Media shilling hard for Eclipse glasses

Any of you guys notice this? Are they really necessary or are they a big scam? I've looked up at the sun for a second or two before and never had lasting damage, so I don't see what the difference will be.

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Why don't you go and find out, just stare at the eclipse and report back. Make sure you have text to speech ready to go.

the lenses obscure the lunar armada

It's just some 5¢ uv shades that some jew will sell for 5 bucks. Of course they will shill it. Doesn't mean that looking at the sun without any form of shades is beyond fucking stupid.

during the eclipse, the lizard people are slowly morphing into humans. With these glasses on, you can't see that.

When I was younger, I looked in the sun during an eclipse, nothing happened.

What if the trick is they don't actually work and millions who trust I them will go blind

you can look at it just not stare

yes, OP please go look at the eclipse without protection.


It hides them.


They used to teach kids how to make eclipse boxes, now they just buy them for $10 a pop. Good goyim....

>burger education

Use a floppy if you have one laying around (if you don't you must be 18+ to post here). There is a lot of scientific shit to explain why looking directly is worse during a eclipse but you can search it up.

just wear like 3 pairs of sunglasses at once jesus why is this such a big deal

REAL huwhite men look directly at the sun!! Not staring into the sun is a jewish plot!!

do you not look at the sun when it's out? same thing ya dingus

>pol doesn't know about sungazing
baka, i'm not surprised with neo pol

>Selfie mode
I really don't understand how hard this is. People take pictures of the sun every fucking day. The glasses are being shilled, yes, but for shekels. That's it. Use the reflection in a car's finish, or a phone in selfie mode.

Please go do this OP


I held my eclipse glasses over a 1000 lumen flashlight and could faintly see the led emitter which looked as though it were off. Really heavy light filtering, many many times more than sunglasses.

I really wonder I you'll be able to see the stars during the solar eclipse.

holy shit spam this everywhere quick

Share blue wants Sup Forumsacts to go blind, shilling for it?

A burger calling another burger a burger.

Baked Alaska just messaged me and said when he put them on he didn't really notice a difference.

no pain receptors in the part of your eye which gets damaged - so you won't know how badly you've damaged your eye until you look away.

I really wish I had the melanin to look directly at it. Nature is the real racist. Fuck nature

>Are they really necessary?
course not, any sunglasses work just as fine

...amazing... I'm gonna go by myself some bear mace, I'll be right back!

Native ads are the only thing keeping MSM from bankruptcy.

The ultimate Jewish ploy

jesus fucking christ im not a rasict anymore i will bow down to my black overlords

best is welding glass shade 14

just put a clear tempered piece of glass over fire to make it darker and put some cloth on the part u want to hold it with.I personally used my welder mask

>buy $1 glasses
>or buy $100+ cuckphone that I will never use for anything ever again because I already have a laptop

hmm, tough choice

It's because your eyes can only adjust so quickly to the sudden changes in light, causing you to take in much more UV than normal.

what if you squint?

staring at the sun during an eclipse actually opens your third eye, they just don't want us to know that

You are looking at the moon during the eclipse I heard they are postponing it until tomorrow due to cloud cover.


You'll still go blind.

So like the movie "They live" but the exact opposite. The sunglasses hide it instead of allowing you to see it.

It's because when their is an eclipse, your eyes think it's dark but it's not, something like that, cause your eyes to dilate. You can look at a total solar eclipse with your eyes though, just not a partial one.


You need a 14 shade Lens to be able to constantly watch the eclipse without the uv harming you. The Suns so bright you can see it clearly with the glasses on.

It's going to be cloudy in my area so there is no point in buying the glasses. I'm laughing at all the stupid fucks that traveled from all around the world to be in my town.

I used a plastic bag, worked for me.


>hey anons can i seriously just look directly at the sun?

this is why everyone thinks we're retards

who /telescope/ here?

You go right ahead and stare directly at the Sun for the whole event, dude.

Does anyone know if there will be enough light for my auto darkening welding mask to work?

These things are darker than welding glass.

>I don't see what the difference will be
The difference is that when the sun is normally out, your eyes are going to adjust to it immediately and you're going to squint. With an eclipse your eyes aren't going to be prepared for relative darkness to switch suddenly to blinding, full sunlight, and you won't squint. Your eyes will be fucked forever in that instant.

wow not fair, I hate being white

how does it feel to be surrounded by those absolute retards

They probably dilate when you try to focus on the dark spot in the middle of the Sun

>t. Somebody who wants naive people to Look directly into the sun and get eye damage
Of course one, two or three secounds maybe don't result in noticable damage, but it certainly isn't healthy, especially the longer you look.

>he doesn't have a phone

great idea dude!

Get it on kike book now! The nigs need to know!

That works, but it has to be a black plastic bag, and you have to tie it around your neck so no light seeps in through the bottom.

I've looked directly in the sun before for a second or two no permanent damage and most people have as well. I don't see what half a second during an eclipse is going to do. I could also do it with one eye and sunglasses on to be extra safe.
The damage done will be minuscule

Not a big deal. Only retard here is you for thinking look at the sun directly for one second will make you go blind.

I'd be really interested to hear what all these recalls are really about.

I found this video online and I want to know how legit this is for viewing. It's basically using carbon from a candle and making it go onto a piece of glass frame so that the frame is dark.

Also I found some green welder glasses would those be good enough to see a partial eclipse in Texas.

Obviously he fell for the (((Special glasses))) trick.
>Reset the counter...

What did people do back in the 1700s and before? They didn't wear glasses or make boxes for taking in the eclipse. They looked up for a second or two and that was it.

I'll find this out by 2:41 today anons, for science.

these are shade 14 glasses

You don't need to watch the entire damn thing either. I'm not saying to stare at the fucking sun, just take a quick glance and that's it.

Everyone needs to calm down.

welders glass rating 14 is good
the solar eclipse in 99 i watched it through a piece of glass my grandma burned with a candle

yea, don't go less than like 12-13 for very long though. you can drop it down to like 11 for a few seconds to really get that glory shine but its still a risk.

some retards forget that they're staring at the sun during an eclipse

you know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night and you turn on the lights?
imagine that but instead it's fucking burning sunlight directly piercing your eyes after the eclipse makes everything dark

> Oh yes goyim stare into the sun for 10 minutes, what could go wrong

Who's selling them? I think a lot of libraries are giving them away.

>so I don't see what the difference will be
Either you haven't researched the properties of what makes the ring of the sun when blocked by the moon dangerous, or you're already blind.

Either way, be our guest and look at the sun without any protection. Tell us how that goes if and when you can feel your way back here.

If you live anywhere near the path of totality, you can't find anything, hotels a booked up and the roads are already starting to get clogged.

Eyeballs are glands of the brain. Take care of your almonds.

Don't even chance five seconds. It's common sense. Listen to your body.

>he doesn't know how pupil dilation works

Jesus people how are there this many retards here. The sun doesn't get any more dangerous, how your eyes react is what is of concern or rather the lack of reaction.

So, as EVERYONE has already done and proven, you can look at the sun for a second or too and you'll be fine. The thing is during an eclipse the sun emits just as much radiation, plus the darker light levels mean your pupils will open up more, letting more in. Again, you'll be fine for A FEW SECONDS, but more people are stupid and if you tell them "a few seconds is okay" they'll stare the entire duration and go blind. If you hype it up as HYPER DEADLY and scary they'll look for a fraction of a second and and/or get the glasses. Basically they're overreacting to compensate for people's tendency to under react.

Is it abnormally bright or something? Ive taken fraction of a second glances at the sun in all its glory and been ok, are the glasses just so you can stare at it?

That's what I was thinking, user.
Isn't there a prophecy about 1/3 of the people going blind?

welding glass comes in different shades, 14 is the recommended.

Viewing with Protection -- Experts suggests that one widely available filter for safe solar viewing is welders glass of sufficiently high number. The only ones that are safe for direct viewing of the Sun with your eyes are those of Shade 12 or higher. These are much darker than the filters used for most kinds of welding. If you have an old welder's helmet around the house and are thinking of using it to view the Sun, make sure you know the filter's shade number. If it's less than 12 (and it probably is), don't even think about using it to look at the Sun. Many people find the Sun too bright even in a Shade 12 filter, and some find the Sun too dim in a Shade 14 filter — but Shade 13 filters are uncommon and can be hard to find. The AAS Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters & Viewers page (link is external) doesn't list any suppliers of welder's filters, only suppliers of special-purpose filters made for viewing the Sun.To find out more about eyewear and handheld viewers go to (link is external).

My basement is completely dark, I went from it to outside in full sun in a matter of seconds. Same thing, no damage.

I made mine this morning.

Think about how the iris works in your eye.

>Are they really necessary or are they a big scam?
Yes, they are. You cannot look straight into the sun - not with normal sunglasses. You will end up with permanent eye damage.

The eclipse glasses are essentially layers of metal that will not let any true sunlight through.

Back in 1999 in Europe, I bought my eclipse sunglasses and a drunk neighbor ended in hospital later that day.

This is how people made solar filters for hundreds of years.
Kinda tricky tho, you have to make sure it's very uniform and thick.

It's deceptive - people assume that it's somehow "not as bright" so it's safer to look at, but the same amount of UV is still getting through for the most part.

The danger is less about the eclipse itself and more about the eclipse making people think it's safe to stare directly at it, which is never a good idea. It's not any more or less dangerous than staring at the sun on an average day.

Read the posts, I'm talking for a second or less. Just a glance. Only a retard would stare at the sun for 3-5 minutes, even with eclipse glasses on.

You can easily look straight into the sun for a few seconds. Any damage your cells take will slowly heal over time. If catching a glimpse of the sun caused permanent blindness we'd all be blind by the age of two. As babies both of my children would routinely look at the sun, then look away after a second or two because it's too bright. I have to assume I, and ever other human, did the same thing and I'm not blind.

Pupils don't dilate enough, when you look up at the sun your eyes normally full dilate to prevent damage.

please let this be true. come on kek, gimme the digits

A crazy old man I used to buy mushrooms from once told me
>"Some day, the world will go completely dark, as if everyone is blinded. The darkness will last for 3 days. During this time, stay in your home and do not leave no matter what you hear moving around. Only those that have been warned will survive."

But he was crazy and on mushrooms so, y'know

>If catching a glimpse of the sun caused permanent blindness we'd all be blind by the age of two.
The guy "watched" the eclipse with his sunshades for a quarter of an hour...

>for 3-5 minutes, even with eclipse glasses on.
You can stare at the eclipse for 5 minutes with the glasses on. Trust me, that is what they are for.

>tempered piece of glass over fire


For the boyz.