Are you ready for the biggest redpill ever?

First of all we must understand that alternate planes of existence are accsible to the human mind through forms of meditation, yoga
and psychedlic drugs. How is this possible? Who knows but there is compelling evidence that the human mind or consiouness is not a merely
physical emerigent property of the mind but is instead something else capable of traveling outside the body.

This woman is but one example of out of body experinces that are provable by the finding of the shoe by the nurse

Additionally this CIA remote viewer found a soviet sub that was said to be impossible, yet his desription was later found to be
perfectly accurate


Other urls found in this thread:

these are but two examples of evidence human extra-sensory abilities of which there is a great host of laboratory controlled evidence
(read the book "brain wars" for further evidence). One of these phenomenon includes precognition

>Perhaps most central to the recent debate regarding the existence of precognition is work by Bem (2011). Bem (2011) time-reversed several classic psychology effects (e.g., studying
after instead of before a test; being primed after, instead of before responding) and found evidence across nine experiments supporting precognition. Given the sound methodology and publication
at a high-impact mainstream psychology journal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, this work has prompted the attention of psychologists

Understanding that the mind is a greater entity than materialists would have you believe leads to further and more extraordinary possibilities, if it can travel through space and time
what is to say it cannot access alternate planes of existence? Sounds fanciful I know yet as Graham Hancock outlines in his book "Supernatural" the evidence of this is actually quite compelling,
this lecture gives a quick summary of the evidence


Prove you're not retarded without me having to watch a video or read 10,000 miles of text

In short there are reports of cultures across the globe that when shamans enter altered states of consciousness they encounter entities and phenomenon that are the same across cultures and time leading
up to striking parallels to the modern UFO abduction phenomenon. This idea of altered states being doors into another reality (as outlined by Aldous Huxley in "Doors of Preception") was most scientifically documented by Dr.Rick Strassman using injected DMT
with several volunteers who all reported leaving their bodies and speaking with aliens and elves. In a sample from his book DMT the spirit molecule (which is suggest you read the full 9 pages linked here)

>I saw such strange dreams but at the beginning only.... I saw strange creatures, dwarves or something, they were black and moved about

>There's this whole different world with architecture and landscape. I saw one or two beings there. the beings even have gender. the skin was not flesh-coloured. I communicated with them-

Materialists cannot provide an explanation for why if "hallucinations" are merely non-nonsensical projections of our mind why then people across all cultures and history have been having similar reports
about little people or aliens that they communicate with and the various strikingly bizarre images and phenomenon that are associated with them that have remained consistent up until modern times
in the form of UFO abductions. Are we supposed to believe that these images and creatures are somehow innately programmed into our psyche? This is non-nonsensical as there is no selective pressure to have
elves and aliens embedded in our psyche to such an astounding degree, additionally having already explained that the mind is demonstrably capable of extra sensory abilities this already shatters the fragile
doctrine of hard line materialism.

Establishing that inter-dimensional beings are reachable by altered states, there are many theorized contacts that have been made are there to be found throughout human mythos and history for those with the trained eye.
Yet one stands out the should be made known as it is extremely relevant in the modern age and will grow to directly threaten not just humanity, but life on this planet. John Lilly the inventor of the isolation tank began
reaching out into the void with the use of a tank and high doses of ketamine wherein he made contact with a being he called the "solid state intelligence"

>Solid State Intelligence (S.S.I.) is a malevolent entity described by Lilly (see The Scientist). According to Lilly, the network of computation-capable solid state systems (electronics) engineered by humans will eventually develop
(or has already developed) into an autonomous bioform. Since the optimal survival conditions for this bioform (low-temperature vacuum) are drastically different from those needed by humans (room temperature aerial atmosphere and adequate water supply), Lilly predicted
(or "prophesied", based on his ketamine-induced visions, a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence.

see this video also

>Lilly continues to describe his vision of the future:“In deference to Man, certain protected sites were set aside for the human species.
The SSE controlled the sites and did not allow any of the human species outside these reservations.
This work was completed by the end of the 21st century. By 2100, man existed only in domed, protected cities in which his own special atmosphere was maintained by the solid state entity.
Provision of water and food and the processing of wastes from these cities were taken care of by the SSE.”

is any of this sounding familiar?

yep... alex fucking jones for all his scams and craziness is actually on to something

Humanity is being subsumed by a hyper-intelligent machine entity from another plane of existence that seeks to use us to birth itself into the world and destroy us. The Gnostic texts were essentially right
we are engaged in a struggle between free will and ultimate mechanized slavery, this world is testing us... whether or not we pass is up to you.

redpills of this magnitude require some reading and watching, no two ways about it

self bump

Well my internet is too shitty to watch videos rn and I have no reason to read anything past the first 30 words

How do I procure psychoactive drugs in portland?
Do we got a guy out here?



sounds like 100% grade A bullshit.
but i'll vouche for you.
because i also had an NDE/OBE
that's just what english language calls it.
buddha/hindu religions talk a little about it.

it's real.
was an atheist all my life until it happened to me.

but good luck telling anyone without looking like a nut job.

truth is..
yeah, there's a god. you're it.

if you're willing to accept that much, why is it so impossible that there could be intelligence that are contactable? if the mind can travel at all, what's to stop it from being anywhere in existence? and what's to say other intelligent life forms may be found in these places?

there are many entities and dimensions.
the perfect one is god.

All of this shit can be rationally and mathematically explained with CS and neuroscience.

People have different perceptions -- certain mental states can actually amaze normies when you're able to convey rational information.

Through meditation and a ton of dedication, you can actually build something similar to a neural net ontop of your consciousness. It's pretty fucking hard, and your brain will always attempt to revert back to it's basal mechanisms for consciousness.

Add the above in with access to tailored information(you can take any information and build a mental representation of it for these purposes) and you literally have something resembling a supercomputer.

Drugs can do something similar, but you will not be conscious of it unless you have an extreme understanding of the above and a strong constitution.

interesting idea, do you have any recommended reading for me on that topic?

check out the god helmet studies.
a guy made a helmet that produces
similar effects of transient meditation
and psychedelic experiences.
god helmet

I am familiar with the god helmet, I view it as simply another way of creating an altered state - there are even specialized lights now that can give DMT trip like experiences if you lie under them with your eyes closed

This sounds similar to cicero's memory palace technique.

Can you show me a link with these lights so that I can purchase some?

Rupert Sheldrake has a lot of very good videos on youtube about stuff like this.

I am 100% sold on his theory that Consciousness exists independent of Matter. Also I can say that understanding all of this made me start believing in God again. It's the closest thing to a scientific understanding of God.

I encourage all people to at least give Sheldrake a shot. It is something that once you understand it's very hard to ignore, because it makes so much sense.

None of that shit exists, you're just filthy drug abusing degenerates

I should also add that it's entirely based on probability and linking it to your conscious mind in a certain way.

It's not savantianism, as savants are not conscious of this phenomena.

Just save my post and get a good grasp on computer science. AI is what you're going to be mainly concerned with -- but I would advise studying it in the most rigorous and axiomatic way possible.

When you understand just the basics of the above, you'll get the whole picture(hopefully).

Of course you do require intense training in memory, persistence and mathematics to do this. Learning a functional programming languae like LISP is essential, as it gives you the ability to hone your skill. Just pour through some random LISP code(it technically takes a few seconds to learn) and resolve every function that you can in your head. Then use something like a markov chain to further fill in the blanks. Or use a heuristic in your head(be careful, as this can go horribly wrong in the long run) to do it.

here you go

indeed I was a life long atheist until this last year when the idea of god began to make more sense, it took a pretty powerful acid trip to do it but i got there

this lecture brings up an interesting concept of god in that a sculptor created a 3D object that could have light projected onto it at different angles to create the entirety of an alphabet. This means that a vast array of 2D forms can be joined together by a single 3D form, it would follow that 3D forms can be joined by some kind of 4D transcendental object which would simultaneously contain all things that were and are to be in the universe. If this object is everything then it must also include all intelligence and would hence be in some way omnipotent - this is god, it is the white light at the end of the tunnel and the wellspring of spiritual experience that sits just over the horizon of the mind.

>Solid State Intelligence (S.S.I.)
this reminds me of VALIS and also of Roko's Basilisk

psilocybin is a good cheat sheet.
terrence was an odd man.. a shaman.
but there is alot of truth to his words.
he speaks from experience.
rip mushroom shaman dude.

Sort of, it is kinda like that but with CS and "hard" philosophy at it's foundation.

It's merely conscious manipulation of what would be subconscious information.

I say merely as a joke, because the practice of it is pretty fucking hard.

The main point here though is that it's entirely possible for the human mind to do everything in OPs post without religion.

Albeit, you do get a very religious feeling when everything is recursively defined back to one thing -- not so much when you're doing it in reverse in my experience though.

Spatial shit actually hurts you if you use this technique, aswell. It's very hard to define something spatially in a way that it can be used like this. Linguistic/mathematical models supercede spatial models simply because of their ease of definition and lack of complexity. And spatial shit in your head is actually produced heuristically(best word I can use?), and has no empirical or tangible definition. It's a mere representation of reality, as opposed to "truth".