Anyone who supports Trump is a Nazi. End of story

Anyone who supports Trump is a Nazi. End of story.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you ever met a real Nazi they'd stomp your head off

Keep calling them out, faggot

what board do you think this is?

We are all Nazis now aren't we

Do we consider Sup Forums a cult like the People's Temple or a fandom like the furfags?

If we're all Nazi's we may as well start acting like Nazi's...

Time to invade their Poland, boys


all the nazi/kkk larping faggots on this board are either A)Stormfags B) CTR/Shills C) Trolling.

They are not to be taken remotely seriously

>Irony is that you are now guilty be association
>Welcome user

See how it works?

I support Trump and Im an active member of BLM
ask me anything

>therefore jewish derived

dont worry Ishmael, you can share the Ghettos and Ovens with Isaac.

(too bad there isnt a Video of Auschwitz with this exact same Music)

Guess the majority of the USA are NAZIs, time for you to leave.

Check my 45

Obama's fully black half brother is a nazi?

Obama is a Nazi spy?

sieg heil

Cool story, you forgot the end though.

... And they all lived happily ever after.


Stop astroturfing this shit meme u fucking kike. We hate Jews.

Right Wing Safety Squad advising all anons viewing this thread to follow the instructions of this image in order to combat /leftypol/ slide/bait threads such as this one. After the requirements are met, hide and ignore this thread. Regards, Right Wing Safety Squad.

lol majority, fucking idiot.

> Sees flag
> Sees replies

its ok Ishmael, you can share the same Oven with Isaac

>are you Uncle Ruckuss?
Uncle tom?

...Or LITTERALLY Hitler? ;)

What's your point? I ain't scared bitch bring it.

but Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong


>mfw this poster, despite being just a troll, is on the list nonetheless simply for posting here and will probably be arrested along with the rest of us when the hammer finally comes down

Except natsoc has been here much longer than you underage t_d fags.


45th President of the United States

A Nazi or just someone who hates weak left faggots and their dog shit ideals. Lol no way bro,gotta be a Nazi.

>Implying that over 100% of live voter base voted in many states?
>Implying that dead and illegals are people who should have a vote.
>Implying you're a majority of the country just because you live in a city and get MUH INDOCTRINATION.





Sorry mudslime you seem to have come down with a severe case of autism. I have to admit though, the 1000,-1500 actually nazis who supported him seem alot better than Muslims. At least they don't murder the people they hate on a day to day basis like your people do.

you sonuva bitch

What the fuck is that spaztika i keep seeing since a few days ago. What is that and what does the 45 represent?


The word nazi has lost all meaning.

45th POTUS

I was a Nazi before
Am I meant to care?

>my bias doesn't count only yours does


So did "racist" well over 2 decades ago.

Not really

I see, thanks

>doesn't know what nazi even means

why arent you on plebbit

/mlp/ you daft nugget

Well Obama was never a legitimate president so Donald Trump is the 44th president.

wow i did a terrible job with that. i feel bad now.

what does this 45 flag mean?


You low IQ sand monkey,
45th prez of USA
on a NATSOC flag

oooh thank you based muslim freiend
I wish I was smart like u

Let's assume, for just a second, that Trump is secretly Hitler reincarnated and that everyone who supports him is literally a Nazi. This leaves the American political left as the last line of defense against the rise of the Fourth Reich. Would the Nazis even notice that they were steamrolling over a bunch of spineless faggots?

Just a thought. Meanwhile, in the real world, liberal protests can't achieve shit unless someone gets their dumb ass killed.

Our ranks grow.