Serious discussion: Why did they lose? What was the mistake they brought their demise...

Serious discussion: Why did they lose? What was the mistake they brought their demise? Would should they had done differently for a better outcome?

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Shouldn't have fucked with Russia or The USA.


Hitler was a socialist
socialists are loser

personally i think they should have aimed toward peace after France was knocked out. Keeping the status quo was the best option.

Continue running normally for a few years as a shining example to the rest of world.
Assist Mosley as much as possible to secure an ally, Stall for the Italians and Spanish to recover and prepare for war.

Unfortunately, they underestimated how much power the Jews have.

Didn't see any higher ups formally sign surrender papers as Japan did. Did you research the war at all? Know anything about operation paperclip?

Even after they killed 6 million jews, you somehow still blame hitlers downfall on...the jews.

This should show you how deluded you people really are. Please wake up.

expansionist wars of agression was a mistake

They didnt kill 6 million jews retard

Having to bail out Mussolini didn't help at all. Not saying they would have won but Italy wasn't much of an ally and they got bogged down in the balkans and needed help. Italy was barely worth a shit as an ally and Japan was so far away. It was really Germany vs the world. Having any ally and support would have gone along way. Looking at you eternal anglo...

The same mistake america is making now. They fought for control in too many other nations and the world teamed up on them.

This is happening in america too except instead of other nations teaming up on us their colored citizens are immigrating here and fucking us up

Goering deciding to focus bomber efforts on cities and forcing 109s into escorting the bombers from up close rather than letting them fly freely.
An invasion of the UK wouldn't even have been necessary, just mantaining aerial superiority over the southern/midlands UK would have been enough. An invasion of the UK actually would probably have been even more costly than any other western European campaign. Also had the Italians not been as completely fucking incompetent and worthless as they were the Germans would have had a few more months in Russia/Barbarossa would have started earlier and they wouldn't get fucked by the rasputitsa as soon as they did, which gives them a chance to push the Soviets back to the Urals and out of relevance. Irkutsk and Vladivostok by themselves wouldn't have been enough to do anything serious.

They lost because they had a top-down leadership hierarchy. Because they were an authoritarian state.

They should have reinstalled monarchy.exe

I think war with the US at least was always an inevitability.

Even in 1940 FDR was meeting secretly with Churchill to assure him that he was doing everything he could to promote US intervention in Europe

Just a friendly reminder for all you people here.

>Mostly ever US solder lived in regret after they found out why they were really in germany for

>The same US vets went home after the way and beat down niggers during (((the civil rights))) era

>The same US ww2 vets joined kkk and white nationalist groups and discovered the truth.

I cant even imagine how sad those guys were. The jews tricked our boys to attack whites simply for having pride in themselves and trying to protect the white race.

Think about this for a second. for years and years up until ww2 white nationalism was always on the winning side of history.

you will not find single white looking person that isnt a jew that thought niggers were even human before the civil rights era and you wont be able to find a single white person that support civil rights out side of jews during that time.

It was only until 1970 that white nationalism was shamed and became taboo, but its stuck with us its embedded in the older generation still.

We will win.

>resource depletion
>multi front wars
>focused efforts on killing Jews
>attached allies
>over extension of military forces

Hitler replaced competent generals with his nazi yes-men circlejerk and didn't listen to those that stayed and warned him of the many mistakes he committed such as :

- letting the british army flee from Dunkirk for "psychological war" purposes
- diverting resources to prioritize the extermination of indesirables over the war
- attacking Russia, ever.

Hitler was a savvy politician but a military strategist he was not.

They tried to expand their empire too quickly.

Going into Russia during the winter was a pretty big miscalculation.

Also, they failed to be the first country with an atomic bomb. If they had done that alone, and had a plane to deliver one anywhere they wanted, the entire world would have gotten on their knees.

>Mostly ever US solder lived in regret after they found out why they were really in germany for

Nope, I had 13 Great Uncles serve in WW2. Only two served in the Pacific theater. The other 11 were pretty much uniform opinion that the German people are pieces of shit and had it coming. Almost all of them hated Germans to their very core. They hated Communist just slightly less and gloated about how the Russians used Germany like slaves and were sad when the wall came down because they knew Germany would fuck Europe up again somehow. They're all dead now but their prognostication is pretty on point.

>The jews tricked our boys to attack whites

Germany declared war on the USA. How were "your boys" supposed to react?

Who gives a shit?

Kinda hard to uphold fascism when the glorious leader, the keystone of the entire operation, is a literal military autist.

Should've waited until he controlled the entirety of Western Europe before taking on the USSR

They lost because they had shit tons of powerful enemies who didn't want another competitor

Hitler thought he knew better than his generals. His mishandling of Normandy is infuriating.

They wasted resources managing internment camps
They were net losses

They were ether jews or brain washed by jews, no white person in their right mind we be against what germany was fighting for.

I promise you your uncles did not really know what was happening if they actually thought that. Ether that or they werent white. highly doubt they were liberals. No one was except jews back then.

Too few against too many

They lost because they took on the two largest manufacturing superpowers in the world. Wars aren't won by tactics, wars are fought and lost purely on logistics.

Both the United States and the USSR individually had more capability to put armaments on the battle field than the Axis powers had combined. There really was no stopping the two. Hitler hoped he could do enough damage in Barbarossa to halt the Soviet manufacturing power, but he never got there. The Japanese hoped they could destroy the American fleet at Pearl Harbor to delay enough so they could hold on to their gains, not necessarily defeat the USA. Landing and defeating a giant country poses giant logistical problems, the only way to defeat the USA in conventional warfare would be to hope they wear down the public's willingness to continue a fight, which would never happen if someone stole our lands.

Long story short, they lost because they didn't have the manufacturing capabilities.

>Assist Mosley as much as possible to secure an ally
Fucking this.

Hitler's biggest mistake was thinking that Britain had no ill will towards Germany after WWI. He should have known better and postponed his imperial ambitions until he knew for sure Britain would comply.

>Keeping the status quo was the best option.

Impossible because the Nazi state was built on the ideology of conquest

Third reich was fucked from the start

>personally i think they should have aimed toward peace after France was knocked out. Keeping the status quo was the best option.
They did. They repeatedly sent peace offerings to Britain. Hell, Rudolf Hess (Deputy Fuhrer) flew to Scotland to try and get into contact with Churchill to offer peace. Churchill locked him up for the rest of the war and never showed the peace deals to the British public.
>Six million Jews
Good goy
This dumb 'Attacked Russia during winter meme' Do you know what season it is in Russia on the 22nd of June (Which is when Operation Barbarossa was launched) It's Summer, literally one day after the beginning of summer which begins in Russia on the 21st. Winter starts on the 21st of December. Did you expect Hitler to go: 'Alright meine soldaten, ve are going home now because of winter but ve will definitely be back next year in Spring! Expect us!'


They likely would have won the war had they not fucked up there.

Getting entrenched in that city was Hitler's fatal mistake.

>they killed 6 million jews
Oh sweetie they never killed them you have a lot to learn

>loses to another authoritarian state

Yeah, I'm sure he just knocked out a world power in six weeks on accident.


>Why did they lose? What was the mistake they brought their demise?
they managed to circumvent the western theory of economics which said your money had to be backed by gold which was owned by international bankers.

Germany began issuing its own money, and within 2 years unemployment was zero, they had a stable currency, no debt, no inflation, and managed to restore foreign trade (despite international banker's denials of foreign credit to Germany) via bartering systems that cut the bankers out of the picture even moreso. Those systems had the benefit of eliminating national debt and foreign trade deficits.
tldr germany was a cancer in the colon of the international banking community, and thus WW2 happened.

Hitler was a great politician, but a terrible commander.

He didn't garner the blessing of the Anglo.

1.They should have attempted to conscript the Russian peasants that viewed then as liberators.
2. Should have had no mercy at Dunkirk.
3. Should never have gone for Stalingrad/Moscow with winter approaching.

Those are the big ones. Researching nukes fervently might have also paid off.

Not break their non-aggression pact with Russia for a start

Traitorous generals trying to return Germany to Prussian rule.

As I said, there were still competent officers in the german army left over from the Weimar Republic. The most disastrous decisions of the war were all his, however.

Actually, yes. That is what happened. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

They rejected God

>they didn't have the manufacturing capabilities

Just to expand a tiny bit on that.
They didn't have the manufacturing/production capabilities because both countries (Germany and Japan) are extremely poor in natural resources (energy as well as metal).
Even food.

Hitler underestimated the USSR. He thought it was an unstable regime which would implode once he invaded. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Stalin was too successful in liquidating his political opposition. And Hitler should have concentrated his forces in the North and taken Moscow.

>They should have attempted to conscript the Russian peasants that viewed then as liberators
They did do this.

Choose a better partner than Italy.

You're retarded.

Hitler tried to offer peace terms to the French during the 'phoney war' before he overran France with his tanks. The thing about the Allies was that they were resolved from day one that National Socialist Germany could not be allowed to exist. It wasn't about Germany's aggression, it was about the fact that Germany was pursuing a different political economy and would not integrate itself into the bankers' international system.

They could have taken Russia if not for US funding. The soviets covered up their losses just at the battle for Moscow for many many years because it was such a huge amount.

Hitler was obsessed with keeping the quality of life high back home so they didnt fully mobilize for total war until it was far too late.

Honestly considering how close they were to defeating the soviets i think that wouldve made the difference

Even if he could have seen the future, I'm not sure what Hitler could have done much differently. I mean, if they avoided the war entirely, he would still have the bankers against him on one side and the Soviets on the other. And the Soviets did have ambitions to invade Europe.

Not only that but on the second day of the invasion of Poland Hitler offered to withdraw from Poland and pay for all damages if the British would oversee the transfer of Danzig and the plebiscite over Pomeralia like he asked them to.

>Hitler should have concentrated his forces in the North and taken Moscow.
The Kiev military district, if bypassed, would have left over 500k troops sittign on Guderian's right flank and the German 2nd infantry army was hung up in front of them (especially around Gomel)... to leave that garrison on the flank is to invite disaster. Guderian's right flank would have stretched for hundreds of miles and that would have left them spread too thin to defend and keep the lines stable.

>Germany declared war on the USA.
USA was already in the war in all but name with it's armament programme.

>t. Jew

You sound like an even-minded and reasonable person who does not have an agenda.

Not enough fashy Chad grooves.

the war's not over yet, my friend. =)

I heard on Lindybeige's channel that the German troops were given meth during the invasion of France. The halt that Hitler forced before Dunkirk was in part to give the soldiers some rest because they'd all come down.

This. Many historians have directly concluded that will the decision was the right one it was more or less over in the Ukraine. Hitler wins but loses taking Moscow and ultimately loses. But his decision was a necessary one.

I have a dumbass question for all y'all.

Was Germany cool with Japan's plan of bombing Peal Harbor? Did they know of it and approve of it ahead of time?

Hitler hated the USA. He thought it was a degenerate half-judaized half-negrified country.

Well ok yeah, but did he explicitly approve of Japan's plan?

Roosevelt for his part hated Hitler and Germany. During a sickness in 1936 or 37 he apparently exclaimed that he would like to put a bullet through Hitler's brain. I don't think Hitler knew about Japan's attack beforehand. But like all his other decisions he took a wager on the outcome. This wager (Declaring war on the US) did not bear fruit.

Hitler's real mistake was launching Typhoon immediately after clearing the Kiev pocket. Obviously, the groundpounders of the Reich were pretty tired and depleted by the time they secured Kiev, but they weren't totally spent.

Hitler should have ordered all forces to dig in on the Oka River, which was fortified and turned into a prime defensive fighting position during the time that Guderian and Hoth were out and about. It was such a well fortified and defended position that it held for two years after Typhoon and aided in German counterattacks during Operation Mars.

Essentially, if Hitler had ordered the line to be held at Oka during the winter, it would have forced the commies to either launch a headfirst assault into an almost impenetrable line, during the middle of winter, or wait until Spring like Germany would, while knowing that Germany would be recollecting itself for another effort.

1. Wiped out Dunkirk
2. Taken favorable terms with UK
3. Asked Japan not to start anything with the US
4. Declared on Russia sooner or not at all, not after they were mass producing tanks.

2 billion vs 70 million over 7 years with 5 super hot. They were supermen.

Oh sweetie...

Dont start a two front war and dont start bombing Cities instead of airfields during the battle of Britten.

GLP faggot.

Illiterate Jew.

hate the sub-human not the country

You're full of shit.

51% of american soldiers supported the nazi party with the exception of invading other countries, 60% of american soldiers approved of Germans in general.


hitler should have slaughter the british when he had the chance, and he shouldnt have wasted so much time sueing for peace with the west. also he shouldnt have declared war on america regardless of his treaty with japan.

Whoops, sorry, meant that for the idiot here
that claimed US soldiers didn't like germans.

He's basing that on (((movies))) he's seen.

battle on too many fronts
they had america beat
they broke the non aggression pact with russia and stretched them too thin

>Why did they lose? What was the mistake they brought their demise?
They were wrong in thinking the aryan race is superior. Jews have the highest IQ than any race and are always prominent members of any society. Jews are master race

I think this was part of Hitler's own 'doing it all' mentality. Over reaching and overly ambitious. Not to say those aren't good traits but applied in delicate situations like war where one battle can shift the outcome... well yeah. However from what I remember from the book 'Hitler's War on Russia' by a former SS member, I'm pretty sure Hitler's generals insisted on taking Moscow and Hitler felt he owed them for stopping them before to turn to the Ukraine.


We can all be armchair generals in regards to the Eastern Front, but the reality of the situation is unless Germany could knock out the Soviet Union before Lend-Lease came into play, the war was lost. Germany couldn't produce enough war material to win in a game of attrition.

Also not declaring war on the USA.

Personally I think that involved taking Moscow and the liquidation of the Soviet leadership, not the destruction of the Soviet armies per say.

There is no way that America or Great Britain was prepared to endure the casualties that the Soviet Union endured to destroy Germany.

But then again there is the nuclear program in the USA. The crazed (((internationalists))) in the USA would have used it on Germany.

As for Japan, the only hope for them was to destroy the aircraft carriers at Pearl Harbor or at the Battle of the Coral Sea, and then make peace before America's industrial might came online.

Italy not going full retard in the Balkans/North Africa would have been a nice touch as well.

They thought Tesla was successful in his mission.

Hitler and Germany understood that in a quick short war they would always come out on top but against any of the major power, resource rich empires of the world in a prolonged conflict and they would lose. Hitler knew the longer the war progressed the more favourable Britain's position became as she stockpiled resources while Germany's already limited supply of everything dwindled to nothing. Additionally the longer the war lasted the more discontent there would be in the German population and the chances of another great power joining the war (Like the USA or USSR) grew ever greater.

Turn that around. Why would they have won? The Nazis had no realistic endgame. The swastika was a cross of axes. They kept trying to push out, until they were guaranteed to lose. Russia to the East, the Allies to the West, an incompetent intelligence apparatus, plus Italy surrendering, and then for bonus beats, Yugoslavia bleeding them out.

The Nazis could have stayed in power if they'd just left well enough alone. They should have proved Neville Chamberlain right: they should have just taken the Sudetenland and kept things to a dull roar.

>Being this fucking new
Despite Germany sending numerous offers of peace to Britain throughout the war? Despite letting the Allied forces escape Dunkirk as a sign of goodwill? And the war with Poland shouldn't have even happened, honestly. Hitler didn't want to take over Poland, he wanted the Danzig corridor. He promised to give Poland a shit ton of land from the Soviets and wanted to be in the Anti-Comitern Pact with them. Lurk more faggot.

It might have been a character defect, he might have had legitimate strategic considerations being made when he decided to launch Typhoon instantly.

Personally, I think going for Moscow would have been a good idea, but only if they waited until Spring and recuped a bit at the Oka line prior to doing so. Anything before Spring results in (under optimal circumstances) an exhausted fighting force that lacks the mobility and quantity required to encircle the city, and they'd just get sucked into another street fight where german troops fight house to house and take massive casualties. Sound familiar?

They did not lose. After Germany invented time travel they found out humanity would come to an end due to a massive extinction event.

Exterminating jews prevented that from happening, but knowing they would be forever labeled war criminals, they decided to go a thousand year in the future and enjoy 3k tech and full dive virtual anime tiddies.

Russia is where empires go to die.

Source: history


> overly ambitious

Dude was hopped up on amphetamines, vibrating like a tuning fork.

He was also the poster child for the Peter Principle: a great public speaker who failed as a generalissimo. Some good judgment in earlier battles does not translate into overall success. Before long, he had picked fights that he not only couldn't win, but which he couldn't back down from without triggering further failure. Adolf Hitler ultimately failed his people, who were later divided for decades, half of whom living under communism, and who only later succeeded in spite of the setbacks he had created.

Not invading Russia immediately after taking France and not wasting time with Britain

they were pretty much fucked after dunkirk. if hitler would have taken the british army, then immediately begun unrestricted bombing of england followed by a paratroop invasion, war would have been over. hitler had this autistic fantasy about an alliance with england

Should have researched a long range bomber and flattened British industry into submission, while using ground forces to seize Gibraltar and Egypt/Suez Canal as early as 1940.

Also pressure harder for Spain and turkey to join axis.

Don't mess with Russia until you've defeated England.

wait, i thought it was 7 million, wtf is up with that? were they counting people twice

>Why did they lose?

They underestimated the evil of the Jew.