Welp, the notion of the classy, enlightened, civilized, professional...

Welp, the notion of the classy, enlightened, civilized, professional, emotionally mature White Man has gone down the crapper

Obama was everything you said a white guy is, and Trump is everything you said a black guy is.

Trump was elected to advance the cause of White Nationalism, but no president in history has harmed the White Man's image more. He is truly the first nigger president.

Good job getting manipulated by big money & big media user.

Get fucked gullible moron.

Obama was a sociopath. Only an idiot such as yourself couldn't see through his acting and facade.

Quite the accusation. What evidence do you have?

so you're saying is that Obama is basically the thing all iberals hate, but libs only love him for the color of his skin?

how noble they are, Dr King would be ashamed of his people and yours for having the message he died for fall to ruin in less then 100 years.

liberals don't hate people who act professionally, that's a right wing fiction

What sort of crack are you on?

Trump is a White Man
- good at logistics
- manages land
- build large structures
- good at business
- rich

Obama is an academic. He doesn't do White Man shit.

The white males who make the White Man look bad are those that don't exert confidence and power.

You got it backward. You are ignorant of the White Man.

I totally agree. If Trump was black, the brainwashed on here would recognize his behavior

Sure they don't liar. Look up Malcom x.

Trump truly is the niggest of the nigs.

Obama is also rich.

>implying Obama is black

white mom, raised by a chink in Hawaii of all places --> he's knows nothing of the black experience other than what he's read in a book

The Chinese, Muslims don't fear white women, SJWs, white cuck bois, or blacks.

They only respect and fear the White Man. The White Man is the only thing standing in the way of Muslim or Chinese world domination.

Obama got no respect from North Korea. The fucker perfected his nukes while the US was run by a black dude.

American white liberals are still butthurt that Putin never bowed down to Obama and then cucked him in Crimea.

You shot yourself in the foo the moment you said Obama was everything a white man is

Why is he not your enemy then, if but for the color of his skin? you're little more then a puppet already, what hope do you have to even extract yourself from the indoctrination you've enjoyed your entire life?

Ask yourself this.

If the country is so overwhelmingly against trump, so overwhelmingly against these "nazi" boogeymen. If they are so few and so weak.

Why are you so fearful of them? Why silence their right to speak their mind? Do you have so little faith in your ability to reason that you think you'll be bewitched by their logic? that they might CONVINCE you?

Such faith you have in your supposedly won war.

the fact that he bombed the shit out of people, destabilized and ruined countries, furthered race divide?

Who does OP's image label Obama as a "Black man"? His mother was white. Obama is neither black nor white. He is mulatto.

>why is he not your enemy then
not everyone thinks like you

Obama is half white you dumb faggot.

>waah obama bombed ppl waahh
>"ya fug the niggers and non whites. gas the kikes lol im so funny" - every WN and Trump supporter

kill urself! kindly and thankyou!

>words and opinions are the same as literal death

no new kike has ever been gassed since 1945

go suck a dick, leaf

slide thread
sage goes in all fields

but he's clearly acting like a nigger.

uh huh, yeah North Korea 'respects' trump that's why You barely heard a peep out of North Korea compared to the loud mouth bullshit every damn day from them since turmp got elected. Sure .

Obama's dad was from Blackest africa, His mom is white, that makes him about as black as 90 percent of niggers in America

Friendly reminder every "Death Camp" that was ever inspected by western forces was downgraded to a concentration camp.

>We couldn't cremate the bodies as fast as the nazi's supposedly did with todays technology.

Trump is a fat degenerate who should not be emulated (well maybe in business) but i hope he is a stepping stone towards a better leader. At least that is the way I look at it.

He's not the same type of rich. Obama didn't make his money in business, stocks, banking.

The dude didn't even go into the moneymaking branches of law.

And he's gotten wealthy post-presidency from rich white dudes paying him to show up at events.

They backed off.

went to the funeral of 5 slain police officers and shilled black lives matter, essentially blaming them for being shot by a crazy nigger.

his business sense wasn't great either. If he'd put his 40-year-old million dollar loan into an index fund and just let it bake he'd be worth more today than he is.