Holy......... you nazis better wathc out

holy......... you nazis better wathc out

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YLYL: Socialist Revolution Edition

I unironically hope this becomes a thing.


This is the end...

Time for a witch burning, I guess

Why do they want so badly for us to hate them?

all their clothes were made in China

>liberals appropriating Tarot Cards

All the cards have a distinctly Western / Christian meaning behind them.

"Wouldn't is be sooooo cool if we....."




If they weigh the same as a duck then are they witches?

Gotta gib props to the last one, that's some sick lettering.

Nice burkas. Pointy.

just like your MAGA hats

May Kek curse them with STDs

Do they realize that a real witch uses love and hate in his/her spells so they are literally just playing dress up and saying ooh i'm spooky and that makes me fearful when they are literally white rural city shits that are npcs who will never even leave the fire of their own anxiety

Fucking pathetic actually

maga hats have always been made in america you fucking tard.


>no hate
>hates white supremacy
Really made me think...

So it's war.

Don't go starting a war you can't finish. Trump is a grand wizard of the black arts. The level of sorcery you are about to unleash is legendary.



Witches got rekt by meme magic when they tried their weird garbage..

I'll create a hex of mass goo in their womb. Wiggly woo, I summon a penis spew!

as a level 23 ultrawarlock, these faggots are nuffn

Females want to be put in their place. To me this makes the green troll just look like a beta cuck, and makes the muslim look alpha delivering his slap

Muslims have witches

Did they forget what happened last time they tried this shit?

Could perchance these witches hex the fags to be heterosexual and turn the nonwhites into ashes? Seeing as there are no male "witches" we'll need other means to put down the authoritative women who want to be more powerful than men.

tfw witch fetish


Yeah, they were so effective during the Christianization of the West and the Islamization of the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia, and the development of Zoroastrianism, and Judaism.

better witch

Suffer not the witch to live.

There are no good witches.



fat dykes in halloween costumes scary

>tfw nobody realizes it's next to impossible to females to actually be witches

you have to have some pretty strong fucking willpower, and that doesn't normally occur in females unless you live in oklahoma.

"They start from the fringe; and work their way in."

The fact that the agenda is trying to grab attention from the 'magic' community at all is both terrifying and funny as fuck. On the off-OFF chance one of the goofballs actually does a spell or science experiment right; we would have a whole new can of worms to deal with.


We Doom nao, motherfuckers. Nothing good can come from tampering with magic.

I hear they burn better than jews

Based Nazi hunter bro, I got your back bro

>alt-left start dressing like the KKK

this fucking timeline


literally Harry Potter analogies for modern politics

It's funny. They all hide their faces yet I know for a fact everyone under those masks are 4-5/10 white girls

>born too late to explore the world
>Born too early to explore the stars
>Born just in time to watch antifa witches battle kkk wizards

I want to kill myself so badly, but it's all just so captivating.

This is what /x/ looks like and its hot.

>implying those weren't witches infiltrating antifa to give info to our wizards

That's some extreme Larping


Sheeeiiit. Any more of these?

I begin to understand why in the good old days European men were burning women alive

He's wearing an ASS hat but that does not make him the asshat himself but merely the wearer of the ass hat.

What are those witches gonna do when the klan wizards summon forth the Grand Dragon?