Why did the media destroy Occupy Wall Street when it was for the exact kind of commie shit they're fighting so hard for...

Why did the media destroy Occupy Wall Street when it was for the exact kind of commie shit they're fighting so hard for now?

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Because Americans were standing unified. All colors genders, and backgrounds.... with the goal of holding our elite accountable.

The didn't. The old commies who got indoctrinated by the RAND corporation's Delphi Method as part of their academic career killed it. They were aided slightly by the college kids who were getting the next phase of communist indoctrination.

>when it was for the exact kind of commie shit they're fighting so hard for now?

Uhm, No...

Occupy wall street was sort of an anti federal reserve bank movement... at least it started out that way.

Anti-fa communists don't care about how much money the super wealthy people who hire them have... they just want to kill white people.

>with the goal of using MIC CHECK

all afternoon just so they could agree to arrange special commissions on where to put the porta potties and if the streets should be paved with cardboard boxes.

because they were anti establishment while rightwingers were like "muh taxes"
now the rightwingers are anti establishment while the lefties are like "muh racism"
it's about who's on the side of the establishment

They did black it out. The largest part of the march was during Obama's State of the Union address. It was never reported

The biggest parts were that black dude from the military who chimped out at a cop and the time that little whiteboi spray painted "AUDIT ME" on the NY Fed.

Ha.. I remember that. It was much better than the bullshit we have now.

it started out grass-roots, but it got hijacked immediately

Yup, until wall street jews decided to hire communists to make sure that didn't continue. Can't get anything done when everyone screams racist/check your priveledge and other horse shit.

Obama was King Nigger at the time, so he kept them in check.

It gave me a tiny bit of hope at the time that it might at least set a precedent for later protests to be nonviolent.

Oh well.

Occupy is why we have BLM now, it was a mistake.

Yup. They always derail any real change.

It attracted too many libertarian types, in the beginning.

Because Occupy Wallstreet primarily targeted (((bankers)))

From what I recall it seemed pretty normal until the tumblr crowd showed up. In fact I think this was the first instance I remember seeing the blue haired screechers coalesce in a public place. What even happened? It just seemed to sputter out

Dun dun dun

Guess what destroyed it? The good old identity politics called progressive stack, which the CIA used to fuck it over and create the mess we're in now

It wasn't "Gamergate", it was Occupy that caused the IC to unleash its best propaganda tools on the people.

And here we are, divided again.

because it was dirty smelly hippies day in and day out, boring to cover.

good thing the (((feminists))) and black people ruined it from the inside.
gamergate and BLM bullshit started not long after all that

The powers that be stood back and did nothing, which was the obvious countermeasure for a group that couldn't propose something. So when the weather turned cold later in the fall, the protesters gave up and left and everything went back to business as usual.

OWS was anti-capitalist and therefore inherently anti-Semitic. It needed to be SHUT DOWN.

becacuse king nigger was in charge and they couldnt make him look bad

this goy gets it

>Why did the media destroy Occupy Wall Street
Why do the Jews protect their own shekels? forever a mystery...

because the occupy movement wasnt funded by the elites

I had a friend involved in OWS and he said the introduction of organizers obsessed with the "progressive stack" are what killed his motivation for participating in it.

Seems to check out. SJWs inject identity politics into every fucking thing and destroy it.

Yup. There was a real spontaneous anti fractional reserve banking movement worldwide. It got hushed by the media. People were camped outside st Paul's for months. The Church even had trouble defending the usury. Still the best way to get at (((them))). More people need redpilling on fractional reserve and Redshield. The other day there was a Rothschild thread and some of the posters didn't even know about them. Sad. We the internets have been distracted by this left right shit. You think Trump can drain the swamp solo? He needs help from all of you. A massive audit the Fed resurgence now could give him the political clout to actually do something. Back up your Prez otherwise he is just alligator bait. Even if you are lefty, You gotta admit Trump might just be mad enough to go after them if he thinks he got the popular support. Cease this factional tomfoolery at once and get back to ripping banksters apart. This us all.

Read up on the evolution of OWS. It followed a very similar trajectory to the Tea Party.

>Whites pissed at Jewish crony Capitalism and its propensity for rampant outsourcing and immigration slave labor that fucked up their livelihoods
>Starts gaining traction
>Almost immediately gets subverted by controlled opposition to male unpalatable to the general public, whether it be through Communist plants who don't care about the eroding middle class and instead bitch about vapid Marxist talking points, or fucktarded theocrats who shift the focus from liberty and nationalism to wedge issues like muh gays and muh abortions need to be punished with death above all else.

There were some great Sup Forumsack greentext summaries about the subversion of OWS back in 2010-11. They all told a similar story

>whites are organizing against government corruption and nepotism towards contributing banks and corporations
>Suddenly faced with an influx of shitskins and Feminists who only want to smoke weed and suck Marx's dick
>cohesion breaks down
>media only covers the Communist minority's story
>purpose dissipates

>Why did the media destroy Occupy Wall Street when it was for the exact kind of commie shit they're fighting so hard for now?
Who was in office when it happened?
How do you think Occupy would play in the media if it was hurting trump rather than Obama?

It went deeper than that. There was a whole underground layer of online organization pretending to make it look like it was all being done by the rank and file.

My point man decided he wasn't interested in infiltrating much further after being allowed to scratch the surface of it.

plans change. people change. its not an exact science.

they weren't fighting evil and cowardly white supremacists that had just run a car into a crowd killing (of all groups most beloved) a young white woman.

You morons made them look like saints.

>exact kind of commie shit they're fighting so hard for now?
You have to understand (((they))) are not fighting "for" anything other than (((they're))) own interests, (((they))) don't actually have moral or political principles that they stand for. It's all a front.
AntiWest, AntiEast, AntiCapital, AntiCommie, it's all part of a constantly shifting narrative employed by them.

>Kekistani flag
>absolute nonsense
>[1 post by this id]

Almonds activated

Check out the banker shills. Always so hateful on the boards there is no fun in them. Anywas guys you need to get on this at once. Witht he frog prince 9in the Whitehouse there is no reason not to have a full blown OWS resurgence and try to unite all factions on this issue to bring populist pressure to your wildcard president. Forget all the tribal groups they are obvious divide and conquer tactics. Make this a law and order issue that appeals to the majority. Remember the Antifags are brainwashed victims of militarized psywar operations. I know you know this because we have seen the DARPA psywar manuals. A nice broad law and order/ corruption issue is what we need now to get all the sheep from all sides focused. I sa a thread on here the other day and some of the posters claimed they didn't know who the Rothchilds were and what fractional reserve banking is. This was huge. I can't believe a decade has passed nearly since 2008. We got to educate them young folks so their green hair angst and rage is at least focused against the right target. ANTIFA is just flak. A minority. You need to bypass the flak brigades and go back to dropping bombs on the real (((targets))).

Also, I hate bump myself but see this thread will gain little traction, even though it covers the most important issue facing our times. What to do about the criminal banks. You will see how many shills and retards post here and that only the same 20 or so faggots that actually care will even see this. So yeh shill against the bankers it is the only thing that really works or make them mad. Audit the Fed. Sound money. Boring, systemic stuff that would make the worlds of difference if we could get it right.

War crimes tribunals.

This would require a soft coup and it needs massive support for the President for him to have that kind of authority and exercise it with confidence. Why7 do you think they work so hard to undermine Trump? Cos they know he would take a shot at them if he thinks he can get away with it but is not martyr material. If the public go behind him he could do anything. The office has the authority to do pretty much anything since the terror (((legislation))). But Trump won't coup the banksters if he thinks they could just off him and noone would complain. He isn't stupid.

War crimes tribunals are international. They're what we escalate to when the domestic law doesn't work.

You don't think the international bankster gangsters aren't going to try to run and hide outside of US jurisdiction?

Because it was actually a threat to the big banks and the economic status quo. They've dealt with it most efficiently dividing people based on pathetic identity politics once again

Because they actually had a good point with that protest.

peter schiff single handedly destroyed them


The (((International War Crimes tribunals committee))) you mean? The post 911 legislation gives the President broad authority to act in defense of America as Obama ordered assassinations all over the world. The US underwrites the (((international community))) anyways. He has the authority but now they are eating away at his support he wont be able to get anything done. It still needs popular awareness to have the political will to do anything. The current state of confusion and infighting in the US plebicite is not helping anyone.

Only decent thread atm

>act in defense of America
President has no authority over the FED or IMF, esp. not this one. It would requite an actual coup and a pogrom. Christ, look what Madoff alone stole. I mean, it was great to see Eli Weasel lose $30 million shekels, but Jewish financial crime (in ZOg and your nation, look at "sir Shifty" and H&M scandal) is on a scale we can't even imagine.

The President already has the power to nationalize the Federal Reserve under the War Powers Act. The point of bringing it international is to move beyond the crippled powers of the the president. It's a force escalation strategy.

Don't forget you lot put a stumbling block on Libya after the anti-American Leon Ponetta tried to justify going to war by bringing about an international coalition. That was one of Jeff Sessions' great moments in Congress.

If that doesn't work then it will probably just wind up being wetwork. I prefer the rule of law, though, and I think it's much more healthy for the public to have fair, public trials.

Obama was president

>peter schiff single handedly destroyed them
Yep, Hymie sure gave to them. There's a great YT video "search Patrcia Macallister, LAUSD" naming the Jew on Fox LA for almost 5 mins straight and the goy got fired for not shutting her down fast enough.

I remember well. The only time in my life I actually had pride in my parliament. Didn't last long but it was a ray of hope that we could achieve something, even if it was just piling bricks on the track.
The problem if things get messy is it takes things out of the hands of public legislators and into the hands of the worlds operators and they don't work for free. (((They))) are always going to have more gold to pay for more killers than [us]. I just can't really see what international authority exists that could stand up to them. If the most powerful military force in human history won't do shit to protect the rights they are sworn to uphold then we are screwed. Even in it's current state people still look to the Republic for leadership.

Military coups are messy. I don't think they want to do something like that any more than we want to. The soft coup of the Trump operation was a stab at avoiding that possibility.

So if we can manage to do things more or less by the book I think we'll have more hidden support than otherwise.

Your pretty bluepilled, all the gov cares about is staying in power

It was probably a psyop to make being homeless seem like a fun form of protest of the masters.

I agree. but it seems we have regressed since 2008 in public awareness. More normies are aware but the fringe is now so crazy it is hurting progress. Anyways I remain hopeful. The book has been twisted though. A legal solution seems as far as ever. I can't see any further now it is total confusion. Nice talking to you though, brother. Nice digits throughout.

Intersectionalist bullshit is the one thing that keeps me from taking the thought of a 'modern Marxist revolution happening' seriously. The moment they started infighting about which nigger fatshamed which racist who stare raped some disabled demigendered dragonkin they would start shooting each other. We are limited to increasingly violent peaceful protests until enough people wake up to resist communist treason and tyranny.

Eh. Just keep pushing for Brexit. That would be a well-timed upset and narrative-shifter.

We'll have plenty of time to swing back to the financial situation next time it falters.

Simple. back then, they didn't have control.

now it's controlled and paid for.

One last bump cos of the state of the board. We're with ya.

Perhaps at some point the Five Eyes agreement might provide a venue for international action that doesn't need to get much more messy than providing damning evidence.

Either that or one might wonder why we keep funding it. Maybe they'd be more inclined to "follow the money" if it were their paychecks on the line? :D

Wasn't it subverted by Soros when he sent in his SWJ goons? Internationalists want people fighting over identity politics and culture war. Any political movement that challenges the economic status quo is subverted and destroyed.