Los Angeles County officials informed the [Judicial Watch] project that “the number of registered voters now stands...

>Los Angeles County officials informed the [Judicial Watch] project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”
>"Hillary Clinton won California by 4.3 million votes, turnout topped 75 percent"
>75% of 144% is still more than 100%



Other urls found in this thread:


We all know user.

Holy crap

>california had 108% of the possible registered voters in the state come out and vote.


nice tinfoil source, drumpfkin

Bump for investigative purposes, smoking gun soon.

Bumping for Seth Rich

well If you want you can read the entire letter directly from judicial watch here


This can't actually be true??

Honestly, all Trump has to do to win 2020 is implement voter ID.

So, Trump probably won California?

Why are these always archive links isntead of direct links to the articles out of curiosity?

sorry for being a stupid leaf we just got internet in this town three months ago

> Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, and the most recent California active and inactive voter registration records shows there were more total registered voters than there were adults over the age of 18 living in each of the following eleven (11) counties: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

What did the State of California mean by this?

It is a means by which click bait advertising shekels can be denied. Normally there is a NordBro, a Patron Saint of Sup Forums, who does it.

OP is not a faggot for archiving himself. The other reason is it prevents people from attempting to erase or change story details when they let something slip that shouldn't.

The fuck?
Is this a real Happening?
God, the head spins sometimes keeping up...
Good thing Trump is announcing his defection to the Democrats on Monday.

Oh, no sweetie. This is what's known as alt-right fake news.

>San Diego (138%)
That's just Dave Mustaine and his ego.

FBI user did say Trump could win California in what seems like forever ago now

And it's all adults, not just US citizens..

No, but it probably drops Clinton's popular vote by at least 700,000, assuming fraud from both parties. In reality, probably closer to 800k, maybe even 850k

>And it's all adults, not just US citizens.

Keep this bumped, this is THE first domino to fall.


Uhh, confirmed?
Don't forget the Awan indictments either! That's blowing up now too.

This is nothing unusual. Other states probably have the same, they only choose to focus on California right now.

People move out of the county, and there's no way that they can UNregister, so the cleanup process always lags behind.

Registration numbers always peak right at a presidential election, and then cleanup happens in the following months, usually. I've seen the numbers drop 20 or 30% from a cleanup.


Nuke California

t. Californian

I just used first grade fact checking to prove you wrong

>108% of the number of applicable people in the state voted
>nothing unusual

It's illegal Mexicans. Fucking dems.

misleading thread bordering on fake news. That says 11 counties out of the 58 appear to have more registered voters than adult over the age of 18, not the entirety of CA. It also states that it took the census data from 2011-2015 and compared it to the 2016 EAC. Furthermore, the article was done by Judicial Watch, litigious kikes who constantly allege that they have the "smoking gun" on wherever their kike donors point at.

These are the same people that made Trump look retarded with the wiretapping story and claimed that Obama would be in jail earlier this year.

inb4 I'm a shill for pointing this out.

Except it was 108% percent. Omg you guys need to stop being autistic. This takes 2 secs on google to look up

>Donald Trump actually won California

wow I hope i never end up this fucking retarded

wasn't *

14 million sure looks like 75% of 18 million to me user.

>Our own research shows that the situation in these counties is, if anything, worse than the foregoing data suggest. For example, we contacted Los Angeles County directly this past June. At that time, county officials informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.

naw he probably still lost it's just a lot of illegal votes.

those 11 counties listed actually contain like 80% of our population, close enough

oh look what everyone red pilled knew already, millions if illegals in california voted and the dems also illegally rigged the elections and voted multiple times and used dead peoples SSNs to vote



14/19.5 =75%.

That is that enough 3rd grade math for you

It's not about the number that voted. It's about the number of registrations records, retard.

racist better use common core so I can understand

He was wiretapped, but its called sigint because technology changes.


Look here:

Eligible to register: 24,875,293
Registered: 19,411,771

I've seen voter fraud.(busing people to different cities) ,and have zero doubt that illegals vote+ California is hiding this fact ,but I have one question here: How do you knkw that these aren't people who've simply moved?
>10 people voting in a house
>8 people moved out
>10 still registered on the voter rolls
Genuinely curious.I'm pretty drunk though so might be reading it wrong.

actually the counties listed is not even half, I did the math and got 17,206,840 out of a population of 39 million total in California.

So (((why))) are you misleading Sup Forums user?

Why did you just randomly add 1.5 million registered voters?

14/18= 77% which is more than 75% and that's assuming there was legit a real 75% turnout which is fucking insanely huge given the normal voter turnout is under 40%

Hillary wasn't even cheating. She was proactively fighting the gender vote gap.

What percentage of people voted that's clear answer to fraud. Only like how much percent voted nation wide?

To be fair, no one is denying illegals voted. Enough to swing the outcome or give Trump the popular vote? Not a chance. Illegals are not that politically mobilized in California to somehow vote in the millions and get away with it. As far as turnout goes, it's easy as fuck to vote with mail-in ballots and online registration. And as another user said, lots of people move between the counties or states and live with their parents or friends/roommates.

Give me a real smoking gun OP.

I used 2017 numbers from actual gov documents, not a wiki page.

So what is the % in surrounding states?


Turnout for LA county was 69% vs. the whole state of California at 75% as per this article - archive.is/w127R
Apparently, a whopping 99.36% of voting age residents managed to turn out to the polls in Los Angeles County.

because you're supposed to change your voting registration. Seems like (((those in charge))) don't want to take you off the list anyways...

there's 22 or something million people in los angeles alone user, and then judicial watch lists the next three biggest cities including san fransisco, san diego and san hose.

Googling it gets you funky numbers because "Los Angeles County" is different than "Los Angeles City" and is different from the "Los Angeles Area"

What it says 68%. How do you from 69% to 99.36%


144% of 68% is 99%.

Makes sense since obongo george soros said they were mobilizing the illegal hispanic community to vote. He basically opened the border for Mexicans to vote in USA election which is insane. They said the border was flooded because they wanted to enter before trump won and built the wall but they went there to vote illegally.


He lives in Arizona.

Democrats always fight with tooth and nail everytime the evil rayciss Republicans want to eliminate dead people from the rolls. That's why there are so many extra people. Given how easy it is to just vote under anyone's name without being required to show ID, you'd have to be terribly naive to think voter fraud isn't rampant.

We need state flags

>San Francisco, La, yolo, San Mateo

Those are the largest metro areas in the most populous state in the country

Should we be archiving links to websites that we want to support though?

Sue them if they're lying then, faggot.

i didn't link you to any websites we should support user



We wuz voters n sheiit

if only there was a way to avoid this like uhhhh ID laws or something

i know. went to the polling place to vote here in sacramento. had to mean mug a bitch to cross my name out when i went\
>hi im "user anon"
>alright go ahead and vote
>you gonna cross that name out of the book?..
>its fine
>cross my name out.
>but why? you dont trut me?
>bitch cross my name out
>alright fine
tfw i forced her to pull my name from the list in front of me

Id laws are voter suppression tools. This isn't evidence of voter fraud, just voting registration irregularities which happen.

what the fuck are you even talking about kek. San Jose is in Santa Clara County. It doesn't even mention San Jose in the article you linked. stop lying user

this is pretty bad math 2bh pham. clean up your numbers by eliminating all the ambiguity and guesswork and report back

>prove you are from here
>voter suppression
choose one

That's why I mailed my vote in kek. I'd be infuriated and ask to speak to the cunts employer for what fucking reason was she attempting to egg you on to keep that name on the list? I mean what was her shitty excuse to make it seem like she wasn't manipulating you?

It's hard for poor people to get IDs in some states. Guess which states are passing voter ID laws?

fuck off shill

if youaren't smart enough to register an ID you aren't able to vote anyway

Statistician here. I don't get it?

>being this retarded
Just stop.
If they can get an ID card or drivers license, they can get a voter ID card. Infact you could tie voter ID to either of the two I just mentioned.

Fuck off you retarded nigger

It's the cost, not the paperwork. State issued ids cost money and the paperwork to prove state citizenship does as well.

fucking 9gaggers

They don't have any Id cards and can't afford them.

she was acting like i was just being aggressive. look like your typical trump voter. 240, work shirt, jeans, came from the job site so dirty hands. was prob trying to give my name to a mexican or something. plenty who looked nervous as hell outside the voting place

Stop violating the voting rights act, racist fascist.

>15$ is too much for bron people to afford
if thats the case death is a mercy

thank you

>it was her turn!


If you're too poor to afford the 26 bucks for an ID and passable as a non-white, not only do all states give it to you for free ...they'd give you a house, car, cellphone, 1k for food per month, and free crack for life.

This is america you dip

Every other modern fucking country has voter ID. You fucking Dems aren't even denying voter fraud anymore

Jesus you from Texas or California? We have way too many illegals here in California and all of them are shady as fuck.

registered voters =! voters

People move all the time and register when they move but don't unregister when they go somewhere else. They state can also be slow at removing people after they die. This really isn't an issue.

Bump this is very common in democratic counties and states. Like, very fucking common. Just not discussed in the public discourse.

>They state can also be slow at removing people after they die.
that's pretty slow, but you're right, must be one of those coincidences you hear so much about these days

>because you're supposed to change your voting registration
Not if you never intend to vote again.
I'm playing devil's advocate and that's the best I can think of.

The point is that this is not evidence alone of wrongdoing. Don't me so quick to blame on malevolence what can be as easily explained by laziness and ignorance. Think of all the idiots that move out to California, register to vote, fail at becoming an actor, and move back home. None of those people unregister and the state would have no way of knowing because California does not contact Kentucky to compare voter lists.

Sacramento CA
its pretty bad here but i heard sandiego and the rest of socal is even worse from my brother