How can we stop the radicalization of the young angry white male (alt right)?

How can we stop the radicalization of the young angry white male (alt right)?

We don't

Dismantle the Federal Reserve.

I'm surprised they didn't say 'angry white boys'

It's too late


kek /thead

Bring back ethics to video game journalism

Believing in the differences between men and women is now considered radical.
This is fucking Brave New World.

Simple. We have to ban alt right videos on YouTube.

Just leave them the fuck alone

Or kill all the jews

Either way stops the nazi menace

Give them all a job so they're working and don't have time to give a fuck about this stuff.

Guess what happens to the left? Same as above.

>Doxx, fire and pillory a guy for a memo that was center-left at best at the behest of the SJW mob.
>"Why are all the young white men getting angry and going right?"

Take back Jerusalem

Vaginal reparations with nonwhite women.
Calm them down and promote racemixing at the same time, gas two kikes with one pellet of Zyklon B, so to speak.

Stop being left wing radicals yourselves and forcing your shit on everyone else.

yes, deny them a platform and voice wherever possible. this will surely not garner more resentment and disenfranchisement on their part.

There's only one thing we CAN do: take away more stuff from them. Take away their culture, take away their will to live, take away their ability to pursue a future worth having. If we take everything away from young white men while blaming them for all of society's ills, surely they will eventually submit to progressive liberalism.


Stop removing historical statues... Bring a fair and balanced media... And bring back fckn Cpt. Kangaroo.

It's pretty obvious they are talking about Jordan Peterson here. I don't get what's so extreme about his views? Listening to him made me feel understood for the first time in a long while (about young men wanting responsibility and all that) after being fed tumblr talking points as gospel for most of my life by friends and family.

The only way they'll radicalise young men to fringe right leaning groups is by doing exactly what they are doing now- limiting what you can say, punishing those that speak their mind and a mix of disinfo/misrepresentation to ruin someone's life when they do say something counter to the narrative. I think what a lot of what young guys want is to be left alone to be men instead of forced into soft-feminist modes of thinking. At the very extreme they'll create the nazis they are so scared of, we have historical precedent to look towards.

Do we need to ban progress liberal stuff? Where do they get their ideas that everyone is equal and the same?

They can't voice resentment if they don't have a platform to do it on

To these people, suggesting men and women are not exactly the same in every way is extreme. Unless you're brown, then it's your rich culture.

solve western problems...which will never happen.

>I don't know the biological species concept
The post


Trump said this for race relations as well

That's what has pushed me away from the left. I work in medicine related field and it boils my blood when people say such obviously wrong things like there's no such thing as race or gender. These people's talking points are always some blend of "don't you agree with science?" and some dogshit Harry Potter reference and they can't even get the science but right.

By not treating them like demons?

>be a gorilla
>Mr. beringei introduces himself
>I introduce myself as "Gorilla"
>"you don't have a last name?"
>i give in after much prying and insistence from Gorilla Beringei
>to this day cannot go out of tree without ape children pointing and laughing "Oh look it's Gorilla GORILLA!" in spiteful mocking tones
>pray to Gorilla god that I might one day fling poo at the asshole scientist who came up with that '''''thought filled'''' name

You fix society.

>"all white men are evil, and a problem that needs to be cleansed from the world".
>"Why are all these angry white men developing beliefs that contradict our own, why won't they support us?"

They don't see it because they don't want to believe it. They don't want to admit fault, they they let hatred control their movement, they they said "fuck equality, I want revenge" erven if it meant going after innocents based on what their ancestors did. Even if those innocents were actually tolerant and used to, before the dogmatism, be tolerant.

Perhaps it's psychopathy, perhaps it's jewish nature, but these people cannot get into introspection and/or see how their actions may have consequences. They can not, they are incapable of, admitting fault.

>Youtube radicalization

>They can't voice resentment if they don't have a platform to do it on

The sound a de-platformed voice makes is vroom vroom, thump thump, gasp gasp, cry cry.

Could try banning Islam, pretty sure everyone is getting pissed off with it.

the radicalization of white males is not going to stop until we stop non-white immigration from pouring into the west and that means ALL non-white immigration, poos, chinks, niggers, muslims etc... ALL

Give me Soma or give me death.

>Google memo guy
>milquetoast feminist/classical liberal
>radicalized nazi

>put turkeys on top because of ottoman empire..

>roman empire is not counted for Italy


> They can not, they are incapable of, admitting fault.
lol you perfectly described the average woman

It might help is raving mad female communist Antifa were not saying how much they hate us and want us to die.

How being a single white male is the most horrible thing on the planet.

Stop trying to destroy my history and replace it with lies. Also stop trying to replace our race.

>this dude running for president is a secret russian nazi!
>this cartoon frog is a nazi!
>this dude who wants better diversity initiatives is a nazi!

>why are there so many nazis?

I'm not white and I feel nothing but rage and contempt towards those who dismantle and corrupt stable institutions with a smile on their face while riding the highest horse they can find. This is an anger I was pushed towards by observing these morally devoid husks of humanity and their actions, and not one I willingly looked for. For the fact that I have as much hate in my heart as I do I feel even more anger in a twisted sort of feedback loop.

Stop being fucking cunts and I'll stop being fucking pissed.

this is like gaslighting, refuse to look at what we say and deal with the substance of our arguments, to instead try and "fix" us or pathologize us

>be gorilla GORILLA
>in the most (((diverse))) place on the planet
>can't hang from trees with the cool monkeys
>have to live on the dirt floor with fucking rats for emotional support

It's too late, the goyim know. You shouldn't have been so blatant about your hatred for white men and we'd have fallen for your tricks.

These people have no souls user. They are evil. Never stop hating them, if they ever tone down their message it's only to trick you.

Stop systemically destroying them like the nihilistic kikes you are

Equality is a paradox meant to trap the goyim. Equality is used to dismantle a society and overthrow anyone who holds power in said society.

Beneath "equality" is Jewish hatred, the concept of equality is a paradox and is meant to trick YOU.

You can't
It's too late.

Stop blaming whites for everything from black poverty to accidentally shitting yourself from misjudging a fart.

I know exactly how.
But I won't tell.

You can't, because males frequently have the drive to be top dog, #1. And how can you consider yourself number one when everything in a society is dominated by an external group with opposite goals? Survival mechanism + desire to be in control of your destiny, something women never ever possess.

It never ceases to amaze me that no one acknowledges the physiological differences between the races. I guess higher rates of hypertension, cholesterol, cardiac problems and stroke are social constructs like gender.

It's like all this radicalization happened as a result of public media demonizing, laws being unfavorable for, and racism inflicted on white men.

Jordan Peterson makes me feel anfry and powerless

He isn't extreme. His views align with that of a classic British Liberal.

>angry white men

More like angry white boys. The average age of 4channers has got to be 15 or so.

Kids who haven't grown up. They are convinced their "jokes" spouting racism, misogyny and even nazism are somehow funny, when in fact they are not in the slightest. In fact, they are dangerous to society and minorities and more vulnerable folks in particular.

the alt right and leftie cucks is what you get if education is seen as too expensive so your government cuts funding. freedom burgers hailing nazi overlords, frog gods and believing the kkk-people are the good guys. what degeneracy is spreading around the world? to save the youth you'll need to educate people in schools (spend more on education). but i don't know what could convince someone who believes in conspiracy theories he's on the wrong track. maybe they develop ed some kind of mental illness.

I get more radicalised every time I go out of the house, the internet has nothing to do with it.

>In medical field
>doesn't know difference between biological sex and gender

There is no way you are involved in medicine unless you are a janitor in a hospital or a NEET larper, everyone who has studied any science having anything to do with humans in the last 50 years knows this distinction

your masters dont want to stop it, just keep poking the bear and act all surprised when one day it bites your face off

>These people have no souls

I went down the rabbit hole that is modern (((progressives))) for about 4 hours with my parents yesterday because they saw a documentary that involved getting kids on puberty blockers which rightly disturbed them so they asked me what the fuck this was about. Whenever I had to describe their behavior it always ended up on either crazy or soulless. I showed them videos of how these people conduct themselves when they fight for their shit causes and my dad straight up said that these people werent acting human. He couldnt label it specifically but just the way they carry themselves set off an alarm for him that something about them wasnt right. And its that something that we've all noticed over time, that glimmer of crazy in their eyes. Its cultish and even normal people can see it.

and contsantinople

>recognising reality is "radicalisation"

The same way you stop Islamic Terrorism.
By accepting your own responsibility for their resentment and hostility and trying harder to be less hateful.

Exactly. They never actually address any of our grievances.
Never acknowledge why we're mad.
Just double down on their bullshit.

No that's unironically the various socialist/ communist reddit subs based on their demographics.

Most of use are teenage girls user.

>be black
>murder white people
>"he is just a victim of the system!"

>be white
>hold tiki torch parade
> "censor him! his speech is violence!"

Are the black men who commit more than half of violent crime angry or do they do it for fun?

How the fuck could you possibly know? You're making the same bullshit mistake your side always makes -- assuming your opponents are 15 year old pimply virgins in their parent's basement.

You have NO IDEA how deep this goes.

By stopping the incessant attack and disenfranchisement of whites, white men in particular.

>You have NO IDEA how deep this goes.

Uhmm, sure thang.


Stop the constant racism and harassment towards straight white men. Furthermore, disassemble far left movements like BLM and ANTIFA which perpetuate violence and mass hysteria.

Just be glad you have decent parents who raised you well. I have an inkling that these antifa faggots never stood a chance in life to become somewhat normal.

Ahahaha gotta love unironic anarchists

You're fucking delusional, the gender spectrum bullshit is based on faggots and lesbians opinions, not scientific proof you absolute retard. There are 2 sexes and two genders. Schizophrenic people swear they are sane, I guess we should listen to them as well, and wear diapers on our heads to avoid Martian brain rays. I hope you have kids that cut their dick off and your genetic line is obliterated from this poor earth.

mental illness is a hell of a drug

SPBP. Also open borders for Israel, nothing turns me on more than the idea of Israel taking in tens of thousands of Sub-Saharan Africans with an average I.Q below room temperature. In fact if diversity and miscegenation is good, we should use all Jews as a test case, since they are God's chosen. Let's promote race mixing for the Rothschild's and greater Israel.

You absolute retard.

Father has mixed race kid, kid needs organ transplant. Can't do, body rejects organ sees it as a different race. "Muh race is only skin color/melanin". Kys faggot.

we don't stop truth you dipshit

Brave New World and 1984 both described systems that were already in place nad being developed. BNW described American entertainment industry, the designer society, and the tools used to create it. 1984 described communism, and the tools it used.

Both came true because both ARE true. We DO have an unholy mix of the entertainment society and the oppression society, with the social engineering endemic to both. We're not just living in BNW now, we always have. It's just becoming more and more obvious every day, because BNW was an absurdist extrapolation of forces already in play. Huxley saw this avant garde and their desire to relativize everything, and described them. Just as Orwell saw the totalitarian freaks from Soviet Russia, and described them. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that a totalitarian would use information technology to spy on everything you do, and he described that. And he was 100% right.

We actually talked about that aspect as well and deduced for ourselves that it was a combination of overfeeding an ego (parents that believe their kid can do no wrong and the kid subsequently think they're the fucking best ever) and lack of being taught basic ass manners that creates these kinds of people. Different family units play a role as well obviously, but the above 2 were ones that we could point out pretty easily.

Those traits dont do well when being fed indoctrination. If someone thinks they're king shit, and a teacher or professor or any sort of authority figures feeds them a line that some invisible hand is actually keeping them from being the best, they're going to lash out at that invisible hand for everything that goes wrong in their lives, because they dont believe they can do anything wrong and as such cant take responsibility for their own actions. Combine that with basic absence of respect and manners and you get these fuckers.

You're pretty retarded if you don't think their are millions of white people who think like this. The difference being they work all day and know there is nothing they can do. Whenever a big alt-right or hitler video gets millions of unique views on youtube it's shutdown. They wouldn't bother de-platforming if they weren't afraid.

>Whenever a big alt-right or hitler video gets millions of unique views on youtube it's shutdown

Explain Sargon of Akkad then.

I don't understand why you're mad. It's always very soothing to me to see how inaccurate the left's view is of the "alt right". The ignorance of your enemies is always a good thing user. On top of that, having the angry youth on your side is never a bad thing, the youth is the future.

user you were doing pretty good until now, this b8 isn't subtle enough.

Because of the 1st Amendment it can't be done unless there's a removal of the religion status of Islam as a sect

We close down the interwebs

Aye, you're right. Now what does the future for us hold then?
>Parents getting children around their late 30's more often (fatigued faster).
>Traditional families being torn apart more often by divorce (not understanding that a relationship is a long term commitment which involves sacrifice of habits and upholding responsibilities).
>Educational institutions becoming less scientific and more cult-like with "liberal" indoctrination.
This mess is just getting started user. This is what we get when we shun away from guideline principles that have led civilization for generations.

His older brother is the vice prime minister of youtube. ofc he's allowed to get away with his nazi crap

god i hate crapitalism so so much

I'm mad because of how utterly fucking stupid they always are. It's like they're incapable of seeing anything past the most obvious superficial layer.
"Pimply 15 year olds wave Sup Forums and kekistan flags in public, so that must be an accurate summary of who the sites users are."
It's mind-numbingly retarded, and it pisses me off that I have to share breathing space with morons like that.

Allow the free and open exchange of ideas.

literally from christcucks.

>god made us all equal and we're children of god and god gave us free will
liberals took this but abandoned everything else. 100 years ago liberals were eugenicist while christcucks denounced them

Lower the retirement age to 50 and ban re-entry to the workforce.

Pretty much all of our social probelms solved in one sweep of the pen. Clears the ludicrous logjam in the employment sector, puts money into the pockets of young people so they might actually start facing the future instead of fearing it.

Give them what they want or face the fury.

>James Damore
So according to the Guardian, anyone who has a different opinion to the (((mainstream))) is now a radical? The guy even provided citations. He said nothing sexist, except that men and women are different, which isn't groundbreaking or controversial.