Sup Forums BTFO

"I think Sup Forums is a group of people who sit in their parents basement and smoke pot and masturbate"

The jew just wrecked you all

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>shapiro mad we keep overlooking him

I live in a $320,000 condo. But I do smoke pot and masturbate so I guess he's kinda right.

I know how to hunt and search for food in the wild. When the apocalypse hits I will be able to provide for myself... How is that for basement dwelling?

How about you libtard?

Shapiro is mad we helped stopped Pussygate and the fact we knew what was coming out before MSM played its game. He's just butt hurt cause el rato will never be president.

i mean he is def right on 1/3

i'm in the attic and i dont weed lmao desu


Well then why are people talking about us?


Not an argument. Never trust (((them))). He's getting far more attention than he deserves.

How will physical matter recover?

ad hominem? Jew can do better than that Shapiro.

Ben Shapiro bet absolutely everything on Michelle Fields.

It didn't work out well.

Someone should tell him not to do podcasts. His voice is tiny like a gnome on helium.

i mean...

2/3 for me. But that's generous since I rarely smoke pot anymore.

Correct, but still an ad hominem

silly Shapiro, all my bosses/directors have been more racist than I am and who the fuck uses kikebook.
just tell me what to do with money, I save it

"I think [insert group] is a group of people who sit in their parents basement and smoke pot and masturbate"

>Ben Shapiro bet absolutely everything on Michelle Fields.
did he though?
the podcast he started after leaving breitbart is #2 on itunes now, he does paid speaking engagements all across the country...seems like he's doing pretty well for himself

That would be inaccurate as my house doesn't have a basement. Although it actually would be nicer if it did because my room is hot as fuck.

Wow haven't heard that one before.
This guy is a liberal.
What a nigger would call a transformer.
What I call controlled opposition.

It's afraid.

My home doesn't have a basement he needs a better mic too by the way.

And Shapiro is a whiny manlet that's 33 yet sounds like a teenager and got alpha'd by a fucking tranny, who the hell is he to talk down to any other man?

But this place loves jews

Hey! I live on the second floor of my Mom's house asshole!

>wahhhh They called me a kike and won't listen to me.

Fuck off midget jew.

That's just his opinion, and not to be taken srsly b/c JEW

hey faggot, I dont smoke pot!

Well he's a kike. Most of that money comes from ultimate good goys and uncle Schlomo looking to trade his freshly laundered diamond money for the wise words of a future power broker.

If his podcast is on itunes he definitely isn't on our side.

Yeah we're all a bunch of stupid, loser, manlet druggies.
>will you please leave us alone now?

Mum, shut up and bring down the tendies. And hurry, you fucking cunt.

>Never used drugs
>Live in my own house
>Never fapped in my life because if I need to let something out of my cock I just call in my wife.
Guess I proved him wrong.


for once a jew doesn't try to suck up to goyim

but i bet they don't know what I masturbate with

he is just jealous.

and read philosophy, and troll leftists

What's with this basement meme? I mean, I think it's really not common for people to have their bedroom in the basement.

he agrees with everything people here do except for race
if you only like people who agree with you on 100% of things you're going to have a tough time

>>Never fapped in my life
fucking LIAR

oh no a nasally sounding Jew called me a name

one of those claims are not true.

that is not the point he is jealous of people that can masturbate hence why he brought it up in the first place unless he is thinking about guys masturbating all the time, Because he has had parts of his penis removed.

*Its afraid


i masturbate but the other two are false

De börjar bli sent...

You don't need to argue with Ben, you flip off his yamaka and then punch him in the face

That's creative, sounds like the usual joo projection.

Is he saying masturbate and smoke pot at the same time? I stopped doing that when I stopped smoking pot.

I have own studio apartment. Thank you very much.

Used to have a lot of respect for this guy before he revealed that he is like the rest of them.

>Sup Forums condemns both drugs and masturbation as signs of a pathetic untermensch
Really makes me think

My moms trailer doesn't have a basement. Also I can't afford weed.

är lasangen klar

>viable after the apocalypse

What happens when deer and elk are hunted into extinction within a month?

oh no he called me bad thing
waaa i am upset waaa

>shapiro overlooking anything
He's 5'5" do not be rude.


Thats bullshit. I sit in my grandparents basement

What is projection?

> Sup Forums also condemns Canada yet here you are

At least my dick's not mutilated Ben.

A jew using a straw man, very unusual!

Wow he's mad about being called a cuck.

i have my own house, but other than that hes pretty close

>>shapiro overlooking anything
>He's 5'5" do not be rude.
Please, forgive my shortsightedness.

>jew boy mad we call him jew boy
color me shocked

this a problem?

won't stop idiots here from smoking pot and defending it like it's an integral part of their life and worth

Heh, jokes on you Benji. I don't smoke pot.

The opinions of 4'8" men are worth absolutely nothing.

Jokes on you - I don't smoke pot.

>studio apartment
>living in a cuck pod

Well at least we know he doesn't read Sup Forums now.

if he's used the board for even an hour he'd know we don't promote the use of weed, and think it's degenerate.

>living with your parents
>making fun of someone who has a place of their own.

>Typical cuckservative kike

I would much rather be in a mom's basement than a dad's attic.

If we are such lowlife anf irrelevant human beings why is he talking about us?

Ben is actually 5'1". Don't spread lies about him user.

Some people say Shapiro is a Sephardim name. I don't believe that at all. It is an Ashkenazim name. Does Sup Forums hate the Sephardim as much as their European cousins? There's really not that much special about them. They have an intellectual culture similar to the Ashkenazim, but they aren't as competent nor as powerful.

>trust funder
>never worked at 24
>live in parents mcmansion
>making fun of someone in a cuck pod

Yes, all these things, problem?

You called it. that's exactly what I do every day.

Much lower IQ. High 90s if I remember correctly. Still ok though there're some smart sep kikes.

then the real hunt begins

Be like any reasonable human being and herd a doe and a buck into a pen
Then you can double team the doe with the buck and get free babbo and meat forever as long as you have enough grass n shit
Think my shilla

Like me, Ben Shapiro is a well-meaning conservative Jew, and what would make him uncomfortable about this website is beyond obvious. He means well, but he chooses to live in his bubble. He doesn't want to confront the JQ.

As an American Jew who is a Republican, it was a bitter pill to swallow, but I had to accept that Hollywood and the mainstream media are heavily populated by self-promoting, racially conscious Jewlibs. And that as a conservative, when I had been talking about "liberal Hollywood" or the "Democrat-run media," before lurking on this website, I had no idea the degree of representation of Jews in all of this.

As I've become Jew-wise, I've felt like changing my last name - I never had a particularly religiously or culturally Jewish upbringing anyway. It's been extremely depressing. I don't really blame Shapiro for not feeling comfortable here, no one can force him to take the red pill on big money Jews. He needs to come on here and lurk if he's brave enough.

He's fine as he is anyway. He's given out small pills to a lot of the normies and absolutely obliterated Cenk at the debate. He can start taking more uncomfortable red pills when he's ready.

>be kike
>use standard liberal put-downs because you think it'll rile us
>still be butthurt that Sup Forums doesn't like you

Ben got owned by a crazy tranny.

>"I think Sup Forums is a group of people who sit in their parents basement and smoke pot and masturbate"

He is wrong because none of those things describe me. Why should we believe anything else that he says?

He wants to believe that.

Perhaps I should post the password to his gmail for keks.

But I'm not sure it's legal..

>tfw you're richer than autistic shekelsberg who makes false accusations of assault and white knights for an attention whore in the off chance he's gonna take down the POTUS

Fuck this kike, he'll never be as rich or successful as me even with all his kike advantages

where's the video?

>trust funder
>democrat flag
Not suprised


it's not my parents house, its mine. I do in fact masturbate in the basement though, however I don't smoke pot in it.

faggots like him need to realize we have experienced taunts like that all our lives. they mean nothing.

I bet I could rip Kikeboy's trachea out of his neck with my bare hands, and without somebody to protect him, there is nothing he could to stop it. I wonder what he would have to say about that.

I don't fit that description.


Yes, there are plenty of smart Sephardim. I am 1/4 Sephardic Jew. There was an intellectual culture at home, but the tribalism and exceptionalism wasn't enforced at all. I despise Ashkenazim, not because I'm part Sephardic, but because of their behavior. I just didn't know what pol thought of Jews who weren't trained to cause trouble for their entire lives.

never forget

he's just assblasted all the shekels he spent shilling himself here did not pay off