Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I'm fairly liberal I guess but not too concerned with politics. I basically just want to be left alone to live a peaceful life and in exchange I can leave other people alone to live theirs.

But I'm pretty curious about your way of thinking, especially all the white nationalist stuff, and I wonder how someone can grow to hold some of these beliefs that seem pretty insane to me.

So please, redpill me. Show me the smoking guns that prove racism is good and the jews are evil, etc etc

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It's very simple. Rural and suburban people just haven't evolved yet. The urban areas are patiently waiting for them to enter the 20th century.

Pretty funny post but does not really help me. I want to stress that I'm not looking for an argument, just genuinely curious

Read the Bellcurve
IQ has nothing to do with the environment and is all biological. Adoption studies prove this.

>I basically just want to be left alone to live a peaceful life and in exchange I can leave other people alone to live theirs.
try achieving that with left wing politics. try achieving that in a non white multicultural shithole with an exploding birth rate.

Try to live a peaceful life in a majority black neighborhood.

Personal pride. Pride in your nation or culture. Grow a spine and stand up to the guilt tripping manipulators trying to brow beat you into hating yourself.
Racism isn't good or bad, it just exists naturally and shouldn't be demonized. How can the races get along if they are not able to speak to each other about their differences?

Do you have any more information on these genetic factors on hand or should I check out the source?

My neighborhood is about 50/50 and it's honestly fine. I'm on the outskirts of a mid sized city in the Mid-Atlantic south

Can you go into more detail? I don't personally feel that these things are a threat (or a boon) to my way of life.

>Personal pride. Pride in your nation or culture. Grow a spine and stand up to the guilt tripping manipulators trying to brow beat you into hating yourself.
>Racism isn't good or bad, it just exists naturally and shouldn't be demonized. How can the races get along if they are not able to speak to each other about their differences?

I don't hate myself at all. Like I said, I just want to live my life and I don't see a problem with letting others do the same by staying out of their way. I have no pride in my nation or my culture. I'm not particularly opposed to or ashamed of my nation/culture, I guess I just don't identify with it much.

The so-called "Jews" are not the Hebrew Israelites of the Old Testament, but rather Turkish converts Rabbinic Judaism who were conquered by Huns around the 8th century. Afterward migrating into Europe where their schemes and conniving moral system helped gain control of the monetary system, and later the entire world's wealth.

You should have summoned a nigger hate thread

Can you provide examples or even just a few books on the subject? Would prefer credible material, I have lots of downtime at work.

Sorry I don't understand. I'm new to Sup Forums and haven't posted on Sup Forums in general for a few years




If you'd rather read, try On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther

Preciate it user, I'll check these out during the week

I'll bump one more time in case someone else wants to come through with some info

Hey just letting you know it seems the authors of this study have called its results inconclusive due to confounding factors. Still reading about it but thought I'd let you know. Whatever your political views I think we should all promote solid info

Probably best thread in a long while on POL no reddit fags screaming shill and no far reaching conspiracy theories have a bump

Yeah, if this is bait then this dude is putting way too much effort into it. Otherwise, it's someone wanting to have a legitimate dialogue about the unspoken issues in our country, which is a good thing.

Not bait at all. Reading the free sample of On the Jews by Luther as we speak. Only 3 bucks, so I'll buy if it's interesting enough.

Although your skittishness makes me wonder what kinds of interactions you guys usually have with liberals, lol. I don't want to jerk myself off too much but I'm secure enough to research another viewpoint and hold back my tears, even if I wind up still disagreeing with it.

Basically we were like you once, but then society broke the law of "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" very fucking aggressively.
Turns out that was the plan for decades

Honestly, was probably the same a few years back. I wasn't concerned at all with politics, just wanted to live life and be okay with everyone.
But white people have become demonized - they really have. And eventually you'll meet someone who expects you repay them for what someone else did to their race. And personally, I feel that's unfair.
My experience with being redpilled has mainly come from my liberal uni and the use of misinformation in my degree (journalism) and I find that everything is biased against whites. So I came looking for answers and this is where I ended up.
You have to stand up for your race. Muslim invasion in Europe is a real thing - our white culture is being destroyed, and white beliefs are no longer considered to be of importance.
This is just my personal view, if you have any questions I'm happy to answer.

Check the source. Always check the source. Don't even ask.

How so? What happened to you that broke you, and what should I be looking out for?

If it helps I'm a straight white male in a medium sized city. I have a decent desk job and disposable income. My social circle is multiracial, but almost entirely male except for one or two people, girlfriends/spouses of male friends, and my own SO.

Obviously because white life is disgusting and needs to be destroyed everywhere on Earth. #FuckWhitePeople

is the average leftist who comes on this site

I can understand being upset if you feel your race is being demonized. I have noticed an uptick in anti-white sentiment, but in my experience they have been frivolous, cheap jokes from equally frivolous sources (white people think mayonnaise is spicy, vapid articles about how Blues Clues embodies white privilege, etc).

Like I said earlier I don't particularly identify with my race or my culture very much, so maybe that's why it doesn't bother me. I don't know if I can ask this question without coming off as rude, but why do you feel your race is a point of pride/should be protected? Is it meant to stay competitive with the solidarity of other races (things like blm for example) or do you suspect that if we as white people don't have a place at the top, other races will use their newfound power to oppress (for lack of a better term--don't want to influence the question with a liberal buzzword) whites?

There's no way he's serious, right?

They messed with my video games

I think the best way too really see how demonized being white has become is read as many news articles as you can and then look for the real information - especially regarding Charlottesville. I'm not a Nazi, and I think it's stupid that people went with Nazi attire. But there were some decent right wingers there, some which got severely injured for 'being white'.
Do you read a lot of history? Or take a look at a lot of white built architecture ? I find this really rousing; and in a way it really inspires me to keep what white people made alive, as well as link back to our ancestors.
It's not rude at all - but my pride and protection comes from what I stated above. White culture has become seemingly a joke for many PoC or liberals. Apparently white culture isn't a thing anymore. And I think our history really should be something we're prideful in. I want to protect that white history and make sure my children live long enough to see that without hating themselves for the 'Crimes' no one in this generation committed. The election of Trump has only made people try to slander more of the injustices in the world on white men especially. White men are not to blame for any other races downfall.

>why do you feel your race is a point of pride/should be protected?
it created michael phelps, a human that has won
I cant believe people think racism is not real and the truth. you get olympic games every 2 years for christsakes and you STILL cant figure out there is differences? it has nothing to do with hate, hate comes from all the dummies playing dumb

I've seen this a lot since I started browsing Sup Forums after the Charlottesville thing. I used to be pretty into games and was just thinking today if Anita Sarkisian somehow accidentally set a series of events into motion that got us where we are today politically

Well said, it feels to me like we're too intruded upon in every aspect of our lives. Including vidya, no good games, no 3rd mods allowed on fps games cos shekels and 'you can't do that with our company logo!'

Our fun is being blocked

I'll agree that white guilt is pretty dumb if you weren't an adult during the Civil rights Era. I was born in the 80s and I refuse to answer for crimes committed in the 1700s by people who may or may not have even been related to me (best I can tell I come from a long line of poor whites with some 20th century European immigrants in the mix later on).

And apart from confederate statues, have there been any other attempts to erase physical evidence of white culture in the us? I'm a little bit ignorant on that subject. And speaking of statues, it seems like a fair compromise to put them in museums or something, but I'm not sure if people would take issue with that.

>I basically just want to be left alone
Who doesn't?
>"white" nationalist
Nationalism is inherently concerned with ethnicity.
>seem pretty insane to me
Then get a time machine and go back to Westphalia in 1648, it's been the standard ever since. Nation states are hardly rare.

I'll look into Westphalia, don't think I'm familiar with it. Can you expand on nationalism being inherently concerned with ethnicity? I think I get it but I'm not sure. Failing that, is there a primer on the virtues of nationalism that you'd recommend?

Wanted to add, I think a huge failure of the left has been its inability to promote racial/gender/orientation equality without coming off as really preachy and condescending, even though I support the message on a fundamental level. and it sounds like I might have that in common with a lot of you.

Westphalian sovereignty.
> Can you expand on nationalism being inherently concerned with ethnicity?
Nationalism is simply extolling the nation as an ideal organizational level, that the boundaries of the state should coincide with those of the nation. No foreign hordes. No empires. Just a free people autonomously running their own shit as they see fit.
It gives the state legitimacy by providing a moral basis for statesmanship. No mandate of heaven needed, no divine right of kings. Just that the state exists to serve the people. That's not the case without birthright. There, you are easily replaced and have no home and no sovereignty. Industry wants lower production costs? Too bad, citizen, we'll be importing a couple million foreigners to drive down your wages. In a country without birthright the state exists to serve the state and so too the people.
Why pay your taxes? Why follow the law? Why enforce it? For the "greater good" of the state or of the people? You'll never see the latter if you let foreigners decide your course of action.

Besides, your founding fathers were "white nationalists". youtube.com/watch?v=c7YzrbeLbJE

This is actually really interesting, and one of the most eloquent defenses of nation I've seen so far. Thanks for taking the time to explain this, and thanks for the video

Glad we agree on that!
The Confed statues are being destroyed by the state - not being put at museums at this stage. They've cancelled some Civil War reenactments in Charlottesville as well. To me, erasing history is a horrible thing to do. And has never ever turned out well for anyone. The statues should stay as respect for how far we've come since the Civil War.
If you're white user, I seriously recommend you take steps too really look into some of these redpills.

I've been making notes and saving videos as I go, so I'll have plenty to read/watch in the near future, and even if I don't end up changing my position much (people rarely do with these things) I'm very grateful for everyone taking the time to share this stuff with me without it devolving into shit-flinging.

From Lincoln's Speech, Sept. 18, 1858.

"While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races -- that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making VOTERS or jurors of negroes, NOR OF QUALIFYING THEM HOLD OFFICE, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any of her man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

What really happened:
>Be Hitler
>attempt to gather all Germans under the unified banner of Nazi Germany
>succeed a number of times - Austria, Sudetenland are united with Germany and joyously celebrate
>all this time Poles are abusing Germans in West Prussia, massacring them in some cases, the Germans of the former German territory plead for Hitler to help
>he liberates the Germans in Poland
>Churchill declares war on Germany despite the USSR invading Poland at the same time

Hitler never wanted war, he attempted to negotiate peace with Britain COUNTLESS times, and Churchill refused.

lincoln was redpilled ???

Some more videos I woke up to.




>I was born in the 80s and I refuse to answer for crimes committed in the 1700s by people who may or may not have even been related to me (best I can tell I come from a long line of poor whites with some 20th century European immigrants in the mix later on).
What background specifically?

Unfortunately, in our age, if you come from a generation of poor whites, even that doesn't count for much when countering the onslaught of white guilt.

In the eyes of people who push this destructive viewpoint, if you are allowed to feel pride for any point of your history, even if not on racial grounds, then you can feel shame for anything that happened in the same period of history, and never hear the end of it.

This rhetoric isn't limited to the US either.

I'm glad for the civil discussion user. I believe in the freedom of speech, and to communicate ideas openly without shilling and what not has been refreshing.
A lot of people come here and leave redpilled. I truly do hope you change your opinion for the sake of the white race - if you don't, so be it. But take heed, eventually things between the races will probably come into conflict, and you'll have to decide where you stand.

Tots we holocausted 1488 trilion germans on 1000% ethnic german lands we stole

You don't have to be a hardline nationalist to see how useful the concept is. Nation states are by far the most common form of state in historically free countries with nearly all exceptions being extremely powerful states that established empires(where it's impossible by definition) and more often than not just temporary deviations. Even leftists see it, their main excuse for the Middle East and Africa being war-torn shitholes being that postcolonial borders don't reflect the demographics. The very same twats who waddle around chanting about how "diversity is our greatest strength".
It's implicitly understood by pretty much everyone to be fucking fantastic. It just seems the natural outcome. Best to avoid needless friction from the onset.

Are you retarded, or just utterly ignorant of the world around you? How many non-white countries embrace some form of liberty? Compare that to white western nations?

When your system of government, and ultimately your society, are determined by democratic vote, and features universal suffrage, demographics matter.