If, for no other reason, I oppose progressives purely on aesthetic grounds

If, for no other reason, I oppose progressives purely on aesthetic grounds.

The men look feminine, the women look masculine, they are often covered in tattoos and piercings, they are often either frail and scrawny or they are morbidly obese, they cut their hair into ridiculous shapes and then dye it in some obscene colour, their protests are often messy and disordered, their propaganda looks contrived and disingenuous as they feel the need to fill it with as many minorities and disabled people as possible in order to signal their tolerance, and lastly, their faces are only capable of taking one of two forms; unbearably smug or hysterically screaming.

At least the old left had some balls to it.

Goofy looking SJW thread?

Pic related.




*blocks your path*


Is there a psychological explanation for the progressive's penchant for ugliness?

I had a high school teacher just like this



Just look at them - nation wreckers. Just imagine these dykes had actual real power.

Same pattern over and over again. Frail pathetic "men" and fat "liberated" bulldykes.

Ugliness came first, the denigration of virtue comes after.

Aren't those fat hippos the ones who keep going on TV promoting obesity talking about good it is to be fat whist sweating like pigs and struggling to breath because they are so fat?

It's probably as easy as developing an inferiority complex in your childhood that never lets up to the point where you'd happily watch the world burn rather than play the meagre hand you got dealt.

They never seem to understand that their feeling of "oh shit, I'm medicre at best" is damn nearly Universal and seem to imagine they are part of some weird 1% underdog legion.

their complacent attitude is annoying as well

Stumbled on this, quite relevant.

This picture proves they don't care about the causes they talk about, they just want to have pictures taken of them that they can post to social media.

>part of some weird 1% underdog legion.
im this
pls help

t. new testament

Good news: the one on the far left (kek) succumbed to her cundishuns and ate it (kekek) a while back


The black guy looks like a smaller giga nigga.
A nigga bit.

I bet that niglet showed up because he thought he was gonna smash hippy pussy.

Ended up being made to come out as a fag to the whole campus. Kek

even the ovens find them repulsive.

>If, for no other reason, I oppose progressives purely on aesthetic grounds.
I agree, whatever our side is, which includes left of center libertarians as well as centrist authoritarians and everything right of either, we might win purely because of aesthetics.

Makes me tempted to post a link to my music to test it's the right aesthetic. Sup Forums has already advised talking about my music after it's started is a bad idea though. Whatever the case, it's there to be used.

The left wants to abolish hierarchy but instead they have simply inverted it with white, straight men at the bottom and disabled, Muslim otherkin at the apex.

*blocks your path*

The eternal nu-male.

I-I want a hug...

>the rejected genomes become franctic to reproduce
>doing so in hysterics
>so much so that it does not understand conception, the genome has become convergent on being a streamline of dna splashing in so many ways that it might survive
>evolution has allowed negative genomes to become complacent and degenerative.

>dude VAGINA lmao