Whites: I never owned slaves. Those were my ancestors. We gotta get over this

Whites: I never owned slaves. Those were my ancestors. We gotta get over this

Blacks: Ok. Take down the statues.

Whites: Now hold on...


Tell me about the Jewish slave trade. Tell me you are not a Jew.

Saw this the other day, really makes you think...


>My ancestors owned slaves
>I do not own slaves
>Having statues of my ancestors is just like practicing slavery

What kind of nigger logic is that?

it was HER turn

Blacks: Tear down your country's history

Whites: Why

Blacks: Because we sold each other to you as slaves hundreds of years ago.

Whites: Get fucked Jamal

>implying they'd stop at removing the statues

OP is a fag.

Op btfo

Only 1% of whites owned slaves in 1860.
If you trace back the typical white person's ancestry, chances are none of their ancestors owned slaves

>If someone kidnapped you, gave you an infinitely higher quality of life than you had theretofore known, and secured a higher living standard and a higher life expectancy for you and your offspring, where would you erect a statue to those people?

rare pepe fucking saved.

Yeah. Blacks should be *so thankful* to the KKK.

>If someone murdered your child for drug money, how much would you pay for welfare for his 15 illegitimate children?

The entire country is/was the KKK

>All whites have to feel guilty about slavery even if their ancestors had nothing to do with it.
>Democrats aren't responsible for the Civil War and slavery because "that was a long time ago and we're different now.

we'renot changing history for a bunch of butthurt baboons

They are.
They vote Democrat 99% of the time.

Robert E Lee never kidnapped anyone. And that's not even how the slave trade worked.

We need to stop lying to kids in elementary school.




Those Pyramids were built using slaves.

You that means that have to come down right?

#takedownthepyramids #BLM


I don't understand what the fuss is about here, thats a pretty spiffy suit if you ask me.

holy shit this pictures btfo whole Sup Forums ahahahahah


Support Jewish nationalism! End white nationalism!

Ah go kill you cuz or something.

ALWAYS do what's good for Jews!

Its not about that, its about trying to erase history, its not right.


What if we had parks just for black people? And to make it fair we had parks just for white people? That way we could make both sides happy!


They will destroy their parks and then claim that white's park are decent because "white privilege"

So you mean to tell me that niggers should blame whites for something that happened previous generations ago that had almost nothing to do with the current modern day niggers whom of which have never experienced such events that their ancestors experienced?

Honestly if blacks weren't involved in the slave trade, then they'd be in africa, infected with malaria and ebola, starving to death and begging first world countries to hand out food and medical supplies to them.

OP, you're fucking retarded.

The fuck did they do to that kid?


Well, slaves were bought off of Africans who captured and sold their enemies...

He deserved it!

We are the wall!

>implying if the south won they wouldn't end slavery because their biggest trading partner was Great Britain and they were staunchly anti-slavery

Just like people who don't realize Nazis were progressive for their time. Keep voting democrats niggers, you really are still slaves.

Beat him, mutilated his face, shot him in the head, then threw his body in a river

Mine did. Found the receipt for it too when my dad and I were doing family ancestry as a small project. Felt really good. They freed them after 10 years though and only owned two, a man and woman.


Antifa will Rule you lames

Most slaves were sold to Europeans by other Africans.

>implyng statues will be good enough
kys. these people want nothing more than reverse slavery where blacks are in power

>we had a black in power
>nearly destroyed the country

Second time this thread made me think.

Who brought the slaves over. Have you ever asked that question

I know, I know. Can I answer, Teacher?

Whites didn't enslave the blacks. They just bought them from other blacks.

Whites are also the only race to abolish slavery in any substantial manner. The British Royal Navy and the Army of the Potomac were almost entirely responsible for the eradication of slavery on Earth before consumer capitalism made it backward.

>implying all the BLM hubba is just about old statues

All these faggoty ass "movements" are just contemporary witch hunts. It's Salem 2.0, now with even more baseless accusations

>be man
>get called racist/rapist
>lose job
>lose respect from community
>berated with threats
>eventually lose family
>found innocent

All these movements are about people getting together and bitching about their minor problems "like this one time at a coffee shop a white cut in front of me" or "I hit on this guy and he wasn't gay" and "I want more money but I don't want to work for it also I am a woman"