Kraut/pol/ General AfD & DEFEND EUROPE - Anne Will Ausgabe

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"


>AfD's Fundraiser
MEME JIHAD mindset: (mandatory watching)


>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

Defend Europe press conference

>Meme Merkel == Schulz
MSM is shilling for Schulz to distract voters; main goal is to dissuade people from voting either
>create memes and gather lurkers
>Offline meme warfare
>Subvert and demoralise leftie "activists"
Collect ideas for stickers, posters, wearable, etc...
>Alternative media
Create youtube and facebook videos
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz faggots / demoralisers

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal

Anne Will complete show from yesterday

Other urls found in this thread:

3 cucks and 2 lesbians.
The current state of Germany.

That's Identity Politics for you. I'm suprised they invite Weidel instead of Gauland. Weidel is a lot smarter than everyone else sitting there.

>Merkel will visit the Gamescom

This is getting ridiculous

Haven't seen the video yet but I'm sure she did.

what are sites similar to junge freiheit?

>AfD will Flüchtlinge nach Libyen zurückschicken

I hate Anne Will so much.


Did you make this?

Yep. Got any pics of Schulz and Merkel looking friendly?

Kein Widerspruch gegen die Gedanken der Führerin!

Sie müssen das neue Deutschland mit Türken, Arabern, Afghanen und Afrikanern annehmen...

...oder die Führerin Deutschlands kann ihnen vorwerfen, dass sie einen anderen "Führer" folgen, ja?

You made some minor grammar errors






AfD went from 16% to 7%.

They will do worse than the Greens.

>trusting polls
>after trump

Trump got less votes

The polls were still wrong and rigged

>MSM is shilling for Schulz to distract voters; main goal is to dissuade people from voting either
Isn't that counter productive? The less votes CDU/SPD get the more powerful the smaller parties get, this includes the Left and the Greens. If the CDU gets too weak we might even end up with another great coalition or even CDU/FDP/Green. I don't think it's worth it.

Die AFD bräuchte einen Höckeputsch um wieder interessant zu werden...

Sup Forums is /Wagenknecht/ board
fuck off with your fuckin Afd shilling, Ronnie

Better dead than red! Commie fuck off

The polls were right, Drumpf lost the popular vote.

Vote FDP

Who cares about the popular vote?

I did that before, never again

>Who cares about the popular vote?

you should, since we don't have an electoral college like the USA

Kraut/pol/.... a place where Southern European leech diaspora, native homos and cucks, ex-yugo halfies, part ahMeds, armenians and other shitskins LARP as Germans.

Definitely one of the most pathetic corners of the internet


Serbien muss sterbien!

Even the popular vote polls were wrong in the USA.

New York times predicted a Hillary win with over 91% on the election day


>Even the popular vote polls were wrong in the USA.

>New York times predicted a Hillary win with over 91% on the election day

... but she won the pop vote.

You are either a troll or retarded

She got 3 million more votes





Wahl 2017 propaganda

Social democracy or libertarian society can't work with subhumans







But I am not German although I have german citizenship. Am I supposed to leave?



>Am I supposed to leave?
Only if you are non-white




reminder that fdp will do better than afd


>But I am not German although I have german citizenship. Am I supposed to leave?

Maybe, at least we will revoke your "german" citizenship.

Kill yourself, you fucking shill.

Why is everyone in this thread German? I tough all modern day germans were faggots and/or cucks...




I figured. Mine is basically a Google Translate version. That's a corrected version, right? I'll go fix it.

But if it's "Fuhrerin," then I suppose I should remind the reader at the end that "Fuhrer" does not refer to Schulz.

Man, she's so ugly I thought she looked uncomfortable next to him in this pic. I guess she probably is.

But I'll use it.

>Drumpf lost the popular vote.
>The one state that had the entire Democratic popular vote lead completely refused to allow federal investigators to inspect the integrity of the election results.
>A lot of other states do so also.
>Prominent Democrat in a city that was over 80% Democrat states that they intentionally pad their stats using illegal multiple-voting buses even though everyone knows the city is probably majority Democrat.
>2018 midterm Democratic SuperPAC election rigging conspiracy outed, including evidence of illegal collaboration with the Hillary Clinton campaign
Wew lad. Where does the denial end?

it only seems like that

we still have a few million 'patriots', common sense kind of people left - like the rascals in this thread (AfD is not the solution tho)

and: in my estimation, around 1 million of us who go full 14/88 - it's not over yet.

>But if it's "Fuhrerin," then I suppose I should remind the reader at the end that "Fuhrer" does not refer to Schulz.
I'm an idiot. You were referring to führer as plural.

This one has grrrreat Potential as a fellow german i aprove of this

And I thought monkeys can't use computers.

Kein Widerspruch gegen die Gedanken der Führer!

Sie müssen das neue Deutschland mit Türken, Arabern, Afghanen und Afrikanern annehmen...

...oder die Führer Deutschlands können ihnen vorwerfen, dass sie einen anderen "Führer" folgen, ja?

Use this

It's einem anderen Führer

That's really a shame, some times I'm happy that my family moved from Europe to Brazil. At least the negros here just work, fuck with other monkeys, do/sell drugs and steal from dumb American turists...
And apparently many citys in the south of Brazil are more german than Germany itself.


Was Hitler referred to as plural?

That probably either means I'm a really smart monkey or I'm not one at all.

Führer can be used as plural and singular.

Der Führer
Die Führer



That counts as cannibalism, doesn't it? It's pretty common in the third world countries


We need to do more Propaganda for AfD,spread some shit on Facebook and Twitter, hang some placats in your neighbourhood and speak to some People with good Arguments.

We must Show the rich guys that the AfD is basically filled with Nationalliberal Populists,who can represent Worker and Middle-Class as well as some other groups.

We have to be an Alternative to Merkel and state that we want to go into a coalition with er to destroy all her plans on Things like Rapefugees and Never-Ending Economy boost leading to bankruptcy, we Need to Show that the Nromie-Bürger needs our help and we need to win more support in Nordrhein-Westfalen and Bayern,perhaps Niedersachsen too.

Also,fulfill what Reconquista Germania has told us, start some organized Troll Commandos to delay Enemy Digital Infrastructure, ZDF already is butthurt about us, we need to break enemy-moral and be present.

You tell me Ronaldo, how many close relatives did you already eat in your life?

Okay, I'm guessing plural is like, a formal means of respect as a superior, or something, as though she's better than you, so that works.

Haven't decided on the exact language but here's a translation of my next edit:

"Im Moment bilden unsere Parteien eine "große Koalition", die 79% des Bundeszeitalters kontrolliert.

Möchten Sie Schulz wählen, und lassen Sie uns Hüte als Kanzler und Junior wechseln?

Und die Grünen und FDP? Wir haben ein Party-Kartell.

Die Linke und Alternative sind jenseits eines "Cordon Sanitaire", obwohl. So stimme für sie."

"At the moment, our parties form a "grand coalition" controlling 79% of the Federal Diet.

So would you like to elect Schulz, and let us switch hats as Chancellor and Junior?

And the Greens and FDP? We have a party cartel.

The Left and Alternative are beyond a "cordon sanitaire," though. So vote for them."

Any modifications you'd like to suggest?

>We need to do more Propaganda for AfD,spread some shit on Facebook and Twitter

Wahl 2017 propaganda

>More German
One drop rule. To be German one must be 100% Western European genetically and have at least one grandparent from mainland Germany

YXou fell to the Anglo-Polish meme, user, there is a German Movement of Patriots: YouTubers(Hagen Grell, Frank Langer,Nikolai Alexander),AfD,CSU,PEGIDA,Christian Democrats and Nationalconservatives in CDU,Identitäre etc. it would be good enough if you had German roots and would join our effort by shitposting and doing Internet-Propaganda with us.

Why are you assuming things about me? :?

>Nikolai Alexander
Name so German
>CSU, PEGIDA,Christian Democrats and Nationalconservatives in CDU
Based German-speaking mulattos, right goy?

>Nationalconservatives in CDU



They will pay for the last 12 years, they are not part of the team.

Fuck them!

There are cities in the south that are 100% of german descent, there are some with polish, italian, and from other countries too, but the german ones are resisting change, not mixing, keeping their culture and pride.

And you live in one those cities?


Fuck you!

They could have stopped Merkel in 2015, but they didn't.

Fuck them.

They will pay for their betrayal.

Germans tell me something about this mid-30s lady in the bundestag.

"Im Moment bilden unsere Parteien eine "große Koalition", die 79% des Bundestages kontrolliert.

So sie möchten gerne Schulz wählen, damit wir einfach die Plätze als Kanzler und Vizekanzler tauschen können?

Und die Grünen und FDP? Wir haben ein Parteien-Kartell.

Die Linke und die AfD sind die einzigen echten Oppositionsparteien! Wählt also weise.

I would change the cordon sanitaire part. Nobody will understand what that means. Even I had to google it.

Weidel auf Phoenix

meh 6/10

has that typical Ossi girl face (not that there arent cute Ossis but still)
