You know they have a point

You know they have a point.

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of curse, all that debris below the monument shouldve been cleaned up a long time ago

They do.

If it wasn't for Abe Lincoln and the Union victory the natives could have had autonomy and had preserved their cultures as part of the Confederacy.

If I went anywhere else in the world and insulted their culture and their country, they'd fucking (try) to beat me up.

>If I went anywhere else in the world and insulted their culture
They didn't go anywhere. They're home.

Are they Native?

It's called scree.

Yeah it's called the point of my knife jamming through that motherfuckers neck

Everyone goes my slavery but the war was about more important things.

>people using their consitutional freedom of speech
>so upset that you want to violently murder them

What is wrong with you?

>all that debris below the monument shouldve been cleaned up a long time ago
don't you know anything about how erosion works? No.

Hope they're not flipping off good ol honest abe, that guy freed the slaves, disrespecting him would be a bit r a c i s t

I bet you cant even name the heads on rushmore tough guy

I literally can't think of a single good thing Native Americans have ever done. Not one thing. I can probably name a few niggers that have done at least SOME good, but I can't say the same for these feather niggers. Hell, I can't even name one.

wrong. it's called american jackhammer trash

I see a bunch of sore losers. What year is it? Indian supremacist are so 1492.

They gave us peyote mane, and tobacco


Checked, and actually now that I think about it, they did help out the first colonists, right? Still, can't think of much else.

no, they have no point. unless they have achieved the same staus, unless they have proved themselved in the fire and the flamed of battle, unless they have survived to live to tell about it: NO. they are ugly do-nothing worhtless nigger tier illegal "i want gibs' mexicans and they have 'no point'. fuck you.

slide thread. watch out boyo's.

Mt Rushmore looks cheap imo.

I'm just getting really sick of turning the other cheek. I wouldn't literally kill him but I would probably beat his ass pretty badly. You live in a country that provides you with an amazing way of life. Yeah it's not perfect but for fucks sake realize that it's a pretty fucking amazing country. They are fat... There are countries with people starving to death with no clothes and the governments does this on purpose. These fucking people have nice clothes, probably a car and on a fucking vacation. Yet fuck this place right.

It just looks tacky. Its a shitty monument.

Actually, not specifically feather niggers, but the ones in Latin America gave us most of our modern crops including Tomatos, potatos, and corn. Not much else though desu

but I was told shared ideals would trump ethnic identity

>immigrants hate America, Americans love America
>immigrants love Germany, Germans hate Germany

you are not the one to talk, Ahmed al-Hamburgi

Washington,jefferson,lincoln and Roosevelt

They absolutely do have a point. The existence of white America, that these men represent, are a reminder to their own people's lost territory which they view as their own.

they look Navajo to me

If they hate it so much, why dont they go live in tents again

Also get rid of them glasses, modern clothes etc

*sips tea*

They look Yuca to me.
Beaner scum.

Give back the hat, glasses, and t-shirts. Stop appropriating my culture

They look butthurt to me


Seems those unjuns need to be scalped.

They did nothing with the land for 10,000 years. If we didn't come here they'd still be hunting for their food with spears. At least when whites take over we build infrastructure and improve the quality of their lives.

What? Mass immigration and demographic replacement is genocidal irreparable destruction of peoples and cultures?

No it's not, it's fucking scree. Go fucking take a geology class. They're awesome :)

Why don't these tobacco niggers build something better than a fucking tent before they go around criticising other people's sculptures.
No your totem pole is not impressive any fag could build that shit.

isn't scree a hot vampire grill in an eroge or something

Looks like someone has been brainwashed by modern education. These browns didn't give us anything. They didn't fucking invent vegetables you dumb burger face.

Ya, we didn't so much as take over and invade your people, but rather gave you a chance to survivor.

Tribal 1400s North America was not a land of happiness, it was constant warfare on a level more primitive than Ancient Greece.Then there was a massive plague that killed almost everyone, worse than the black death in Europe. Then shortly after Europeans discovered Aztecs, and well a second plague killed most of what remained in North America.

Now when the English, Dutch, Spanish, and French arrived in North America, they arrived to empty villages and orchards and just kind of moved in. The Natives had almost no technology, even lacking the wheel (yes, the wheel). They instantly allied with various European groups as their protectorates, and we armed them, gave them horses (they didn't have horses before), taught them complex clothing manufacturing, tools, ect, and paid them to kill their enemies which allied with different European countries.

The reason there are so few Injuns today is because they were breed out. Most of them instantly integrated with the White Man, wearing our cloths, converting to Christianity, and abandoning their primitive tribal ways. That is why so many people on the East Coast are 1/16 Cherokee.

Brave. Powerful.

German-American here, born and raised in the USA.

A USA ruled by these people would be a country that I probably couldn't return to, either because I'd have my citizenship taken away from me when the US Constitution is destroyed or because they would kill me.

As much as I dislike the cult of the Founding Fathers that the Americans have, at least it's a stable system. *I* don't want to live there, but at least there's only sporadic bloodshed in the USA and not open ethnic cleansing of Whites like in Africa, post-colonial Asia, or Latin America.

>immigrants hate America, Americans love America

Second generation immigrants hate America because we have no rights there even though we were born there. You look at Trump, he's a third generation German-American and he became POTUS... by having 10 billion dollars and absolutely no principles. The first thing he did when he got power was take a huge steaming shit on all of the rest of us. He has consistently attacked the political, social, and economic basis for the survival of the people of Germany. It's small wonder why he's so hated here and so loved by the rest of you: the USA is our enemy. If Trump at any point stood up in the White House and said that shit he used to say about how proud he is of his German blood, he would be impeached for sure.

>immigrants love Germany, Germans hate Germany

Because life for immigrants here is far easier than even in the USA. And the Germans hate everything, having never experienced anything else. If you let them live in the USA then they'd end up hating that too.

>Tomatos, potatos, and corn
>They invented these things
>Those staples wouldn't exist without the natives

They didn't give us shit.