How is anyone unironically communist...

how is anyone unironically communist. i'm not really pro-capitalism but communism has proven time and time again that it doesn't work, cuba wouldn't even be a thing without the soviet union or international trade and tourism, which are decidedly pro-capitalist. communism is a forced meme, and a bad one at that.
how are people this retarded. they're just part of a historical reenactment group but they don't know it.

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I really don't know
It wouldn't be a stretch to say thay are not human.

>how is anyone unironically communist
literally american education

They brainwash each other, Marxism doesn't work on sceptics and people who think twice.

I'm okay with a couple leftist ideologies like mutualism in theory, but I would like it if we had a test run of it first before we committed ourselves to crushing the current system

It's popular among (((intellectuals))) and factory workers who don't make enough money to feed their families.

It's these. Communism is a knee jerk reaction from low IQ individuals who know it's a better deal than what they'll get if they have to compete and "intellectuals" who need an authority figure. Which probably stems from a dysfunctional relationship with their parents and particularity a lack of a father figure.

Yep, "historical reenactment". Like the ending?

communism is pretty cool, only if you live in a group of 5-100 nomads and all share the same values. other than that, it is pretty shit because people only want more and more.


and for further reading im no subliminal-commie shill

It's popular among the hipster art fag crowd because it gives them a sense of being a revolutionary or of being a part of something greater no matter how shitty the system demonstrably is. I suppose the root of it is the human desire to be a part of something above yourself.

Hey Comrade, it was almost my day off.


this is the best answer.
i never got this, why support a system that is probably shit.

Gotta read "The True Believer"

The whole point of Marxism is to take legitimate grievances people have in society, point out how the whole capitalist system is flawed (which it is), then offer a solution for it. Unfortunately that solution is even worse than the current state of society, and always ends up in massacres.

People become communists because they see some of the problems in society and the banking/corporate system, they see how unfair some things are and how they could be better with more economic and social "justice" if good-hearted people could be in charge, they might have deep problems in their lives, and Marxists use those feelings and provide them with a solution: a communist utopia that can be achieved with a revolution and that will solve all the problems and injustices caused by "capitalism"

They don't realize that they're just being used to implement totalitarian regimes that have a similar power structure to capitalism, and they'll most likely get shot.

It's like a religion. Religious people have to believe that after death there will be heaven and everything will be sunshines and rainbows and everything they've done and suffered through life will be all worth it. Communists feel the same way, they see all the suffering and injustice on Earth and want to believe there's something better after it (after they overthrow "capitalism" with a revolution), but it's an illusion. They're only replacing the current "bourgeoisie" with an even worse one while the banking system usually still haspower over the state.

My guess would be because for one, it's a fringe movement in the U.S. at least, and it lays out a clear oppressor class and oppressed class. Most people that join would have highly fantastical view of the oppressed class and see themselves as a part of it even though they are most likely in the oppressor class. Again it provides the something greater that humans want. Secondly there's the idea that "true" communism has never been implemented, but then again there's never been a true Scotsman either.

>not real communism
They still appealed to the same underlying suppositions of communism.
You don't have to work out 20+50=70 to know that 20+79328993 does not = 1

no one argued that those people don't meme the shit out of "that wasn't communism"
only idiots think that if a system doesn't work out the way they though, then the system wasn't implemented.

I would dispute the idea there is anything about being "good-hearted" on "generous" in Marxism. I have no idea why you would say this, he is pretty clearly against people who promise things on flimsy premises like that (i.e., capitalists who hand out charity when they feel like it).

Your reading of history is also a bit off. Sunshine and rainbows" certainly isn't why revolutions happen, they are usually always either ethnic or sectarian conflicts if you look at them in any detail. Most socialist revolutions don't happen in capitalist countries anyway, usually shitholes with vicious ethnic divides where the local would-be genocider has wrangled some sort of stuffed ballot at best. Revolutions (socialist, religious or juntas) tend to get lots of people killed, that isn't a flaw, its nearly always the point. What happens next people don't tend to think too carefully about. They usually expect whoever brought it about is going to bugger off after six months and give them elections, this never happens obviously.

I know 89,000 people who got a pay rise every year throughout the recession.
The interesting thing (I think) about The JLP is you'd think it must be some sort of grungy poverty business, in fact their retail businesses are both very high end and highly competitive. People never talk about this because it works and there is literally no reason all businesses can't be like this.

Thing to add here is that a lot of ex-colonies went commie. The reason for this is again ethnic divide, what you do as a successful colonial power is put the largest minority in power over the majority. You've now got trusted minions then who want to be friends with the imperial power because you've just uplifted them over their historic rivals and if they piss you off, you stand well back and let them get massacred.
The minority/majority dynamic after independence/abandonment lent itself to a bit of socialist class-based thinking (intellectuals prefer something to enoble what they are going to do next) and then the knives come out, literally.