Ok Sup Forums I used to be a centralist. Now I realized that compromise will never happen. Never...

Ok Sup Forums I used to be a centralist. Now I realized that compromise will never happen. Never, only one side will win the other will be crushed harder than the Aztecs got crushed.

So now I have to make a choice. Marxist Liberalism or Nazi Fascism.

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What if you move away from the authoritarian side of the spectrum?

Are those even represented in politics?

In more democratic nations than America you can vote for more than two parties.

Nazism all the way. Marx is a literall jew. Everything but top-right is kosher, y'know civic nationalism is such a redpill. Time to go hard, no other way.

centrist until civil war then nazi all the way BBY!!!

Being a Centrist is not about compromise you fucking nigger. It's about understanding the complexities of the world.

Be sure to choose dictatorship it's the only one that works.

>Marxist Liberalism
jesus christ you niggers are dumb

fucking read a book instead of just reading the internet like a bunch of cuck niggers, ffs


big government fag detected
the only people who want marxism or nazism are brainlet losers who can't make anything of themselves, so they want the government to do it for them. Have fun with that boot on your neck retard

Nazism is facism for plebs

What's wrong with hard Jew? Maybe it's the best way to keep things stable. I think Jews are pretty smart maybe they are good leaders.

"... Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets..."

"... The real work is done by the Jew, and can only be done by them, as they monopolize the machinery of the loanmongering mysteries by concentrating their energies upon the barter trade in securities..."

- Karl Marx, "The Russian Loan"

"... What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Money is the jealous God of Israel, before which no other god may exist... "

- Karl Marx, the Communist Manifesto

"It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes of Egypt, assuming that his mother of grandmother had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a perculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like."

- Letter from Marx to Engels in 1862

Kill yourself

Liberalism has been infiltrated and over taken by subversive cultural marxism.

Classical liberalism is dead.

>So now I have to make a choice.
i assume you have come to this conclusion because you 'found' someone.
Describe him/her to us, user.

If i was to read one thing about marxist thought what should it be?

Thanks for the confirmation that the internet turns people into retards. It's amazing what you can think you learn when you "learn" it online!

>choice between lefty degeneracy or lefty statism

>inb4 50 posts of muh natsoc isn't leftism

Tor k

>In more democratic nations than America you can vote for more than two parties.
Top kek.

Fundamentally, marxist material and nazist material are similar in every way. The problem with modern communists is that they don't read their own ideological material.

Thats where you are wrong. Cultural Marxism has become really a thing in the past five Years. Before it was not much present.

I have seen how the Media have started to promoting the new agenda. It spreads like a virus. I have seen the same before, with other Ideologies. But this is some vicious shit that spreads across the entire spectrum of thought and worldview.

It must be fought. It must be destroyed.

There can be no compromise. This is one thing i learned from interaction with leftists.

How are those trannies and pedos treating you?

become a monarchist. we need a fucking king

only ashkenazis are smart jews, the other are literal arab subhumans, and jews are greedy by nature plus they only serve their "god" (satan). they literally believe everything HAS to belong to the jews this is clearly stated in their holy book, hence you see communism a jewish invention in which the state holds all of the property and where the individual is not recognized.

>checks out
fuck off (((christ cuck)))
jews literally put your shitty religion into europe

No you don't you dumb nigger. Just stick to what you think is right. The US is not actually at the brink of a civil war despite what Sup Forums claims

t. schlomo goldberg

The constitutional republic can only work as long as everyone plays their part and the institutions are upheld.
When one side flips the board and the institutions sell out then the game is over. The illusion of a fair game is gone and the left are playing a new game while the right tries to cry foul.
We either play our own game or watch the left stack the new board.

>fuck off (((christ cuck)))
>jews literally put your shitty religion into europe
Nice level of argumentation. People under the nazi flag are truly intellectuals, nice banter genosse.

marxist liberalism is an oxymoron if you go by the definition of classic liberal. They have nothing in common.

But I saw info graphs saying the Jews run everything and did all these big complicated schemes. You must be pretty smart to do that!


>Fundamentally, marxist material and nazist material are similar in every way. The problem with modern communists is that they don't read their own ideological material.
And the ones that do read it go so far up their own arse they become conceited pricks. I have a Facebook friend and it's all pseudo intellectual bullshit he posts. Non of his shit gets shit done. He is always complaining about life. It's a geg. Pick related I post this regularly on his feed. He said he thought it was hegelian satire or some shit.

sounds gay

>Nice meme

Now that I know "what" you are, and what your trying to do. I know how to stop you and what you want. Oh yeah btw....C eye A has really really shitty taste in memes.

Wouldn't know. They're not allowed in my covenant community, on pain of physical removal and/or death for violation of the NAP and property rights.

Of course they run everything! See the history of Frankfurt School hooktube.com/watch?v=SXSvdGxylY8
and how they settled in (((America))) a country build by the premise of building a slaved country. Believing america is "free" is the biggest lie you have ever swallowed. You are slave to the capital and you know it.
This is where we have to change it, The (((Alt-Right))) literally made by CIA niggers doesn't accept National Socialism and Facsim, and why is that you ask? because it literally destroys the j*wish narrative.

Nice arguments yourself commie, I bet communism really did a number on your country

Why do you think everyone hates Nazism, it's because it's a system they would never own, that why (((they))) don't want it, and that's why everyones shunned it.

Yes this, but I dont understand how the libertarian can successfully compete with the subversion from the left.
AnCap would work though.

If you're concerned about the economy, National Socialism works in the short run, but requires great returns in order to function in the long term.

If i recall correctly, Hitler essentially withdraw taxes from big industry, in return for said industries working on projects he requested (e.g. the autobahn/highway)

Also the Marxists are against white majority, which will lower average IQ as compared with whites, and lower prosperity - unless the new population is East Asian/some SE Asian populations.

Tbh, if NatSoc just meant deporting first generation Hispanic migrants it wouldn't be that bad - it's what the allies did to Germans in Poland after WW2.


your quads compel me to tell you that your comment applies to christianity more than nazism

>how the libertarian can successfully compete with the subversion from the left.
They can't, they've already been subverted. It's best to abandon the libertarian title at this point, because the effort required to take back that word is better spent elsewhere. At best, there is the option of qualifying it as "right wing libertarianism". Or better yet, making the ideological leap to glorious ancap.

Additionally, if NatSoc merely meant exclusively Caucasian/East Asian migration, it wouldn't be too bad.

Of course, there's the obvious drawback of having people who believe that genocide is permissible in power, and unnecessary war. Also you'd receive virtually exclusive condemnation, and your switch to authoritarianism would seem especially hypocritical after the regime changes across the world.

>only one side will win
>draw a line...picks a side
>picks between all the sides that always lose to the bankers

It really isn't. If your view of Christianity is being a ethno-nationalist country turning down democracy, hey I all down for it, just don't say Christianity is European, because it isn't. The only reason religion exists is to keep the community and the family together, and for the behavior of the women.

Isn't "capitial=evil" the Marxist thing?

And what's wrong with it anyway. I love the stuff I buy, just wish I had more of it lol

nazi fascism, no question. fuck commies.

you're picking ism's over Freedom.
You're American.Yours is FREEDOM
jesus christ..
what the fuck happened to this country.
It's not ism. it's not ist. it's FREEDOM.

no, just kidding.
Trump's with the russians! and MERKEL!
you guys are fucked! hahahahahahaha
((((its the jews))))
nigger nigger nigger!

Yeah, of course you like it, that's why shopping is a nasty addiction, they want more and more because they (the goys) think that gives them power and a status amongst the (((elite))) which is truly a big lie. it's consumerism at it finest.
Here is the problem is see with Sup Forums and the approach to them with antifa, they hate them just cause communism but the majority of them hates them because they're leftists. They're truly against capitalism, which Nazism is against too, but they're commies which Nazism is against too. And capitalism is really just an elitist system for the wealthy, They are running the chain of command, and that's where the money goes.

It's really not an option at this point. Are you against the tyranny of the jewish people? You ought to become a Nazi. Everywhere you look you find yourself with controlled opposition.

Your freedom and democracy is currupt and is degenerating western values to the point it is directly affecting oir children. So fuck off patriot, until you actually prove you can fix a country by voting I will continue to believe it has been subverted beyond repair. Hows the swamp? Canada has one too, so does every other western country.

You havn't said what's bad about any of this. Do you not enjoy the things you buy? Isn't capitilism what puts food on your table.

And what's wrong with Jewish rulers? I think the only thing that matters is if the rulers are strong.

Centrism is not about compromise you illiterate inbreed, it's about choosing the best idea regardless of its political spectrum origin. As in, you can be both anti-gay and pro-abortion or pro-gun ownership and pro-big government at the same time.

Fucking idiot 12 year olds.

Nazism is pleb tier fascism, research falangism and legionarism

What if you don't oversimplify.
Our society now is centrist.
Delusionals claiming america is left-wing are morons.
People wondering why scarred old murrica isn't happy about tiki-marches and Hitler salutes on its own soil are morons.

>You havn't said what's bad about any of this. Do you not enjoy the things you buy? Isn't capitilism what puts food on your table.
This is what they want you to believe that it is ok to feel good when you buy things you have worked for, (it kinda is but not in the capitalistic way, because you will never gain anything but short term satisfaction from it) and if you think only capitalism can put food on your table, well, you simply wrong, communism COULD put food on your table but because it never works and humans are greedy by nature and want to protect their privacy this never works.

>And what's wrong with Jewish rulers? I think the only thing that matters is if the rulers are strong.
Yeah, rulers need to be strong and hard on the people which jews really aren't, you never see any degeneracy (feminism, multiculturalism) pushed on other countries that are not western countries, and that's where you see that it doesn't even make sense and it's just a bullshit move to wipe out the white race which are the only capable of competing with the jews.
I'm all for competition but once you get from making a perfect world for European countries to World domination, that's where you have to draw the line.

Jews are in for world domination no matter the cost and the European only want the best for the West. That's why the statement that normies make when they say Hitler wanted the entire world blonde and blue eyed it's pure bullshit he only wanted the best for Evropa! That's what we should strive for, and that's what the jews want to destroy.

Well buying things gives me happiness in both the long and short term. What's your plan for putting food on the table?

>Jews are in for world domination no matter the cost and the European only want the best for the West

But aren't Jews Europian?

>But aren't Jews Europian?
No, they're arabs.
And my plan and always has been cultivating my own food, not monsanto bullshit and supporting local butcher and bakery.

And well, if you think buying things gives you gratification, I can't do anything about that, just think if that's a natural way to go.

>And my plan and always has been cultivating my own food,

So you own a farm and grow everything yourself? Veggies and the animals?

What about all the other things capitilism gives you, like the computer you are using and the house?

>No, they're arabs
Don't see how you reach that conclusion. Have you seen a Jew? they are pretty similar to the Greeks whom everyone regards as the founding whites.

>Marxist liberalism
This is an oxymoron. I think you need to read a bit more before making your choice.