“Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years...

>“Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years, a period of time older than the Earth's mountains and rivers and oceans, every one of your forebears on both sides has been attractive enough to find a mate, healthy enough to reproduce, and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances to live long enough to do so. Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from its life's quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result -- eventually, astoundingly, and all too briefly -- in you.” - Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything.

Other urls found in this thread:


John 3:16-21

>believing in evolution and dating rocks when nobody was there to record the start time for the radioactive decay
>can't find the missing link
>isn't anti-natalist in these times not that any of this is automatically forced on anybody

>lgbt flag and image
>Christian rhetoric
what the heck is this set of opinions

And I ended up a mixed race mongrel of Puerto Rican descent with two dumb parents who couldn't make their marriage work or figure out how to elevate themselves out of poverty like many of their friends and relatives did.

Lucky me.

Secular contrarianism up the wazoo. I see the sign of covenant. I read the original languages and contexts. Hard. And trust in no man

They probably want to be a good person but refuse to give up their worldy desires.

>anti natalist; not that I can't make a baby, this being obviously the most selfish thing in my view a person can do
>people say im too material

Not true. Most men through history did not get to have any children. Also, you are not a direct copy of your parents. In many cases, there is inbreeding. Causing mutations that remove the good features that your ancestors had.

This is refreshing to read. It was depressing to think some people said we will never be anything more than half our dads and half our moms. That kind of black and white thinking i dont like very much. Youre also right about the reproduction bit

Is sexual reproduction really 3.8 billion years old?

Lol good question. It isn't. And nothing is

>5 posts by this ID

Really makes you think

Oh I'm sorry i was under the impression this was a place to post things. I have one reply for each reply i already received

it is no less true because you object to the message.

and now we have trannies............

ur right. everything is 600 years old.

Thanks, adam and eve and serpent seed. I dont remember posting "feminine penis" even once
Is this sarcasm?


Why are you trying to save these people? This era is the next eugenic bottle neck. Where human behaviour can no longer just throw a bucket of paint to get the job done.... But must make precision strokes . Either you want to have children, raise them into functional, moral, strong people, OR you feed them into the worlds meatgrinder/spend your hedonist days rationalizing the appropriate justifications, about why you made the right choice to die out.

Somewhere along the way, whites decided luxurious waiting was better then hard living. It's only when the new age chaff is removed can the pieces start being picked up again.

Omg it's proven by science that homosexuality isn't a disorder or anything, let adult people fuck.

>reproduces for 6000 years
>says need to reproduce for 6000 more years, we'll get there eventually
We won't. Never have. And have been prophesied to fail with all this. It can't be done. Just like we couldn't live forever if we ate of tree of life after woman ate of tree of good and evil. Im of view we cant be willy nilly. God created us with His voice. We create with our dicks. He still gives us souls or children. Woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns? I think we made a disaster and it's not a huge deal because it ushered Christ

By this logic people who go to war and have no kids or have a partner but no kids are fucking morans

I'm pretty sure any condition that hinders the normal functionality of a living thing can be considered a disorder.

I like your reasonableness. Marriage is best. But born eunuchs explain against it. I don't seek to fornicate. Nobody should. But in general you are right. Spouses can have anal because sodomy is inhospitable rape

You need to simply go back and see what caused all deaths and all sins. Originally. It wasn't an apple

I think about this all the time. It's a large part of the reason why I am determined to have multiple white children.

We are grown ass men and even some of us can't handle the eclipse memes and sept 23 ones. Clearly. Has anybody ever witnessed such a timeline? No. So imagine if you get born tomorrow. Not exactly the most fresh abundant life ripe for the picking

What a load, I'm just the result of an ongoing biological process that will continue whether I participate or not. Most of my forebears are the same as everyone else, I'm not some unique miracle of specific genetic snowflakes.

Are you high? Or just a faggot?

Tell me why you're so angry. Will a pussy cure you? Go find one

Yes... YES bring them together. One ring to rule them all....hissssssss!

Too late for sauron and snake memes there mein negroid. Bring them together? You sound like Plato. Not exactly an endorser of gays

I'm looking at one faggot. Want to bend over and let me pound your queer ass, you homo?
I bet you want my hard cock in your right little ass. Don't you? You biting the pillow as I slowly insert my cock deeper. You're a degenerate

This needs to go viral. Print out a couple hundred car decals. Go to several Super Walmarts on a Saturday afternoon tag every car let them spread like wildfire.

I actually dont like diving in head first and do you do that with women? You dont? What are you a fag? Do you wear condoms? No. Nice fanpic though. How was cosplay comic con this year?

>13 posts

It's really not that remarkable
Plenty of other people WERE eaten, starved or whatever and failed to find mates, and hence there's potentially trillions of people who could exist now but don't because their chains of ancestry aren't the ones that happened

>two swedish dingle berries

sucks to suck bro

room for one more, you faggot?

The more the merrier, you disgusting homo

>implying people have been around for 3.8 billion years.

This is an amusing post

Odds of that happening are roughly 10^2,687,437 to 1 against

Odds that god "the god you believe in" is responsible.
10^110,763,871,345,273,876,023,843 to 1 against.

>pascal's wager
>any post ever made

Knock that date back to 300,000 or so, and pretend that women aren't so dumbly hypergamous they'd deliberately get knocked up by a guy to try to trap him, or cheat on their husband for perverse fun, or the r-selected imperative to shit out as many people as possible in case one of them randomly is successful, leaving about 20% of births to fit the description in the OP, then sure, why not?

>I'm not some unique miracle of specific genetic snowflakes

99.999999% of everyone else that started the race or who was born into it left no living descendents. It's as if, out of a forest of millions of trees, five were left today and you were a branch on one of them - and the branches lower on the tree died long ago because they weren't getting sunlight.

The flipside that the OP isn't mentioning is that you yourself are likely to join the ranks of the losers - your ancestors were winners, but the winning streak is running out for many lines all the time.