Question for Nazis, communists, and I guess Americans in general. Where are your parents?

Question for Nazis, communists, and I guess Americans in general. Where are your parents?

Did nobody tell you growing up that you shouldn't act like this? Did you not have ANY kind of guiding figure or positive influence as children? No kind of strong authority figure to teach you right from wrong?

You do know we have these cunts here aswell. If gay marriage is voted no expect antifa chimpout.

did nobody not tell you not to avoid using negative questions?

Where is here? They're sure as shit not in Newcastle.

Answer the question or I'll assume your parents or parent failed you.

Australia fuckwit. And you will be surprised by the degenerates living in your city.
What's more Newcastle is a labour strong hold, gaurentees you have commies there and that you have people Fed up with them your nahtzees.
Do you believe in identity politics user?

Pretty sure I've lived in Newcastle for 21 years and I've never met a single communist or seen a single rally.

Do you believe in identity politics?

They are the product of divorce. The sacred single mom/weekend dad combo. Look at the age range.

No I don't. I believe anybody who considers themselves a nazi or a communist has something seriously fucking wrong with them, and I blame the parents.

Pretty sure 99% of the people here who are the most hateful, ignorant, racist pieces of shit had horrible parenting when growing up. Either the parents who played fox news and screamed racial insults all day, or the type of parents who completely ignored their child, and didn't pay attention to the shit they were being brainwashed with. Eventually becoming a fucking neo nazi.

>implying fighting for your people, your family, your history and a future for your children is a bad thing

Well have you looked at the labor parties policies lately they are full of identity politics. Whats more if you go to join the party you don't join the party as an individual your are categorised by your identity. The liberal party is slightly better in this regard. The fact is our politics have shifted far to the left post the Howard era. Conservatives in the rest of the country arent happy hence the rise of Pauline fucking Hanson. The ALP have the economic reforms most australians want but their identity politics is driving voters liberal and the liberals are going nazi. Do you see the issue user. Your living in a bubble if you don't think commies are in newcastle just look at your university.


kill yourself

How telling that you refuse to answer the question. Do your parents know that you pretend to be a Nazi on the internet? Because that's what you're doing. You're playing pretend.

Seems like I'm on the right track. So what did your parents do or not do that fucked you up?

we're not literal nazis, they were some like 1940's stuff

Baby boomers sold our western values for 1$ hour labour overseas. They thought they were fighting the commies with out realizing they were voting for Marxists and enabling the luciferions to entrench themselves in our politics/justice system/ and education system. All boomers should be tried as traitors to humanity. Neck yourself

>raised by boomers
>having parents who care much
Pick uno

nazis never had internet either

>playing pretend
Maybe he is, maybe he isnt. To be a nazi all he has to do is believe in the stitches says. It may not be satire. Parenting has very little to do with It user. The rise of the alt right nazi has everything to do with the narrative in australian politics and media. After gamergate the alt righters woke up to what wss actually being said, and shit has actually being getting worse.
Imagine young people raised in an era of equality, where people of all races have equal rights, women have equal rights, and freedom of religion exists. These should be the most tolerant people ever, and they were the most tolerant.

You see Muslims blowing shit up hurts religious freedom argument and when the media defends them and the govt locks people up for speaking out about it. They become less tolerant.
When men are told in all media that they are sexist and masculinity is toxic, despite the fact itbisnt true, they become less tolerant.
Finally race, according to the narrative every white person is a racist by virtue of their own race, these people weren't racists. Then after spending 5 mins looking at race stats on crime or literal white genocide in countries like zimbabwe and south Africa which have black majorities and all of a sudden you have nazis.

You see user, parents aren't responsible the left is responsible for the rise of nazism. And it fucking kills me knowing the most tolerant have ever been have been victimised and become the worst thing in history.

Yes we did. They taught us not to allow sand niggers in our nation because they bomb stadiums and bridges. Where the fuck were your parents, OP?


No user, I think it was just YOUR parents. Did you grow up in a southern state, by any chance?

The local youth movement thought me to be like this.

Oh ffs, cunt for an aussie your daft as fuck and your shit posting is insufferable.
Your answer is here Now stop being a faggot.

That flag, kek.
Puppet state of merkels 4th reich.

Any chance that Flanders and wallonia will split?

>Where are your parents?
Gettin fucked by niggers.



This is what OP is experiencing right now. I think theyre very new.

Seriously though the Nazi larping is autistic, don't censor your message or anything, but larping as WW2 Germans is stupid.