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At least it's actually true
Not going to give the jews any clicks so explain it for me

i tried to tell u right wing retards that trump was bush 2.0 but u didnt wanna listen


Hi Obamaleaf

only 4 minute delay



>saying your not gonna steal someone's shit is the same as giving them shit

>people still think this fuck is going to finish his term, and a few think he's still getting 8 years
Its like watching a plane's engine blow over the ocean. Even if its slow, eventually it'll go down in fire.

The 1 year Trump paid taxes, he paid a higher rate on $150M than someone on $400k income.

Are right wing retards seriously this fucking clueless about how progressive taxation works?

Explain why he won't finish

Its like he's an alien who doesn't understand human language.


I was just saying it was a 4 minute gap btwn my post and yours. Are you retarded?

Either the left will use all their shit on him (that he conviently gift wraps I might add) to brand him a nazi figurehead/unable to lead due to incompetence, or the right will vote him out early for sabotaging their chances of ever winning anything again.
If he manages to finish his term, America will be so fucking tired of him that they're never going to trust the Republican party with a vote ever again, only about a third of Sup Forums at that point will remain loyal, which at that point ensures democrat victory for decades to come.

Dude wrong user

bernie paid less than the rate for the lowest tax bracket which is 15 percent. Trump paid the full amount of his applied bracket yoy ignorant cuck.

Furthermore, Trump gave mattis and the pentagon the power to decide these things. He is responsible for their choices, but it ultimately isn't his decision.

>Trump paid the full amount of his applied bracket yoy ignorant cuck.

No he didn't you absolute fucking retard. You just fucking annihilated yourself. Trump's effective tax rate was closer to 50% on $150M, not 25%. You absolute fucking retard.

Decades of victory for either major party is pretty unlikely because neither really deliver once they're in power. Well, not to the folks voting them in, anyway.


Do u even know wtf ur on about

Wishful thinking.

Go shill somewhere else faggot

It doesn't really matter what the other party does, as long as they don't put in another Trump. This man is objectively a fucking retard, and America hates him for it, even most of his most loyal followers have abandoned him at this point.
Unless the party that put him in realizes their crippling mistake, they're in for a bumpy ride.

Ififififififififififififif oke doke

Shills against Trump


If true, is this just to appease McCain so he will vote for the repeal?

Factual thinking.

trump will say it tmrw

but it's not true.... why would you lie? Your flag doesn't have a leaf in it? why u do this?

Posting in a shareblue thread.

ah so you got nothin? Great

If Trump send more troops he will destroy the Taliban like he destroyed Isis. He's not a fake like obongo who supported the terrorists for 8 fucking years while pretending to fight them. Traitors.

Trump is a Neo-con. Im never votind Republican again.

learn 2 deduct losses you fucking idiot.

You are really dense or a master troll

Only 5k more troops to the already 8k there. Reminder that Obama had 30k troops deployed and some reason sent them back allowing Taliban to control half the county. I dont get whats going on here.

good, more dead goy faggots desu

it's been all over the news fuckhead but i'm not the one who originally said it in this thread

>thinking you can be president without "playing the game" a bit.

Steve Bannon was the only non-interventionist in the White House

The Liberals who called for his ouster now have the blood of every future dead Soldier in Afghanistan on their hand.

But of course they'll never admit it and 99% of you are too pussy to call them out on it.

snuck over the border to make a post from an internet cafe

Obama killed ISIS u fucking moron

Obamaleaf btfo again


>Either the left will use all their shit on him (that he conviently gift wraps I might add) to brand him a oil-loving figurehead/unable to lead due to incompetence, or the right will vote him out early for sabotaging their chances of ever winning anything again.
If he manages to finish his term, America will be so fucking tired of him that they're never going to trust the Republican party with a vote ever again, only about a third of Sup Forums at that point will remain loyal, which at that point ensures democrat victory for decades to come.

I changed it a bit to reflect how retards like you thought during Bush Jr.'s first term. Look how that turned out... retard.

Bannon is looking out for the best interests of american people while the military complex is looking out for the corporations. We should leave Afghanistan as the opioid epidemic is killing us like the crack did to the blacks.

Why do leafs get so BTFO? It's like they don't even try.

Right wing retards bragging that Trump keeps on losing money

Thanks B-. I mean Trump.


Did u know that brackets are progressive and you only get taxed the new percentage on the amount above a given bracket? Also deductions? Also are you gay?

I've never been btfo once and u right wing retards know it. You literally worship a billionaire globalist elite who doesn't give a fuck about you.

You're the biggest cucks on the planet

obama created isis

They're portraying this like it's a sudden/new decision but I know a pilot that's known about his deployment to Afghanistan for months.

Nothing special about the new kike puppet reading his script tomorrow

Do right wing retards know what an effective tax rate is?

It's like u billionaire globalist supercuck Kochsuckers love getting btfo by me

you are completely delusional and need to stop watching MSM and stephen colbert. faggot.

No he didn't. Bush invading Iraq created ISIS. Obama destroyed ISIS. It's like u right wing retards only get your information from other retards on Sup Forums and nowhere else

No he wont. They will just hop over the border into Pakistan and wait for America to get distracted. The entire government is corrupt, hated and the taliban always gets their cut of the aid money or whatever else the government steals from its population.

Filter the leaf. They bring nothing of substance to this board.

Im hearing talk that Afghanistan will be the Vietnam war 2.0 for our generation. Grats to all the bots that joined the military for Trumps corporate america LOL.

Damn what a savage. Not afraid of burning bridges to the administration. What must trump think of all this, I wonder.

lol could u make it more obvious that im a threat to u billionaire globalist shills

Yeah doesn't look like Bannon is fucking around.

Javanka lol

2/3 of ISIS' territory losses occurred after Trump changed our policy in dealing with them. I expect to see the same occur in Afghanistan.

I never actually wanted Trump to expose 911 or have Hillary face any consequences.

When does John Bolton fill Bannon's old position? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I VOTED FOR

lol i love how right wing retards have absolutely no shame admitting they are pure fake news

ISIS' caliphate is shrinking, and the terror group is about to lose one of its biggest cities
Oct. 17, 2016, 6:11 PM

Obama did 95% of the work of killing ISIS

What if we archive it

Alex Jones cucked again

>IHS found that ISIS' so-called "caliphate" shrunk 16% in the first nine months of 2016 and 14% in 2015.

That's 30%, a little less than 1/3rd, so your wrong according that that article. way to BTFO yourself retard.

They lost way more under Obama.

This map shows how much territory ISIS has lost in 2016

You realize that Trump just continued Obama's ISIS tactics.

The only major mission Trump approved was a colossal disaster.

Lol u retards reek of desperation

Now that bannon is out all is lost

At least Trump as awoken the sleeping giant.

The deep state still wants his ass out as soon as they destroy his populist image. They never want anyone else who isn't completely vetted from hijacking their country again. It's a lose-lose situation, he should just go out with guns blazing. Mueller probably found some shit to blackmail him with.

Trump is erratic. He has no worldview, lacks of any meaningful historical and political knowledge. He surrounded himself with generals precisely because he does not understand shit and the same is true for all the kikes of his administration.


More like Bush 3.0 you dumb nigger

Bush 5.0.
Bush Sr. Gulf War
Then Clinton bombed the shit out of Yugoslavia
Then Bush Jr.
Then Obama
Now Trump carrying on the same old shit.

Apparently the government forgets we have separation of power for a reason. The president is supposed to be of the people for the people .

>his populist image.

Cause an out of touch oligarch from New York City appoint gold Sachs and Exxon shills to his cabinet is "populist". Americans have no class conciseness


>If Trump send more troops he will destroy the Taliban like he destroyed Isis. He's not a fake like obongo who sup

16 years and you burgers haven't figured it out?

>Retarded Canadian nigger still pushing that there is a difference between the (((parties))).

Proof you insufferable faggot

Damn Obama torpedoed that agenda but it was probably hillary clinton behind most of it.