What's a proper word for white people?

What's a proper word for white people?


supreme gent works for me


Has cracker ever offended a white person? How come blacks can't invent a word that offends white people?


i liked the brief movement to call white people "Nilla" like the cookies. It flows and fits in exactly like nigga, and would drive blacks fucking mad.

Cracker comes from the term "whip cracker"
Niggers don't even realize they are calling us master


It makes me hungry for some crackers, my quad get friend.

Good idea my nilla

Just "white people" is fine.

*sigh* i am getting sick of all the white oppression I'm seeing all over the place!!!

The word itself is hilarious as it implies the nigger is calling whitey his whip cracking master. We simply are disgusted by how loud and vulgur the shrieking of a wild nigger can be.

if Sup Forums makes this a fucking thing i will eat my shorts

Thats a new one to me.

i think youre onto something


Now make like Stalin, and die in a pool of your own piss.

They usually just call us "Officer" or "guard".

>What's a proper word for white people?
Well, If they live in the USA, it would be proper to call them Americans. Funny this gets brought up. It is the same thing you call a black guy who lives on the same street. American.

If they call themselves ANYTHING different, they are communist, and should be purged.




sometimes they call us "your honor".

Cracker was made up by white people towards the degenerate class of poor whites who lived on the edge of civilization during western expansion.

they call us cave beasts sometimes too

whites should be called europeans, just like asian after asia

Mighty quads. Have some knowledge: white people invented the word Crackers, that's what they called Florida cowboys who used whips. Nignogs can't use anything right

No need to add insult to injury, their very presence in our countries is offending enough as it is.


European Caucasian.






I miss the 80's where they called us 'coach.'

I kind of like that, my nilla.

the only type of racism that bothers me personally comes from other white people anyway
I'm talking about affirmative action and other similar shit

Fun fact: blacks didnt even invent the term "cracker," nor does it originate from references to slave whipping. It actually originates from northern whites referring to poor hick southerners as "corncrackers," or "crackers" for short, due to only having enough money to plant cheap crops like corn.
