Christians Debate

Debate and discover which form of Christianity is authentic and right for Sup Forums (Mormons are excluded from this). Go.

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Christianity is opposed to nationalism. Anyone subscribing to it is a traitor and a nigger lover.

Fuck off skin worshiper.

>Not submitting your soul to the gospel of the prophet Joseph Smith
>Not understanding the Gospels of Nephi

Please go.

>Debate and discover which form of Christianity is authentic and right for Sup Forums
None. Christianity is a Jewish cult.

Joseph Smith was a degenerate.

KJV is jew written trash

Only the Septuagint is the true Word of God

I find the concept of monotheism a bit suspicious - especially when the god was originally worshiped by the jews.

Judaism and its offshoots appear to me to be a form of spiritual totalitarianism, the blueprint of universalist tyranny brought into the spiritual realm, especially when compared to other belief systems found throughout the world.

Pagan LARPers aren't welcome faggot.

>which form of Christianity
Which Abrahamic cancer tumor is least deadly?

Eliminate all 3 and suddenly most of the wars, conflict and bloodshed in the world vanishes.

Nice try, not even a pagan you nigger

What did you do, xerox that image of the screen of your 386?

Oh hells, you're that guy. Don't you need to go let a nigger fuck your wife?

No its not. Europe held whole of world in colonies

Hitler was Christian against atheist bolsheviks

these threads are clusterfucks
pears before swine

Why do Christians think current Jews are the chosen people? Since Jesus died removing the need for sacrifice clearly Christians are the new jews and are THEE chosen people, not the Israelis.

Christians need to live like they will during eternity now. If you still cling to fleshly desires, pray for God to remove them and He will. In brotherhood with all men with wisdom and love.

>pray for God to remove them and He will.

Remember that religion doesn't have to be literal. All this monument destroying has made me appreciate Thomas Jefferson's bible all the more. He was a diest but felt the mortality of religion was vital. You can always consider monotheism as another way of just saying there is ONE right way to be.

You are a created being. You were created in the image of your creator. Your creators goal is to make you like Him. He will not fail. Jesus died for the sins of the world, whether you acknowledge Him or not. It's going to be alright user.

No war is not usually caused by religion. It's mostly caused by rival countries, competition, ideologies(gommunism)...Ect.


>Christianity is opposed to nationalism. Anyone subscribing to it is a traitor and a nigger lover.

>You are a created being.
I am a procreated being. I have a mother and father just like everyone else. My oldest ancestor is the first cell that formed in a blob of fatty acids.

>You were created in the image of your creator.
Your "creator" was crafted by men to rule over people like you by exploiting their fear and ignorance.

>Your creators goal is to make you like Him.
What if I don't like him? I don't want to be forced to like anyone.

>Your creators goal is to make you like Him.
Oh, you meant his goal is to make me the same as he is. You know that sentence really could be read either way, but my first instinct was correct.

>He will not fail.
The strong inductive evidence suggests he will slowly fade like all the other thousands of previous gods.

>Jesus died for the sins of the world, whether you acknowledge Him or not.

>It's going to be alright user.
If people are still being blown up and beheaded for failing to worship the correct gods the appropriate way, then I'm sad to say your prayers have failed and you have all your real work before you.

Checking in

>No war is not usually caused by religion.
Would you mind stepping through this for me? Because all the militant monarchs and warring popes of the past were all ordained by your gods to control men.

Is the debate over? ;)

Christian Scientist, kidnap your sick kids from hospitals

Biblical christianity.

I don't think so.

Is there any way to be both a racist and a christian, or is this religion just not for me?

Mormons are the best, and you are wrong if you disagree.

You can be racist against non-believers.

Christianity will introduce you to people of other races who are not annoying or who agree with your more "controversial" beliefs especially in a society that believes cutting off your dick to become a woman is a positive thing

No, he only exploited Christianity to get into power. After he established himself is when he let his true self out. Same when Obama was exploiting all the black baptist in America to get himself elected only to be sworn in by putting his hand on a Quran.

Mormonism isn't a bad religion but it aint Christian my dude.

I would just go for mainline protestant. Catholicism, any form of it, devolves into supremacy garbage that's annoying to deal with online.

>Christianity is good because Hitler supported it
Only on Sup Forums

Have we met before? Or are there that many Pols here?

No, you cannot be a racist. However you can be a RACE REALIST. There is a difference between hating all other races and choosing to walk around the group of black guys walking your way on the street.

Better racist than sorry.

Empty, vapid theology vs self-righteous ignorance

Who will win

No idea. Most of us are kektholics, but there are a few non-heretics

Honestly, I can appreciate what Christianity does (attempts to do?) for the masses: promotes traditional family values, basic morals, responsibility, charity, etc.

But we stand against a tide of niggers and snackbars who will eventually overrun and destroy us if we stay on this path of self-destructive altruism. I wouldn't wish death on either of these groups, but I believe we should be separated. The last thing I want is the mongrelization of the beautiful, noble European.

Stop paying attention to this godless earth. True christians are seeing that we are living in the end times and its matter of years or months to the second comming. Start doing Gods work and spread his Word to earn yourself treasure in heaven. Save your friends, family and then the rest of people.

Those traditional family values are detrimental to our race nowadays, just remember that.
We have a large pool of fit-to-breed women but a far, far smaller pool of fit-to-breed men. Monogamy forces those women to pair with unfit men, when ideally they would be building large family clans with the fit men.

I understand what you are coming from and so does Jesus Christ. This is his advice to you:

>(Matthew 10:16) “Look! I am sending YOU forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.

Christians must always strive to be altruistic BUT also suspicious and cautious around shady groups or individuals. The liberals are being OVERLY dove-like and have declared anyone with the instinct of a serpent to be racist. You are right though.

17 year old white kids saying nigga lmao desu

coalburners of the soul BTFO

>Honestly, I can appreciate what Christianity does (attempts to do?) for the masses: promotes traditional family values, basic morals, responsibility, charity, etc.
Doesn't Islam make the exact same claim? You two are literally cut from the same (men of the) cloth.

But user, Islam is for shitskins, Christianity is white and European :^)

I cannot think of another sect that is so empty of truth than the Jehovah's Witnesses. These people are such dumb losers that they cannot even to a 5 minute internet search to check and see if the claims of the JWs make sense. They use all sorts of psychological tricks and salesmanship to twist a person's arm into joining.

JWs destroyed in this video.

God you have no idea.
t. Doctor that has to deal with their bullshit at least once a week

>Islam is for shitskins, Christianity is white and European
You really don't know that the same group of Semitic Arabs created all three Abrahamic religions in the Levant?

>he doesn't know :^) denotes shitposting


Worship in cucksheds and circumcise their children.

Wow, that is soooo easy to prove wrong.

>JW don't believe in heaven





Use our website and our encyclopedia to research what we believe before you let some fool lead you into a pit.

Our encyclopedia

Our publications

A simple search of heaven, hell, cross and whatever you want will answer everything you need to know about us.

How about your completely batshit beliefs about medicine, m8?

The main claims in this video were that the JWs teach that Jesus Christ was crucified on a single plank of wood and that he was not resurrected bodily from death but 'spiritually'. These are both false teachings. Of course, the worst error of the JWs is that they deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. The JWs deliberately mistranslated the New Testament Greek into English in many parts of the bible in order to give credence to their heresies.

So why would you stick with a sect that expect you to tolerate their leaders encoding baldfaced lies into their bible through deliberate mistranslations of the Greek?

It's because they're a fucking cult m8

king james is worst translation.
the bible has been corrupted.
entire sections have been deleted and others blatantly fabricated.
anyone who blindly follows what some random text say is a fucking retard.

This, (((King Jew Version))) is shit.