Seriously though America, what the actual fuck is wrong with you and your people.

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haha they're like children

it's sad really

Life, liberdy and pursuit of burger :DDDD

>Seriously though America, what the actual fuck is wrong with you and your people.

How much time do you have user?

The problem with America is too much government. All the stupid people are protected from themselves too thoroughly.

nasty women

Maybe these lefties should send those cakes to the poor starving Syrian children they want to save.

But that would mean less cake. Never mind,

Fucking womanchildren,


China is pretty much unstoppable now aren't they?


These women have no shame because no matter how fat a woman gets, there will be a line of men ready to fuck them. No matter how many niggers they fuck, no matter how many bastard children, no matter how bitchy they get, or fat, or ugly, or whatever. Women know there is always some thirsty guy ready to plug their fish can. This gives them hope that some guy will want to be with them and their chances are improving. Beta cuck males are increasing and men with any self respect or diminishing.

Even on this board mgtows and MRAs are shamed for letting their race die even though the battle is already largely lost. If you haven't gotten with a virgin or at worst a woman who's maybe banged 1 or 2 guys and married her before 25, it's over. Any women past this will have rode the carousel over and over and used up sloppy 42nds and a couple of stepchildren are your future. Either embrace it or go MGTOW.

Most of these women are on pills and haven't procreated. Thus they dedicate all of their energy and drive towards the leftist religion.

The most fervent SJWs are always these miserable, fat women. Murray Rothbard warned about the spinster vote when he criticized women's suffrage, how they would become a core constituency of the left.


Tina Fey was so obviously sarcastic I can't believe that they genuinely believe she was being sincere.

Tina Fey was so obviously sarcastic I can't believe that they genuinely thought she was being sincere.

Holy shit, which one of of you glorious motherfuckers was behind this campaign?

Am I a retard for getting furious when I see smiling ass fat people eating fat people food?

>eat cake
>get attention
>don't have to be away from a chair for less than 5 minutes all day

More like Resist Diabeetus

What the fuck is wrong with women? Even your going to gorge on something to applaud yourself for being a disgusting fat ass, you could at least eat a bunch of steak or pizza or something.
All you're going to accomplish is acquiring diabeetus.


At least use a fork, damn.

Or, you know, treat them like shit when they act up and then leave. Come home to a clean house and no panties under her skirt.

Women push you until you push back, if you let them push you beyond what they'd respect you're done

>CSI board game

You can't make this shit up. How fucking bluepilled can you possibly get?

What. The. Fuck. Is. This.


holy shit that hashtagging

I'm so sick of fat people. I really am.

t: obese male

What the hell is "sheetcaking"
pls educate me

They're no better than animals, no wonder they love fucking niggers and dogs and horses so much.

Women really are just over grown children. They never grow up mentally at all.

Tina Fey said to. That's the level of cognition they're working with.

Hello shariablue

>trump wipes out fat women faster than michelle obama

They all eat cake, and then what these pics don't show is that here's about 3-4 niggers that fuck them silly for the next couple hours.

Tina Fey had a cameo Saturday Night Live bit where she ate cake and said that's what she does instead of care about politics now. Leftists are living in a fantasy world where punchlines of jokes are taken completely seriously.

I honestly don't understand how people can eat that much party style cake. The frosting is so ridiculously heavy that eating anything more than a tiny little piece should make you physically ill but people eat it by the pound. It's literally the fried butter of deserts.

That and feminism and cucked men from too much soy, and of course (((them)))

Please don't group those things in with us Americans. We are thoroughly disgusted with those diabeasties

Congratulations, now you understand how foreigners feel when we look at Americans.

i sometimes feel like that one Japanese guy who kept fighting the war for years must have felt when he finally got out, like the world is completely alien to me and i cant even think of what would make someone do something like this

i just dont get it man, i just dont get it


Are these the famed "birthing hips" goyim constantly talk about?

> cake mix sales up nationwide
> tina fey enjoying her betty crocker money

Don't see it as sad. See it as an opportunity to exploit them.

I've always known that Europeans were disgusted by Americans.


This shit is not funny, why did it take off like people think it's actually good comedy? It was such a lame, dumb skit, like everything else on SNL

Guys I have some bad news.
Your cake is just another symbol of privilege.

Go away Shlomo

I don't know what is wrong with half the country. Another civil war should clear things up.

>we are flat slobs who refuse to blame our eating habits so we blame others but wasting this cake and labeling it a self righteous cause eases our guilt that we dont have self control.

For the same reason we had slaves, this is why we never allowed women to vote

It's probably along the lines of
>If you don't think this is funny, than you're a Nazi.

Can I interest you in a cake, my friend?


idk, seems pretty funny. Mostly sad, but still, kinda funny.

>Ice cream cakes

It's always America who invents shit like this, every fucking time.

We made everything safe and weeded out natural selection.
Time to bring back the hardcore steel tonka trucks, wagons, and lawn darts

Even before President Trump and the hysteria that followed, the same lame-o kind of people thought stuff like that "Schweddy Balls" skit was just top-tier comedy. They even made a Ben and Jerry's flavor after it. I just can't relate to having such retard-level sense of humor.

Sup Forums eternally BTFO
You can't argue with pastry.


>Literally any reason to eat cake

Fat cunts.


what the shit is that text written in, bloody semen??

To be fair I'm a white USA citizen and I hate ice cream cake. The best kind of cake is a fresh made yellow layer cake with chocolate mousse filling, coated in chocolate frosting.

What you've never had an ice cream cake before? They're delicious.

That's orange my dude. I think you might be colorblind user.

The spell won't work otherwise.

they may not be much to look at, but what do you wanna bet they can play some GD football

Don't you have more baby penises to suck and children to sacrifice, Shlomo?

>Am I a retard for getting furious when I see smiling ass fat people eating fat people food?
It's a natural reaction, just need to take deep, slow breaths and remember. Not only will fatties have a shortened, miserable existence; their children have more birth defects. These people are probably the cutting edge of lower fertility, cut of welfare and they are all dead.

We need to look at the stocks of companies who provide baking materials and see who owns them..

This could be an hoax to brainwash people into funding them

>The problem with America is too much government.
That's exactly the message Wall Street and the corporations have worked so hard for you believe.

How is eating cake standing up against trump?
What is a sheet cake?

> How do we stop this?

It's pinkish

It's not, look at it compared to the orange frosting flower and then to the darker pink frosting flower. It's bright orange.


>the resistance
>can't even resist a piece of cake
thank God these useless soft headed fat fucks are pretty much eugenicising themselves.

that's just stupid

The mom appears to be the perfect candidate to take Wilford Brimley's vacant spot as the spokesperson for Diabetes.

those are clearly 2 pigs and 5 elephants

I have a shitty monitor - shit ain't vivid - everything looks a bit pinkish

??? There are no big businesses that want small government. Big government puts in place all kinds of nice laws to stifle competition and promote barriers to entry.

Do you think Tina Fey cackles with maniacal glee when she sees people doing this?
Do her eyes flicker red for a moment?

Order Nazi cake
Complain when cake maker won't create one

The Left in 2000- There's no slippery slope
The Left in 2017- If you don't love obesity your
a hater.

Is this a daily event for them?

Surely they intended to write 'shitcaking'
That's what they do on the bog all day

>Humans are just cancers in a vacuum
what does that even mean?

Make sure your VGA cable is plugged in all the way.

nazis are unlikely to be a protected class in any state

It's a real shame women are able to eat like pigs, get fat and still live longer than men.

>eating cake and getting to be 400+ lbs. is the new protest
>makes leftist women easily identifiable on sight now that we don't just have to look for tattoos, facial piercings and brightly colored hair

I'm okay with this.

What the fuck is sheetcaking?

Halliburton, the pinnacle of ethical corporate conduct.


You know that guy's an urban legend, right?