Dan Harmon officially Antifa


Can't wait for Rick and Morty tonight. I'm so happy that the writers are so grounded and rational.

Dan Harmon is a fat autistic adderall monster. Unfortunately he also creates some extremely good television

>its a Sup Forums hates someone because they don't like nazis episode

you dumbasses realize that virtually everyone hates nazis right?

This is America now huh? You have to list all the things you're against or else people will think you endorse them.
>he didn't say he was against cancer
>he must be pro cancer

>R&M is goyfood bluepills

They literally named the jew in the last episode.
It's about as nuetral as south park, but slightly more left leaning.

Rick is blackpilled.

take your bad taste to the nearest gas chamber

I listened to that episode of Harmontoen. Dan Harmon basically stated your either 100% opposed to the Trump administration and all things conservative or your a Nazi.

They really don't. If they actually knew what National Socialism was, they'd support it.

Dan is just pissed he can't see his little dick anymore.

they know Hitler, the leader of National Socialism

Rick and morty takes more chances than family guy, archer, or any other comedy show.

You have to separate entertainment from politics. Because it's not always about politics. I watch it to laugh, not analyze what it's telling to its demo (Men aged 18-25)

>You have to separate entertainment from politics
>in an era where politics is overtly injected into entertainment.

They know the propaganda about him, they don't actually know him

You fucking nazi fags are more sensitive than SJWs I swear

Well right. If its all owned and written by kikes no matter what, a single good show has to emerge every once in a while right?

I enjoy the way it shits on Dr Who and Star trek fags as well. Hypothetical sci-fi, combined with gore and brutal slapstick humor just does it for me.

In the third episode of season 1 the dad gets LITERALLY cucked by a black man.
But you also have the aforementioned naming of the jew in 3o4. It takes some pretty funny risks.

>grounded and rational
Your deduction to that conclusion was not based on predicate logic I'm afraid, it might have been based on delusional fantasies though.

Further have to add that the holocaust might have been a myth, its not necessary to take it seriously either.

If that were true he'd be fired right now

>Everyone who hates nazis is antifa
you fucks are the biggest snowflakes on the planet

not true. There's far less nazis than SJWs and no one gives a fuck if someone cries that you hurt their little Hitler feelings.

>the dad gets LITERALLY cucked by a black man
his mom fucking another man isn't getting cucked, user...

What a fat fucking hack. He can't make a show more that 2 seasons before turning it into shit.

It's a fucking cartoon

Jerry's Dad literally gets cucked on christmas*
I actually laughed when I saw what was happening

>Hasn't watched the show
Thats the demo. It has gore and uncensored profanity.

said demo is older than that of anime (12-16 males)

Wow this image explains the existence of feminazism.
>(radical) Nazis persecute jews
>(radical) Feminists persecute men (which they call patriarchy)

Is this faggot a Jew?

He created a successful comedy show. Which comedy writer isn't jewish?

Mike Judge

Mike Judge

Just Mike Judge


But KOTH is full of bluepills too. Beavis and Butthead was apolitical I guess. Promoted burnout culture?

Explain about adderal

not so much bluepills as purple pills. Hank is redpilled by nature but also naive and socially awkward in modern society, so he encounters the bluepilled losers that try to convert him, and by the end of the episode he finds a happy middle ground

Rick and Morty... sounds like some alternative comedy bullshit only hipster faggots watch

Yeah, he's a rational American person who hates nazis. He's a rational American that states that Nazis form a third of the American population, a fact that you and I already knew for a loong time.
Why are you misrepresenting me, comrade? I am here to milk the Sup Forums tears of the R&M fanbase.

fuck this hack and his disgusting sweat-stained alcoholic physique

he had a couple of good seasons of one show (community) before he ruined it with his shit personality

none of the good parts of rick and morty are him and its painfully obvious

KoTH mocked both sides heavily but in the end was pro family values.

For every conservative retard you got two limp worsted liberals and a Jew cowboy.

Well, if this is the new metric we're all using....

That's easy for you to say having never watched it. It's all posted on (((watch cartoons online . EU))) for free

Hipsterfags glom onto it but its 2deep4them


Isn't rumored that he's an alcoholic?

When are you fucks going to figure iut what snowflake actually referrences?

>29% of Americans are Nazis



Explain the adderall part ya twink


even if you couldnt tell by his yellow-ish complexion and his fluid filled abdomen and how he acts

its been confirmed for ages, its why his shitty shows self destruct

It's pretty obvious. The main character Rick is a raging drunk beyond homer simpson or archer levels.

Holy shit guys, 30% of America is nazis!

>We have sat, we have talked
I missed that part. When did it happen?

Comrade, why do you attack me? I also hate the Nazi minority in America which has 100 million members to its name. Don't you want to fight fascism with me by ostracizing and rejecting them in every legal way (I won't tell if you do some illegal things too ;^) )

If 1/3 of the country were really fascists I'd be heartened. You can accomplish a lot with 1/3 of the population. Unfortunately, it's not the case.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand My little pony. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Twilights optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Republican literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike My little pony truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Twilights existencial catchphrase "Friendship is magic" which itself is a cryptic reference to Donald Trumps: "The art of the deal." I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Lauran faust's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. :joy: And yes by the way, I DO have a My little pony tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Just imagine being the kind of person that enjoys watching My little pony. That owns every piece of material media that has been hastily churned out: DVDs, posters, toys, games. Imagine being the kind of person who looks forward to every episode release. Who watches and re-watches the later seasons, analyses every piece of dialogue and music, every plot point, every episode title, every single word of every single episode. The kind of person who will claim that anyone who doesn't like the show just doesn't understand it. Imagine being so excited when Twilight appears on the screen. Giggling with uncontrollable laughter with every Spell, every "Aww geez Pinkie", every seemingly random moment, but deep down you know. You know that, on a whole other level, this show, designed for children and adults who won't grow up, speaks to you. It understands you. You hear "Friendship" and know what's coming. By "Is" your dick is quivering, and when Twilight exclaims "Magic!" you explode from all holes in a torrent of laughter and foul smelling liquids. You pray that every episode never reaches an end, because never again will a show appear that is so 'deep' and 'intelligent' as this one.

Funny, dan harmon sucks and I was going to cite his DND series as proof, but from the looks of it that is actually from his dnd series

Let's not get too gay here.
Back to containment

fuck that guy

we've taken a huge step backwards because of these fucking leftists.

>Thinks the only national socialism there is is Germany's
Just because you're not affiliated to antifa doesn't mean you're not as idiotic.

No they won't
Because these people are hard core communists who want to see the white race wiped out

The debate is not about hating Nazis but whether political speech justifies violence.

It's a minority, don't worry comrade. We will fight them off and win the war by systematically killing each of them in a new age of tolerance and acceptance **NO FASCISM**
If we can't kill them, we can win by rejecting them can't we? Just refuse to give them any service or job or any participation in the greater 2/3rds of society. We still win, comrade. Hail tolerance and diversity! Fight fascism!

holy fuck. more "hate facts" with rick and morty please

in order to defeat your enemy

you have to think like your enemy

until you become your enemy

and become better at being your enemy

to the point of becoming a caricature of your enemy

My friend, it happened. Do not concern yourself with the petty details leading up to this war. It is a righteous war to wage regardless of what happened before. Say you're not a nazi, it's like taking a shit! If you don't do it, you'll explode! Fascism is a disease!


Is the new season any good?

I don't want this to be a thing but can I get a source on the autist that wrote this? Does he have a deviantart or something I can access to witness the majestic content he produces?

Go figure. Glad I stopped watching Reddit and memey a couple episodes into the second season. Shit is the epitome of randumb humour faggotry.


Fuck you for making me break character but that was a goddamn genius joke you Nazi bigot not-taking-a-shit-until-you-explode racist Drumpf supporter

They define a nazi as someone who refuses subjugate their will to any leftist demands, on command, on the spot, regardless of context
Go ahead and try to kill this "nazi", I've been waiting for this for 10 years.

>Sup Forums claims to be redpilled
>still watches tv

Whatever. Rick & Morty only lasted two seasons. Season 3 is looking like Simpsons season 9

The other dudes on Harmontown bust his balls about it. Plus he has that adderall stammer when he does Harmontown.


If Nazis as a collective were being violent and the state wasn't stopping them, then yes, violence from the public to stop violence is prudent

If all they do is talk, then no (it literally opens the floodgates and allows EVERYONE to attack people for ideas they don't like).

I find it incredibly entertaining.
Don't forget to Bash the Fash!! The Civil War is already here!

Also this so get off my nuts

Blackpill is a shit pill, and R&M is a shit show

Is this a recreational use or does he claim ADHD?

What sort of fag watches cartoons?

>you die if you don't shit
>you die if you don't say, "I'm not a nazi"

Another blatant, unabashed attack on free speech. Calling for the execution of people expressing a political opinion. So righteous and courageous of him. Nothing like something Hitler would say... right? These people have the brain power of ants. Can't even think for themselves. That MSM kool-aid must be some pretty strong stuff.

Fucking this.

You two sound like the Nazis he is talking about. You're trying to make a dialogue about the term "nazi" and you're trying to tell people to critically evaluate what they do or do not say is a "nazi". Are you a nazi?
Maybe instead of defending Nazis you should take a good look in the mirror and make sure you're not wearing the wrong haircut. Remember, it's not MY job to make sure I'm stabbing my political opponents, it's YOUR job to make sure you don't resemble a nazi if you aren't one.

He records Harmontown at night and always sounds off his balls plus he drinks on it. I dont know that he necessarily buys it on the street or anything but the guy has known addiction problems


If you say it's cool to attack Nazis over words, then you say it's cool to attack anyone with a bad ideology.

Use foresight.

Muslims think liberalism is a bad ideology. Liberals think Islam is a bad ideology. Liberals think Communism and Anarchy is a bad ideology. Communists think they all are bad. And so on.

Literally a bloodbath.

O, and fuck off you despot.

Wait, so this guy literally called for the extermination of 100 million people?

Honestly, mate I wish I fucking knew cause these are gold.

What are you saying? He is stunning and brave. He isn't silencing anyone! He's just saying we should be vocally advocating for the extermination of 100 million people in America! 2017 is here, fellas.

rick is ancap

Dammit, another one gets away. Why don't we capture and record these rare occasions in case we've stumbled upon a gem in the mud? Christine Chandler isn't going to shine forever, Sup Forums needs to be more vigilant in vetting replacements.

>Holy shit guys, 30% of America is nazis!
This is them crying Nazi means nothing, and shouldn't be bothered with. If only the GOP could figure that out

This country is completely about guilty until proven innocent. Only if you're on the wrong side, though

No, not people. Nazis.
No no, it isn't just the cool thing to do, it's the only acceptable way to conduct yourself. What else would you do? Talk to a Nazi? HAH! My friend, we can't talk while we are at war with them.

Yes. He's inciting a civil war. Would love to see that fat ass fight any kind of war. Would be much more entertaining than that fedora tipping cartoon for preteens he makes.

You're going to die, plain and simple. You fucking worthless leftist cocksuckers overstepped and you are NOT stepping back across the line this time - you made your bed, and you are going to be made to lie in it.
Don't bother crying when it comes, you don't deserve absolution and will not be receiving it.

Today I learned that most of the planet is literal Nazis

Reading ITT and the identical thread on Sup Forums. I can say without hesitation that Harmon is right, and reading all of your posts proves it.

Reddits fav TV show.

>watching American tv
>in 2017
Jewish TV is the ultimate bluepill

>30 percent of the country are nazis
>30 percent of the country has been accused of being nazis by brainwashed, confirmation bias addicted, history revising, free speech hating, narrow minded, communist libtards.

Fixed that for him.