How come no one dies from making fun of Christians?

Is it only because a dirty mudslime will threaten to kill a person if they draw their pedophile prophet that keep some people from doing so, compared to say, a virgin mary in an orgy drawing? knowing that most christians would only get upset but not threaten to kill?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Muslim drives over little girl
>Retards: #NotallMuslims

>Christian shoots an abortionist
>Christianity is evil.

Fairuza miss Iran

one nut drives over a bunch of faggot anitfa and BLM, people are still talking about it, meanwhile a bunch more terrorist attacks happen, that is why we don't take these people serious

are you implying Christians are cucks or are you implying they're good people who don't fly off the hinge at verbal insults?

>*Random white guy who didn't even mention religion shoots an abortionist
>Christianity is evil

i fucked girls with bodies like this
it was so sweet

because christians are cucks

>one guy does it
Fedora-niggers are retarded


I think we see in the modern age that death is not an appropriate means when someone simply disagrees.
>but muslims still think it's the 12th century

I wonder if ISIS uses this picture to promote their agenda saying

cause yall turn the other ass cheek

The reason is because Jesus lavished praise and blessings on the peacemaker and was critical of those who relished violence. Being that Christians strive to be more like their Lord, true Christians will not chimp out on anybody.

Accursed Jews and their Islamic golem they created to destroy Christianity, are not of the Lord. They're of the Devil and do his will. The time for them to burn in God's righteous fury will come, but not by our hand. God specifically says revenge is for Him to deal out, not His followers.

This doesn't mean Christians are to allow people to butcher them without raising a hand to stop it. We live under government rule with laws to protect its people, so we naturally expect that to keep Christians safe. As far as open blasphemy of our Lord, like Jews love to do, not much we can do about it if the government looks the other way. In such a case, let them march themselves to Hell.

>God doesn't need Christians to defend His honor from faggots making fun of him.
>God just chucks them into hell and we all laugh at them.


Fairuza miss Iran.
Escort in London. £300 per hour, or so I'm told

Because christians are pussies.

All blasphemers die.
Their souls die, not their bodies

is that vegan apu?

Same reason no one dies for making fun of Jews, because you goyim and us Chosen are giant pussies now and the Muslims are the Alpha males.

there was a time when you sneezed the wrong way they asked you to have a seat..
what's your point?

Because Christianity is a Western religion that is compatible with Western values such as the freedom of speech.

Islam? Not so much.

Us Christians are human beings, mudslimes are not.

christians are pussies.
everyone knows this.