Please explain the innocent plight of the colored man in America. First you idolize lil Wayne for the first 20 years of your life and then become mad when you're too dumb to become a doctor.

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Hi CIA, nice balloon meme...

Here's mine.

Welfare is creating a society of worthless transitory males who are picked off via tribal violence and/or slavery (incarceration). Also "land owning" females that shit these transitory males out and train them to be transitory and worthless repeating the cycle.

A warped retreation of our tribal life before agriculture.

This is what the socialist, neoliberal and jew want for us all. This is why they must be stopped.


also dont forget the most popular tv showsin the mid to late 80s were the cosby show, about an upper middle class doctor and his normie children and a different world, about nerds at an all black college. also don't forget about the wholesome top 5 80s black acts, michael jackson, janet jackson, whitney houston.

all of that led to the early/mid 90s with the highest amount of gang crime we've ever had.

black children grew up with the most wholesome/popular pop culture tv shows/music (which were broadcast over the tv/radio airwaves for free so everyone had an opportunity to know about these things) and they still turned out degenerates.

Likelihood to be violent and commit crimes is genetic. They've done studies on this shit. Blacks genetics make them more likely to do it. It doesn't matter which shows you put in front of them

>balloon pops, they all flinch and kill each other by accident
>mfw your paranoia fucked up a simple joke

Same here in the UK, many young blacks are just terrible people.
Shooting stabbing each other over their postcodes ffs lol

Black people can't even speak with correct grammar within their own culture or else they are chastised for being white. I don't see how the ghetto will improve unless black people realize they are the source for most of their socio-economic issues

Nice try, CIA.

This is now what he grows up into. This is. :)

The bankers destroyed the middle class in the West, black America fared very badly.

There was a time when there was a good middle class in black America, with the loss of industry and the glorification of money, guns, sex and drugs those days are gone.

Pretty sad
>10 out of 18 were niggers or spics, for raping or killing kids, old women, pregnant women and a taxi driver.

Although I agree with you, this picture is fucking hilarious.

The colored man is the white man. Like boned chicken having no bone, whites are without color.

Those involved in the making of the nigger are responsible for what we have today. You stupid crackers don't read and don't care about so called blacks regardless.... but all knowledge of self was removed and you put yourselves in my people. We in our foolish ignorance imitate you people. We kill, hate, steal, and more. And there is some good dark folk trying to raise the bar... one thing is you can never out nigger the nigger maker.

>all of that led to the early/mid 90s with the highest amount of gang crime we've ever had.

I blame NWA for that.

Explain Australia then?

This is stupid Analyze ... dialogue ... with those who want to eliminate you !. Africans, Jews, Arabs, etc. etc.

All other races want to elinimar the white !. Just call them terrorists and eliminate them!

Call all poor immigrants, terrorists and eliminate them!


You mean the aboriginals? The abbis that huff gasoline and snort salt?

Aussies all descended from a bunch of british criminals but became a good country.

What's to explain? It's obvious. Australians = whites = higher IQ. They were criminals, but they had the genetics, so their kids ended up going back to the standard of whites. This works in reverse too. Law abiding niggers = lower IQ, they abide the law in Africa and their nations still end up shit. Ah, but 'muh we had our resources stolen by teh white mayne!'. Nigs in America end up shit too, when their wealth has only gone up, they only have got worse.

Ironically, Lil Wayne is not as bluepilled as one might expect from someone in his position.