The JQ conspiracy is entirely conjecture

What hard evidence do you have other than misinterpreted statistics/evidence of Jewish people working in top banking positions and other positions of power. This can easily be explain by using the same logic/reasoning Sup Forums uses re: black people. Jewish people on average have higher IQs, and many of those with higher IQs are very high; white people are somewhere in the middle, with a similar distribution, and no significantly lower average IQ - just fewer with very high IQs; black people have the lowest average IQs and very few have high enough IQs to be competent at such positions occupied largely by Jewish or white people. What global Jewry so-to-speak is there?

And the holocaust denial is literally the dumbest shit I have ever heard of - as bad as flat earth and reptilian shapeshifter conspiracies.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumb for interest

So what's wrong with killing them all?

Jews are a meme faggot
they don't even exist anymore

Dont east asians have high IQ as well? But you never see them as the head of western companies or have high level government posts in western countries like Jews.

ive the same position as op, im also interested in replies

East asians have an average IQ of 105. Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 115. It's a fairly significant difference

Surely someone can refute OP


There are several statistics that proves exactly what you want to deny. The numbers are there and not up to interpretation.
With regard to holocaust, yed a kot of jews died, when they were set to do the same manual labor as normal germans. The Jewish race is simply unfit for any real labor, which is why they are literally forced to be in more leach like positions in order to survive.

The high IQ meme is absurd, If it was based soley on whom has the highest IQ White people would fill all those positions, If not the majority of those positions, as there are millions more Whites with genius level IQs in America than there are Jews with a genius level IQ

Yet Hollywood, federal reserve/banking, media is all exclusively Jewish owned and Jewish run. The acceptance rates to Ivy league schools is grossly in favour of Jews, relative to Whites with similar/better scores. Thats because of Jewish favouritism, and a deliberate agenda by the Jews to dominate a country and bend it to its will.

There are more Whites than Jews at every IQ level because we outnumber them 30 to 1. Therefore the "Jews control most major companies, government offices and academia because they are smarter than Whites" argument falls flat on its face.

op does have a point

the reason they move to the top of white societies is because they are more intelligent

thats why jews are at the top of both the left and right political movements

but still, there is proof that there are a subset of jews who do want to flood europe with third worlders which is a problem

Source on 115 IQ that wasn't a Jew controlled study? All the non bias ones I have seen say they have around a 104 IQ


Seirously? Google AIPAC, The Israel Lobby, a book by members of the CFR, or the 800 pound gorilla lobbying. Here even have this wikileaks email. Zionists literally control our foreign policy.


Who is our ((greatest ally))

>the reason they move to the top of white societies is because they are more intelligent

The only fact that matters is whether or not they are harmful to The West.

As the most persecuted group in history, Jews have come to support individualism and political and economic freedom. If the world would share these values the Jews simply wouldn't be persecuted. These values also seem to be responsible for success in the economic sector, displayed by not only the success of the Jews but the success America had when it still bide by these values. Now they have been infected by European slave morality and collectivism and are seeing the impact of it in their economy as it slowly takes over.


As someone who has put in considerable amount of time looking into 21st century scientific racism, I don't think that is the case. Assuming that intelligence follows a normal distribution, there are more jews at the highest levels of IQ than there are goyims. That is even despite the difference in population sizes

Culture of Critique

that's not just jews, though. Sure some people who happen to rich and jewish may advocate third worlders into european countries, but there are many rich whites doing this as well, for economic gain. Its because third worlders are retarded and can be exploited for little to no money, rich people make profit without having to pay much.

Okay, I think every country should be ethnostate outside USA. Everyone can go to USA. A country for french, for russian, etc is absolutely ok. USA is mixed shithole.

it's time for jewpardy!
>who's been kicked out of countries 109 times?
>who invented usury?
>who owns the banks profiting from usury?
>who were the oppressors in the weimar republic?
>who where the oppressors in bolshevik russia?
>who took over highly controversial religious land with no fucks given?
>who killed jesus?
>who owns the media trying to destroy our president?
>who is pushing multiculturalism?
>who is pushing mass immigration?
>who owns 80% of the porn industry?
>who is paying for Black Lives Matter?
>who is paying for antifa?

They divide us by fear. Prospect of nuclear war brings down the collective conciousness by bringing down our hopes.... Truth is that hope means nothing without action. Want to live in peace? Act toward peace instead of just saying you want it for you, your family, and your neighbor.

Heres the truth behind all the tricks. Spend 3 days watching each three segments as you fall asleep

They are fake jews

israel knows how much we fucking lied about what happened to the nazis prisoners in the "death camps"


youre right, many are harmful.

but i was trying to make the point that "right wing jews" like milo, ben shapiro, ezra levant, etc. are not "controlled opposition" placed there specifically by an international jewry. they really are conservatives/libertarians, but they rose to the top because they are more intelligent than whites who also happen to be libertarian/conservative.

yes many whites also do this, but because jews are the "other" they are noticed more and blamed when they also do it.

>government takes money from people who work, gives it to people who dont, so they can give it to corporations
fuck that bullshit

>jews and commies (also jews)
>jews and workers (workers who fallen for the jewish lies)
>jews but I am all for it
>romans, jews could have saved him but they didn't
>probably jews, I would need more about this
>merkel and sweden
>dunno, maybe George Soros, who is coincidentally a jew

It doesn't matter if there's a 'conspiracy' or not. Jews are a super tight in-group who consider themselves Chosen by God, and see non-Jews as livestock who must toil for Jews. The result of this is what you see around you today.

Ezra Levant et al are there to attempt to stop the goyim from moving any further right than civic nationalism.

so many (((coincidences)))

and he goes silent lol.

The population difference IS that big.

>tldr: jews

Can you elaborate on media controlled by (((them))). I am sure they are but don't have enough proofs.

i disagree. i think he actually is a libertarian/conservative/nationalist- but definitely not a "white" ethno-nationalist. there was no conspiracy to place him there to lead whites astray. the reason his business became successful is because he is intelligent and there are no ethno-nationalist white canadians who have tried to create the internet journalist empire like he has.

i even convinced my 56 yr old mom about the jq in 15 minutes
10 minutes of "the greatest story never told"
5 minutes on researching answers for


Kek, I love these plebbit blow ins. They don't understand that we get banned from there not because we're offensive but cos we don't behave properly.

I wonder how many of them throw their communist flag away after their 3rd to 4th raid here..

Betcha the companies recording the (((Iq tests))) have a slight bias towards.. nose

must be new here
learn to spot a jew, whether through appearance, name, religion. they are diverse...its not fucking coincidence
maybe someone will post the cnn/nbc meme for you

The JQ isn't a theory, it's a fucking question you dumb kike.

The question being what role is assumed by a Jewish minority within a gentile majority nation.

I know about stein, berg etc. I just need to find jews in the media.


not to mention those who are jews by race but not religion, who have somewhat opposing goals, but only in so far as if one side loses something the other side gains, like a cancer on the tumor type shit. sorry if im not eloquent enough but im sleepy

>there are no ethno-nationalist whites who have tried to create the internet journalist empire like he has
Yes there are, however (((Ezra))) is not banned from all funding platforms and credit card processors. Rebbe Media is not banned from the internet itself by google, godaddy, cloudfare and ICANN.

Ethnonationalism is hugely popular among males aged 15-35 (coveted demo for certain companies) and has been shown to be profitable. The Daily Stormer was receiving 20k euros a month before their patreon got shoah'd.


Merkel is a Jew, although whether shes a Goy or not is irrelevant anyway, she serves the Jew founded EU population replacement plan thus the Jews are responsible

I re-checked my normal distribution calculations, and turns out that I was wrong. But the ratio is still fairly close, with about 2 goys per jew at the highest levels (the gap narrows the further you go from the average). I don't know how that compares to the amount of jews in high places though

And even that is only accounting for thin hereditarianism. If one accepts thick hereditarianism then there would be bigger gaps than IQ alone would suggest. Then again I suppose thick hereditarianism isn't well accepted

Lenin was a jew, but didn't knew it. Marx was jew who was baptized. It is not coincidence. The only communist revolutions without jews were in Mongolia and Bulgaria - in Bulgaria most of the jews were traumatized past Holocaust and in Mongolia there were no jews. Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Germany - everywhere was lead by jews.

>there are literally TWICE as many high-IQ Whites as Jews and yet Jews are over-represented in all high-IQ fields aside from hard sciences
B-but this isn't evidence of a Jewish conspiracy or anything guys!

Jews being smart isn't the problem. The problem is that they have backwards views from their Jew culture & they push it when in positions of power. When you look at how Jews run business (America) vs how Asians run things, it's clear that Jewish way doesn't work.

you literally cant make this shit up

Do you have any statistics on Jewish over-representation? Any solid numbers? I know they're over-represented per capita but what about in absolute numbers?

Have the CNN kike starter kit.

Yeah and Al Gore said the fucking sea would have risen by meters and all that. Which companies took the tests, owned by who? (Hard mode human owner, not hedge fund)

It's all just made up crap to feed an agenda, everyone is equal in God's eyes. Jews own banking, media, politics and they're like 0.1% of the population.

Probability wise shouldn't poos and Chinks be running everything and the smartest?

Did they test that autistic kid in India who can recite the entirety of wikipedia?

Get a news employment chart.
In news, it's something like 95:1

Go check out the Harvard enrollment numbers. Maximum nepotism in the US.

>Yale University’s undergrad student body is 27 percent Jewish (1,500 Jewish undergrads out of 5,477 total). Percentage-wise, it narrowly beats out its Ivy League rival Harvard University, which is 25 percent Jewish (1,675 out of 6,694 undergrads).

Source: The mother-fucking Jerusalem Post


By the definition of Darwinism the unironic Nazi's follow, the Jews should be the supreme race. They have an average IQ of 115 thats fucking ridiculously high. If you support racial supremacy, how the hell do you explain this? Seriously, I know white/aryan IQs are extremely high as well, but it is still inferior to Jews. I am confused, help me understand.

Any actual nazis feel free to correct me on this one as I'm not actually a fascist, however from what I've heard from others is that they aren't so much about "racial superiority" per se as they are segregation and allowing different races to continue to exist in their own way and culture.

lmao white people are on the way out, enjoy paying for your people's history, you won't be missed

The average Jewish IQ is roughly equivalent to east Asians and certain European ethnic groups (like genuine Germans). Also, I don't believe an NSDAP spokesperson ever state that the Aryan race was the most intelligent.

Additionally, being the most intelligent does not mean you have the best genetic fitness.

meant to quote

IQ is a pretty solid concept, and Sup Forums has no trouble accepting this when it comes to the white-black IQ gap. If you wanna show that there is some kind of pro-jewish bias there then by all means go for it.

As for the chinks and poos, it depends. I don't know how many of them there are i the west and if they are a representative sample

I seriously doubt the intelligence of the people who run MSM

hence mutually mortal enemies
also see christians vs jews
why do you think no one else is fighting them?

I am not sure about how solid is IQ. When I was 12 I made one of these IQ tests, didn't really knew what I was doing and shit hit 130. So I am sceptical about it.

also higher iqs / less population
asians excluded, they know they need numbers

Yes, affirmative action is absolutely fucked. It shouldn't be used at all but if it us, then Jews should have their own category. Now they compete in the white category which gives them massive advantage. I agree with you a hundred percent here, that system needs to go

>They have an average IQ of 115
israel average IQ is 90-95
>no you see im talking about this very specific type of jew with high european admixture
there has never been a legit IQ study on ashkenazi. prove me wrong

That is slightly more rational. I don't believe in supremacy but I understand extreme cultural differences, its quite apparent.

Can someone give me link to free IQ test?

This article covers the basics of IQ research

Because pol is full of spam bots sperging catch phrases and no specific hook threads around.

You should read the game, it covers this stuff really well - what people go for based on previous experience. Like a comedian's routine, it's just visual noise that has equal parts conflict as it does circle jerk.

You're just skim reading and missing the anti Iq test posters or refusing to talk in serious details. For example; why would anyone take some random study seriously?

Apparently lots of things are proven scientifically but the irl evidence contradicts that scientific proof. Like the risks of SSRI meds, etc.

The lingering question in this subject is why is such a small group so over represented in certain fields? I don't think iq tests really elaborate on that question, besides presenting easily manipulated stats.

your score is below 60 if you cant find one

Either way, Jews would have to dominate an IQ hierarchy or else this wouldn't be possible. You cannot subvert a social structure without a high IQ. People who are manipulative and influential have higher IQs. I mean look to the Nuremberg trials, all the Nazi commanders had ridiculous IQs, they were social and political masters. What makes you think Jews are different?

higher iq means theyre plotting even harder than other races

Sort of,
there was a significant population of jews in Mongolia. I'm pretty sure it had the most jews in Central Asia during the Russian revolution. Then the white russians (the political group White Russians vs Red Russians) came and killed them all and the rest flee'd.

>I seriously doubt the intelligence of the people who run MSM

That's a very stupid thing to do. Your run of the mill journalist or anchor might be stupid, but the people telling them what to say most definitely are not

I just ran the #'s on Yale. Jews are fucking over everybody. Holy fuck.

Whites are 72% (~8900), of that, Jews are 60%. Your #'s are only slightly above us Asians.

>dumbest shit I have ever heard of
Yet, you find it necessary to have set aside time in your busy schedule rabbi to stop by and warn us about our wasting of our time. How considerate of you.

whatever, found one.

Most of the anti-IQ stuff is bullshit that comes from butthurt libruls. I've read all of it, I just don't think it's valid

MSM reputation is tanking


couldn't help myself


Even if their power is simply the result of IQ difference and not nepotistic tribal in-group preference among Jews, why should we be okay with a hostile out-group being in control of the most powerful institutions in the US? I'm not an IQ nationalist, I'm a white nationalist

But one can practice iq tests to score high, this should be standard practice if applying for banking jobs etc.

There's a lot of dumb cunts around, so there's no denying that - but it's a little too much like the size of the usa on NASA's globe photos.. gets bigger and smaller by the decade

If you are purely a white nationalist this is rational, however, if you are a supremacist this is highly illogical.


what's this from?

>however from what I've heard from others is that they aren't so much about "racial superiority" per se as they are segregation and allowing different races to continue to exist in their own way and culture.
Basically, different races and cultures can't reach their apex if they're mixed. All people should seek to better their people.

> outright censorship

and human rights violations, both

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.

only the ashkenazi jews have a reportedly higher IQ than whites - and even then that "study" was very shady. many of the jews in positions of power are admittedly not of the ashkenazi tribe. you have this information, now go research it

I read a lot of the sjws were actually born men, so they're nu/chicks advocating a whole new gender I guess