that now rule over you.

What a day that was

>Losers of 2016

They'll be the losers when theyre all arrested for terrorism and treason soon get BTFO


>Being this clueless

He did fight, in fact he always fought at the front until his men forced him back in fear of him getting killed

The entire world is capitalist apart from dystopian hellholes like argentina and north korea.

The right only loses socially, but the whole world is economically right leaning.

This is the most incorrect blarga ever shat out of a communist's fingertips. If you think for one millisecond that we won't just frame, bomb, murder, torture, and otherwise exterminate you if we ever actually feel threatened rather than entertained, you're sorely mistaken. I would happily peel the flesh from a screaming child's bones if that's what it takes to send the message of how seriously fed up white people are with this antifa faggot nonsense. We are 10:1 infiltrating your "resistance", we have the authority of the state and God on our side, and already something grand set up to counter the false flag next weekend that you won't be able to recover from. Cheers, liberal scum!

don't like froggys?

not even auggyfroggys?

this is not your safespace stupid nazi, back to stormfront.

To clarify:
Owners of the private central banks that loan money to the government use fractional reserve banking to bleed the country dry.
These people use their power and wealth to influence: The media, the schooling system, the government, the commercial and investment banks and the police force.

What you hear as the 'mainstream' viewpoint is what they want it to be, and they aren't exactly humanitarians. They literally caused the wars in Iraq and Syria to get central banks in them, so I doubt they're the 'good' guys.
Take from that what you will and think about what the end result of these policies you want to implement are long term, and why they might want them to happen
