I bet you fucking plebs haven't even read my book

I bet you fucking plebs haven't even read my book
Can you refute my arguments in any way?

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>It was when the old man died and his heirs took over. There were three of them, two sons and a daughter, and they brought a new plan to run the factory. They let us vote on it, too, and everybody—almost everybody—voted for it. We didn't know. We thought it was good. No, that's not true, either. We thought that we were supposed to think it was good. The plan was that everybody in the factory would work according to his ability, but would be paid according to his need.

>What's whose ability and which of whose needs comes first? When it's all one pot, you can't let any man decide what his own needs are, can you? If you did, he might claim that he needs a yacht—and if his feelings are all you have to go by, he might prove it, too. Why not? If it's not right for me to own a car until I've worked myself into a hospital ward, earning a car for every loafer and every naked savage on earth—why can't he demand a yacht from me, too, if I still have the ability not to have collapsed?

>It took us just one meeting to discover that we had become beggars—rotten, whining, sniveling beggars, all of us, because no man could claim his pay as his rightful earning, he had no rights and no earnings, his work didn't belong to him, it belonged to 'the family', and they owed him nothing in return, and the only claim he had on them was his 'need'—so he had to beg in public for relief from his needs, like any lousy moocher, listing all his troubles and miseries, down to his patched drawers and his wife's head colds, hoping that 'the family' would throw him the alms. He had to claim miseries, because it's miseries, not work, that had become the coin of the realm—so it turned into a contest between six thousand panhandlers, each claiming that his need was worse than his brother's. How else could it be done? Do you care to guess what happened, what sort of men kept quiet, feeling shame, and what sort got away with the jackpot?

>When all the decent pleasures are forbidden, there's always ways to get the rotten ones. You don't break into grocery stores after dark and you don't pick your fellow's pockets to buy classical symphonies or fishing tackle, but if it's to get stinking drunk and forget—you do.

>Any man who tried to play straight, had to refuse himself everything. He lost his taste for any pleasure, he hated to smoke a nickel's worth of tobacco or chew a stick of gum, worrying whether somebody had more need for that nickel. He felt ashamed of every mouthful of food he swallowed, wondering whose weary nights of overtime had paid for it, knowing that his food was not his by right, miserably wishing to be cheated rather than to cheat, to be a sucker, but not a blood-sucker. He wouldn't marry, he wouldn't help his folks back home, he wouldn't put an extra burden on 'the family.' Besides, if he still had some sort of sense of responsibility, he couldn't marry or bring children into the world, when he could plan nothing, promise nothing, count on nothing. But the shiftless and irresponsible had a field day of it. They bred babies, they got girls into trouble, they dragged in every worthless relative they had from all over the country, every unmarried pregnant sister, for an extra 'disability allowance,' they got more sicknesses than any doctor could disprove, they ruined their clothing, their furniture, their homes—what the hell, 'the family' was paying for it! They found more ways of getting in 'need' than the rest of us could ever imagine—they developed a special skill for it, which was the only ability they showed.

>God help us, ma'am! Do you see what we saw? We saw that we'd been given a law to live by, a moral law, they called it, which punished those who observed it—for observing it. The more you tried to live up to it, the more you suffered; the more you cheated it, the bigger reward you got.

>The guff gave us a chance to pass off as virtue something that we'd be ashamed to admit otherwise. There wasn't a man voting for it who didn't think that under a setup of this kind he'd muscle in on the profits of the men abler than himself. There wasn't a man rich and smart enough but that he didn't think that somebody was richer and smarter, and this plan would give him a share of his better's wealth and brain. But while he was thinking that he'd get unearned benefits from the men above, he forgot about the men below who'd get unearned benefits, too. He forgot about all his inferiors who'd rush to drain him just as he hoped to drain his superiors. The worker who liked the idea that his need entitled him to a limousine like his boss's, forgot that every bum and beggar on earth would come howling that their need entitled them to an icebox like his own. That was our real motive when we voted—that was the truth of it—but we didn't like to think it, so the less we liked it, the louder we yelled about our love for the common good.

>What good would our need do to a power plant when its generators stopped because of our defective engines? What good would it do to a man caught on an operating table when the electric light went out? What good would it do to the passengers of a plane when its motor failed in mid-air? And if they bought our product, not because of its merit, but because of our need, would that be the good, the right, the moral thing to do for the owner of that power plant, the surgeon in that hospital, the maker of that plane? Yet this was the moral law that the professors and leaders and thinkers had wanted to establish all over the earth. If this is what it did in a single small town where we all knew one another, do you care to think what it would do on a world scale?


"We must abolish religion"

>is a cryptoJew
>takes all the Worker's money and disappears with it

John Galtposting is the best response to commies

>I bet you fucking plebs haven't even read my book
>Can you refute my arguments in any way?

no need, the ones to argue with you are in their mass graves from starvation.

i offer to you a grocery store as my own personal argument.

Here you go, commie. You are refuted.


Op getting blasted on in real time holy shit

>Marx believed that only through the working classes cooperating could they overturn capitalism and establish a socialist society
>Marx violently feuded with practically every other major and minor socialist figure of note he interacted with, to the point he threatened to kill several of them

Remind me why you listen to this guy?
>"politics =/= personality!"

Yeah well remember that the next time you're crowing over some evangelical getting outed for cheating on his wife or fucking a guy


I read "Wage Labor and Capital" but I don't see how it refutes capitalism? People will get more oppressed by the ruling class over time but so what? It still works better than your system.



: *

Liberal pussies hate Ayn Rand because they don't like a girl giving them a reality enema. You need to check your male privilege and understand that womyn's opinions aren't to be discounted.

Lets play a game of who has only read the latter

I consider my self a communist and don't agree with Marx in some ways desu

>who needs arguments when I have witty quips


get purged then right wing recidivist

Communism is a technological revolution.
Done with technology we don't have.
Antifa is useless and if anything you fucks will start the experiment again EARLY and FUCK IT ALL UP.
Former experiments included turning men into slaves, cogs of the machine.
Later experiments should including building slaves called ROBOTS or MACHINES to do all the work.
This labor done by machines is divided up equally amongst humanity.
The socialist or even extreme communist system would not be fought for, or argued over, or FORCED.
It would be nothing else, if not a necessity.
People will cry out for a system of government to organize the labor yields and distribute them of the machines.
And no one died. And no one fought. And no one suffered.
And this destination is reached by Capitalism.
For GREED makes men motivated to make wonderful things. A powerful driving force for the human machine.
And once the proper technological revolution occurs, we shall have a new order.
For activists interested in Communism or Socialism, you should not dye your hair pink, or make your stupid face into a pin cushion. You should not burn cars and beat people up and fill up water bottles with urine.
For the technological revolution must happen for you to ever get your way you idiot children.
Otherwise you'll start the experiment early and then the technological revolution won't happen. Men won't invent. Men won't work.
And YOU WILL FAIL. You stupid babies.

Ayn Rand literally has no qualifications for economic commentary. She is praised by (((them))) for being so fucking retarded to write an entire novel praising their system.

Capitalism does not exist. The only inevitable outcome is (((Crony Capitalism))), where Lobbyists dictate the market and the rules.

What a stupid fucking flag for a stupid post.


>Ayn Rand literally has no qualifications for economic commentary.

What, you mean like a penis? You are sexist.

He was a Rothschild/banker plant. Control both sides.

I would have to find the paper that I wrote where I cited that the nature of man is to always seek leadership and to create tiers, even in a communist society. I believe my final statement was that such a society would create inequality by disincentivizing people from gaining a useful skill.

I argued that eventually you would create a class of unskilled people who would still expect to eat and a class of contributors who would expect more for their contribution.t

Also, what user who quoted Ayn Rand said.

>Ayn Rand literally has no qualifications for economic commentary.
considering that she was at least involved in running businesses, she has more of a qualification than Hitler

>She is praised by (((them)))
almost never. Jews hate Ayn Rand for denouncing cultural Marxism

Can your followers make an argument in any way? Everyone I've talked to suggests they cant/

Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.

Read more here: farleftwatch.com/2017/07/26/far-left-militia-training-for-guerrilla-warfare/

You are neckbeard autist NEET

I haven't read his books but its not hard to understand what he advocates.

Enjoy getting purged because you disagree with Dear Leader on some minor detail in the next Five Year Plan

>who is Jevons
>who is Menger
>who is Walras
>what is the marginal revolution
>why is the labor theory of value gay

The soviet prison system has hardly anything to do with the philosophy of Marx.

>be required to enforce Marx's ideology on people
>had hardly anything to do with the philosophy of Marx
just once (1nce) can a communist not post something brain meltingly retarded.

Jews never denounce rand for promoting (((individualism))) though. Strangely enough, her inner circle was entirely heebs. Collectivism for us, individualism for the goyim?

>Darwin’s work is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle.

peak intelligence + empathy broski

>The soviet prison system has hardly anything to do with the philosophy of Marx.


What else do you expect will happen to the thousands of "reactionaries" after the revolution is successful?

Almost every other avowed socialist online hates "porkies" with a passion that would make a crusader or a jihadist blush, I honestly doubt that if you were successful you'd simply let bygones be bygones as long as they promised to behave themselves and not try to undermine the system

Have you read Mein Kampf or the Doctrine of Fascism?

they pretty much denounce all of objectvism. Individualism is the logical conclusion of a philosophy that holds a man's intelligence as the greatest value
>Collectivism for us, individualism for the goyim?
I don't know why you think that forming groups out of your own self-interest isn't individualist. You're either being intentionally disingenuous or you don't understand very much about Objectivism other than memes and "muh Jews"

Have you read my book? Try to refute these arguments. They aren't based on opinion and speculation like yours. They're based on facts, about people like (((you))) and the things you ALWAYS do.


because those books r mean & 'scary' & their cool university (yooney) friends aren't reading them
the mean knotsie book will sissy TF me into Richie Spence via schutzstaffel mind control
who needs objectivity when u got confirmation bias

Who decides what to produce
How many products
Which products
Who invents
Who decides what's good or not
Who decides who does what
Who moves the stuff from country to country
Are the people on the countries ok with their stuff being taken to another place ?

>Who decides what to produce
>How many products
>Which products
>Who invents
>Who decides what's good or not
>Who decides who does what
>Who moves the stuff from country to country
>Are the people on the countries ok with their stuff being taken to another place ?



So like what we have now?
>goy btfo

So according to your answer, do you think we should move to another system even though is just the same?

>implying I think the current system is better

Goy, please. They ALWAYS win, no matter the system. The difference being that in your system we go straight to the last stage of subversion where they pilfer all the wealth and kill off the best goyim.

Just look at Russia now. A nation of alcoholized brutes who can barely squat like proper Slavs.

>whao humans are inherently good lmao
>im a fat bitch son of a rich Rabbinic family dude i can totally sympathize with all the proletariat

Communism is Judaism. Its why it has never worked, just like the Jewish Religion.

Kapital is 1000 pages of corn formulas

Nigger we know you can't write. Sage

>Just look at Russia now. A nation of alcoholized brutes who can barely squat like proper Slavs.

Friendly reminder that Lenin and Trotsky were opposed to using alcohol taxes to fund industrial development within the Soviet state, while Stalin advocated it

Friendly reminder that they're a nation of halftards and drunks because the majority of their intellectual stock were murdered by Bolsheviks.

Whether or not you want to admit it intelligence and behavior are largely genetic in origin and when you obliterate a group's tendency to produce those traits you end up with a subservient slave class. Jews know this which is why they're trying to bastardized every Western nation with savage DNA.

This dude didn't move a finger his entire life,pretentious cunt
His first 2 children died of hunger
Let that sink in for a moment

Sorry but I read actual radicals like Mitt Romney or Kat Timpf

First half of book
>Here's how all the worst problems in the world happen throughout history.

Second half
>Just do this wacky shit I'm coming up with and all of the words problems will be solved.

So you took a guy from academia who said he would solve poverty war etc with a few pages in a book (buy now 9.99.) And you believed him? its literally a fucking cult.

>John Rogers
>hmm which great liberal thinker is this
>it's the screenwriter of Catwoman

A hack wants to live off government dole, what a surprise.


i'd hardly call 30 pages a book!

Das Kapital, faggot