If women are having more sex than ever before thanks to sexual liberation why are there so many male virgins?

if women are having more sex than ever before thanks to sexual liberation why are there so many male virgins?

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80/20 rule


This. Also saged.

>women are having more sex than never before
citation needed
>why are there so many male virgins
citation needed

Since being a slut is no linger shamed, more women can have sex with chad.

Because Chad is fucking them all.

What is a Chad?

Before the sexual liberation, Chads had to resort to having 2-3 "relationships" in parallel. Now Chads can just go to any bar or party etc. and get their fix.

The sexual liberation of women has benefited Chads the most. The biggest loser of the sexual liberation of women are women who do not have strong values or a strong will - or have very high hormone levels while not being restrained by family, religion or laws.

>The biggest loser of the sexual liberation of women are women

The biggest loser of sexual liberation is literally anyone who isn't Chad.

>Since being a slut is no linger shamed, more women can have sex with chad.

That is not really it. You could shame people as much as you like. The problem is not other people "shaming people", but women and girls themselves wanting sex without attachment... and not being restrained by anything in their brains/values etc.

Let us be honest. Nature wants us to fuck. That's just the case. There is an urge. The reason humanity was able to band together in groups and form early societies was that it wasn't ok to fuck around. That was true in the early humans roaming the planes back 400,000 years ago in Africa. An early human back then who was "fucking around" in the community, would find himself expelled, simply because it was necessary for the group to have a cohesive structure. If only a Chad were to get pussy back then, the other males would do what lions or tigers do - form their own subgroups and move elsewhere leaving the Chad (the alpha) behind with the females. But with early humans that would have been disastrous, they needed to excel in group work. So what happened is that values emerged where people would be bound to each other in things resemble marriage.

This type of societal, community values lasted hundreds of thousands of years until around the 1960s when the widespread breakdown of community values in the West occurred. Of course this isn't the first time we have seen this in failing cultures, Rome, ancient Greece, Egypt, early 20th century coastal China etc. come to mind.

>The biggest loser of sexual liberation is literally anyone who isn't Chad.
No. Those who aren't Chad resort to being what they were before - betas. Betas can still get married and have a family and most do just that. They just don't get a young q.t., but a 32yr old woman who has been fucked by 50 Chads before.

This is the first redpill you learn when studying effects of feminism.

because women don't actually like sex, they like the improved status having sex with rich/attractive men gets them

The sexual liberation was in the 60's, at least most baby boomers still had sex. With the internet I suspect it's much easier to come into contact with many people, giving women a much larger dating pool to choose from. At least in the 60's there'd be a decent probability that your average guy would be the chad at a small party, but with mass communication it's nearly impossible.
This combined with porn and video games for guys, and more women focusing on careers would partially explain it. I've met girls from tinder who still message me occasionally, but never have time to actually go out because they work ridiculously long stressful jobs that men would've traditionally worked.

Kek never seen anything like this before, it's because I have a filter for 'chad'

Also do not forget 80 will die and 20 will live.

Women still didn't WANT to have sex with betas. They have adopted a mixed mating strategy: Alpha fucks, beta bucks. Since paternity tests were unavailable at the time, women were impregnated by Chad on the side and pretended the kid was the beta's, who happily provided for it.

Why do you think cheating is so prevalent? Why do you think women hitting the wall (i.e. unable to fuck Chads anymore) want to "settle down"?

This question is asked every few weeks at most. R9k exists faggots, move it to the right board.

They're all riding the Chad carousel.





me at the top

Came here to post this








>Betas can still get married and have a family
I disagree, because women don't even need a beta provider anymore. They can become bosses at their jobs, make all the money and fuck chad.

Haha I shit when someone flushes

>A chad bongnigger
Ship some of those sloppy second slags my way



>"all the powers combined, Im Captain Trump!"

Post more virgin vs chad memes you cucks.

How many people do you think you have come into contact with in your lifetime? How many women? There are 8 billion people on earth, half women, do you think your number comes anywhere near 4 billion? You need to stop creating tiny world views and sweeping generalisations based upon your limited interactions. The more people you interact with , espeically different women, the higher your chance one of them will fuck you goes up.

Interaction eventually leads to pussy. But a lot of us here have given up or don't care enough to try or keep trying.

The 80/20 rule is bullshit. it's probably closer 60/40

I could live with that, if the state didn't take the assets of the 3 guys on the bottom to pay for it.

is it easier to bully women over this than to confront chad and so bitter guys focus solely on women?

pretty much.
you can be the big fish in a small pond reasonably well, but without winning the genetic lottery you cannot compete on a reasonable level anymore in a society where the internet exists.

you are basically locked out of the dating market till the late twenties, and by then you have to ask yourself if you really want what's left over for you.
not that this only fucks over men though. women who fall for this are fucked too. they'll never really get an enjoyable relationship, they'll have to live on beta peter's tax money for the rest of their life.

chad in general is doing nothing "wrong", he is programmed to fuck chicks, thats all he does.

so basically no one is doing anything wrong

Well you're not wrong mr. Love Guru. Sage advice, I just wish I had the balls to leave my basement dwelling

women aren't allowed in these threads, you are lacking intelligence and insight on the topic so you should probably leave

Women will wait for chad to wing low before giving it up to autists.

The problem isn't so much Chad fucking as many women as he can or women being delusional enough to believe that Chad actually cares about them past a one night stand. They are just doing what looks like the best option to them.
There'll always be something that your partner doesn't totally like about you and where someone else might be a better choice, but they know that you offer the best total package to them. Same will be true for you and your girlfriend/wife. There are women you'd prefer over her, but you know what is realistic and what isn't.

The problem is society enabling this kind of behavior by forcefully taking away what non-Chads would have to offer and redistributing it freely. The state took large parts of what you can obtain through work rather than having to be born with it out of the game, rigging it completely in favor of one side.

How do you become a chad. Does it come naturally or do people train for it kek.

mix of both

Mix of both, but if you fake it you'll eventually burn out. Keeping up an act 24/7 is hard.

Just stop playing video games. It's hard to imagine someone that devotes their free time to video games as a stoic figure we all hold in our minds of what a father should be.

Being over 6'0 is a good start
>t. 6'4

Nigga most of my time is spent in my room alone writing and recording music. Rarely go out and do normie shit, I've been invited but I turn it down most of the time. Not because I'm scared to but because I have no interest in it.

But I'm curious, is it just a bi-product of testosterone and god-tier genes or do people genuinely worry about it 24/7. Do chads even know they're chads? Do they know what non-chads are?

I'm 6'2, you got two inches on me. Hope you can make up for it and put on weight. It's not a good look to be tall and skinny.

It's gotta be more than this anyway.

Chad's a busy boy while David has been sidetracked into collecting MLP figurines and spanking it to anime

lol i figured this out when i was young
my brother was chad, his friends we chads
they all fucked a new girl every day/week
all the girls i asked out only agreed to go out with me so they could get to my brother and his circle of friends
been celibate since
became chad, women chase me now, they cri rivers when i reject
loving life actually
relationships arent for everyone

tfw you've only sexted with girls who are thousands of miles away from you

>all the girls i asked out only agreed to go out with me so they could get to my brother and his circle of friends

How to destroy a man in 10 seconds.txt

There is hard data to support 80/20 theory.

I don't understand these graphs

Kinda surprised the 4s still got so many messages. You'd assume that most guys don't even try with those.


Dotted line shows how one sex rated the attractiveness of the other. Men's ratings for women on the left, there you can see a distribution you'd expect (most women look average to them).
On the right the same for women rating men - with them thinking that most men look like shit.

Solid lines are how many messages they sent to the respective other sex.

Look at the attractiveness distribution lines, the dotted ones.

>male to female
Almost a perfect bell curve. Males rate 50% of women as above average looking, 50% below average looking. (As it should be, per definition of "average")

>female to male
30% of males fall into the "least attractive" category. This means women rate the average guy as LESS THAN AVERAGE/UGLY. This is mathematically impossible of course, but it's how women see it.

Also look at the "most attractive" category. Men put about 5% of women in here, which makes sense. Women? Sorry, nearly 0% of men are rated as "most attractive".

Also you don't HAVE to be in a gf/bf or otherwise romantic relationship and being friends/associates can be just as effective as them just being regularly in your presence will, invariably, normalize our attitudes/beliefs to them which is the first step to red pilling.

fuck off emunigger peter is a dwarf that doesnt count

And then they bitch about unreasonable beauty standards, lel
The only ones who seem to give a shit are they themselves. If you aren't fat or disfigured and have basic hygiene, most men will already see you as at least average.

shieeet 6'4?
I'm 6'2 and have only met like a handful of faggots and I've been traveling the world for 9 years

5ft4 here
have a hot gf

>have a hot gf

Do you use some kind of step ladder when doing Sansa Stark doggie?

Morals and social norms act like a sexual socialism.
Remove that,and you have unregulated,sexual capitalism.
Works just the same with sex as it does with money.

>Remove that,and you have unregulated,sexual capitalism.

Not really, because social systems still exist. Take away all kinds of benefits and social security (i.e. governmental interference with the market) and then you'll have unregulated, sexual capitalism.

fuck off, filthy commies. there's absolutely nothing wrong with this

A simple way to end it would to simply have all guys reject any women. Who have slept with more than three guys. Do not buy them drinks, do not take out on nice dates, nor should you buy them nice things.

You just reject them simple as that. If some woman wishes you to provide for her after she had sex with 25 - 40 guys. Just tell her that is disgusting and that you cannot date a woman. Who has had such little self control over themselves.

If enough men do this it will show younger women that there repercutions to that kinda behavior. Because majority of the women who part took in this behavior. Will have little financal support and a labeled as a low hygiene disease filled piece of trash. They will die alone in their 60s in some shitty lower class nursing home. In turn will set a good example of why younger women should instead pick a partner in hopes one day starting a healthy family.

Would never happen because men are thirsty and there is currently no real incentive for them to reject those women.

I agree with you that it is stupid. Why pay out of your ass for something that a couple dozen others already enjoyed for free, but it's just not a realistic approach.

Honestly I don't think this is true. Look at how conformist women are now to all this nonsenical PC bullshit, then imagine what they'd be like when Christianity was the normative culture. I have a feeling the most PC women of today would have been the most devout women of the past.

That is not what sexual liberation means my dear friend.

They are basically liberated from the subhuman's grasp and free to fuck the top percentile of males. They have no need for providers anymore. Said providers are most of the time ugly specimens that do not deserve to reproduce

I'm gradually becoming an MGTOW myself. I don't even desire women very much anymore, the shit you have to put up with as a beta is just too much. I'm not marrying a thot under any circumstances. I'm not even trying to do this its just sort of falling into place.

>I don't desirve women anymore

Yes you do, but your nation sees so much antidepressant/estrogen exposure that it would not surprise me if you are Low T as fuck. Check for a pudgy face, low energy, etc. you'll know it if you have it.

She's a billionaire?

>men are thirsty

We could solve perhaps 90% of societal problems EVER, if men weren't thirsty. It's the number 1 ill in society and there doesn't seem to be a cure.

If men weren't thirsty, women would've never gotten the vote. That's a first thing to keep in mind.

Or you bang 18 year olds, when you are in your late 20s

>They have no need for providers anymore.

They do though, they just use the state to extort it rather than getting access to it through marriage.
Take away all the welfare systems and see how quickly the situation would normalize again.


Many women are happy sharing Chad and just being fuckdolls.

shut her down

Chad won't marry the roasties, virgins will get married eventually because living by yourself is fucking expensive.

Because it's with niggers

Except when the 80% of men who are lonely virgins turn their sexual frustration, bitterness and sadness into radicalism. Monogamy was invented for a reason.

Before tinder, I would've said this was exaggerated but now it's unironically true. I live in a student town and it's ridiculous how much sex Chad has. I have Chad friends who have 3 fuckfriends, regulary have one night stands with other girls etc. Meanwhile most average guys never get laid.

This isn't sustainable.

I used to be the local Chad. Manlet but facially attractive with a big dick.
Then I found Sup Forums.

Haven't had sex in 2y now.

>This isn't sustainable.
It is sustainable as long as the average guys keep feeding the system with tax money that gets then handed down to the ex-fuckfriends when they hit the wall.

Not a society you'd really want to live in, but one that will probably be able to avoid falling into complete chaos for quite a while to come.

>tfw sexual equivalent of a homeless person

I get asked this question quite often, Idk why. This singular question prevents me from getting laid as I argue with them over it. Followed by me being called "Cringeworthy", probably being screenshotted and then being unmatched.

Fuck liberal whores.

Stupid Cunt.

Dumb thot

Answer with "I consider myself a human".

>owning a house

This was all last night. I've been unmatched for quite some time now.