Are you willing to ally with black nationalists?

Are you willing to ally with black nationalists?

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If our goals align, then sure.

Depends. Me? Probably.

Only if they stop fugging white women

if he moves to africa then yes we can be allies on the net

As far as public events go, we do need to try something more mature than larping as brownshirts.

No because niggers betray quicker than Jews.

It's not like they want to live with us once everything is said and done, so yes.

Are they willing to name drop the jew?

If yes, sure. If no, fuck off.

Why do leafs ruin everything?

yes, assuming our goals align

If they stick to their own women, don't demand special treatment and continue to BTFO Antifa like they did recently, sure.

(((They))) can't keep up the narrative if ANTIFA's newest enemy is minorities, unless of course, they label ANTIFA themselves Nazis, which would be hilarious.

>Beware of befriending an enemy's friend.

Works for me

Don't necessarily agree. These guys are ideological and we would know if their goals sink with ours rather quickly.

>Whites can have their country.
>Blacks can have their country.

I see no problem with this... Though I'd prefer they head back to Africa where they came from and not saw off White American land to make their nation.

>black nationalist
>not in Africa

No, identity politics are cancer. Sure race isnt skin deep and whites and blacks will never get along.

But that drawing group divisions along racial lines whether you're left or right wing is just as stupid as each other.

If liberals werent fucking retarded they might see that what's good for one race is good for them all and like wise. What's good for males is also good for females.

This is because your Marxist group identity has no basis in reality.

>Around blacks never relax

Yes but always keep your guard up.

You want nigger nationalism? How about nigger continentalism? Just go the fuck back to Africa and boom, there you go. All the chimp space you'll ever need

give North Dakota back to Sioux and Ojibwe first

>white nationalist
>not in Europe

Nah loyalty and respect run deep in Black America.

erect a wall, send the traitors there to live
effectively a prisonstate
only blacks are there
no trading, locking them out of the power grid, instant serfdom procured from nonaggression agreement, you get a prison state serf terf that pays your toll and you get to use as your shitting pot

what the fuck is there not to love about this
guantanamobay, now you will have 3 borders and one will be the biggest military border with more jobs. shoot on sight orders and deportation will become effectively a dream come true

We basically already did, tribes have sovereignty in almost all matters except diplomatic, that's why they have all those casinos even in states where gambling is illegal.

There is no place in America or any society for niggers. They are primitive, tribal animals. Feral niggers shouldn't even be allowed to live in the cities Whites built in Africa.

Sure why wouldnt we?

There's precedent

Whites conquered America, blacks didn't. Just like you conquered Aboland.

sure, the black israelis are redpilled too. they can have california

If our goals align absolutely.

They want a black ethnostate? Well, I want a white ethnostate. Can we help one another? If they answer is yes than I will do what I can to help them, if they help me.

If any nig would not fuck a white woman, it would be these NOI Afrocentric black nationalist types
They're the ones who popularized 'black is beautiful' back in the 70s and 'black women are queens' kinda shit cause - being ethnic nationalists, much like the people on this board - they prefer people of their own kind

It's an odd but I guess logical alliance. Two separatists who want to separate from within the same current country.
Marcus Garvey had cordial relations with the KKK cause they supported his goal of bringing blacks back to Africa

Absolutely, good enough for Rockwell, good enough for me.

Alt-right should partner with NOI.


Ally, no. Agree to terms along the general lines of what Rockwell proposed, yes. So willful segregation. In the spirit of that segregation, both side should individually pursue it, not together.

That would be a resounding yes. Everyone gets their own clay. Everyone but jews happy. Hard to parasite off of inanimate clay. That's why they invent golem.

goypill: freemasonry is Judaism for goy.

False, you're only aware of it quicker than the jews.

Take a look at our society, we need all the support we can get. We have some immigrants here who came for our society and who don't want to see it changed by unlimited immigration, so they take our side. Should we reject them? They are a massive asset when it comes to representation towards normies and in discourse with leftists, as nobody can call them racist or nazis. They are great to illustrate the real concerns here without getting derailed.

So, in short, use every means that seems promising, ally with everyone (even if only temporarily) to further your goals, because right now, the situation is desperate. Those "pure" nazis who advocate openly wearing swastikas and mercilessly attacking everyone with a different heritage (even including slavs) are either leftist infiltrators who would love nothing more to see us act this way or actual neo-nazi retards who fail to grasp the situation.

As for the picture and the American situation, when it comes to secessionist ambitions (I heard Farrakhan talk about it as well), I don't really see a problem. It would probably be the most feasible "white supremacist" solution out there, and if I'm not mistaken, the KKK advocates separation as well. It also ties in nicely with the SJW/BLM movement that calls for "safe spaces" and "blacks only" events and fights "cultural appropriation", so there is already a trend that can be utilized. It might be a good way to ensure white birthrates, as the threat of becoming a minority is eliminated (a great discouragment for current would-be parents who don't see a future for their white children) and the replacement through immigration is restricted. It would also generally foster a more nationalist mindset, more racial/group identity and remove the constant frictions through accusations of mistreating people due to racism.
As for the black community, I also see advantages, as they will be forced to be productive members of their society instead of gang bangers.

God bless these two guys souls. They officially have a target on their heads for speaking out.

If it means we have to give up some land to create a Black reservation so be it. Anything to get the blacks out of our hair. Just make sure they're non-citizens and can't leave their reservation.


I support all kinds of nationalism. People deserve to hold whatever kind of beliefs they wish. As long as they don't expect special treatment.

This a big thing. PBS interviewed them.

why the fuck not? they must hate Mexicans and Jews even more than we do right now. niggers will never be any serious threat to white people in this country because there will never be enough of them, they cant swim here form africa. they can never be part of our group and maybe someday we will ethnically cleanse them once and for all, but there is no problem being allies against a common enemy. I would say blacks are the least threat to white people of any other race

If black nationalism involves taking the 'best' of blacks, anointing them leaders of hoards of other blacks, and heading back to Africa to create a "ray ciss" free, prosperous society for themselves where they don't have to leech off everything from whites, blame everything on whites, and ruin the countries & cities of whites... then yes, I support black nationalism.

>Larping chang alert

Yes. The American Nazi Party allied itself with the Nation of Islam (pic is GLR at an NOI rally), because both believed in racial separatism.

Racial separation isn't the point or goal. That Bessenger guy is true in every sense a southern gentleman.

>No because niggers betray quicker than Jews.
WRONG, niggers actually hate the Jew as all people do. The Jew is our common enemy together we can unite to defeat them.

I wonder how many Cultural Marxists understand that the civil rights leaders they love so much like Malcom X and any involved with the NOI were racial separatists.

I don't like niggers, but you're wrong on that one, only because nobody betrays quicker than Jews. Niggers will kill you once they have the upper hand, usually in population, but they're not smart enough for organized betrayal.

Yes? They're literally white nationalists but black. They want racial separatism just like us.

I approve greatly.
This is the means we will achieve peace.
D.C. has no solutions for us.

It's so much better than that.
They get to decide their own laws for everything within the reservations. There are some reservations where full auto weapons are legal.
God, I'm envious.

bullshit, blacks are very loyal when treated right, like dogs. We still have some black families loyal to whites here after all this time

G.L. Rockwell and Elijah Mohammad would be proud.