Why do so many people here say that Jews aren't wh*te?

Why do so many people here say that Jews aren't wh*te?

They look pretty wh*te to me.

gas yourself

wtf why do they all have glasses?

jews are not even humans, kill yourself

Myopia is correlated with higher intelligence.

Jews don't consider themselves to be white.

Ask a Jew? They'll say they're Jewish.

Why do so many monkeys say that blacks aren't monkeys?

They look like monkeys to me.

The nose has replaced eyesight as the most important sensory organ.


>Why do so many people here say that Jews aren't wh*te?
>They look pretty wh*te to me.

Because Shlomo and his heard of noses come from a long line of shitskins throughout Northern Africa, Southern Europe, and Arabia.

They are 'White" like fucking Iranians are 'White".

Ezekiel 28:17 “Your [Lucifer] heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.”

Don't be fooled by appearances.

Centuries of inbreeding left them a deformed, malformation-ridden species.

My power levels are increasing as I'm getting good at spotting them on looks alone

they voluntarily claim that Jewish is a race, and have thus renounced whatever whiteness their genes possess.

This. Pic related.

Try making three of these things. I've grown to be able to spot them on looks alone from a mile away. I can't unsee it now. It blows my mind how long I was completely oblivious to something that now is impossible to avoid.

>we are literally a race because I said so
Seems stupid
every time.

Because white is a tribal designation that Jews arent.


They all have the same balding pattern.

It's either ignorance or purity spiraling. They think that if they admit ashkenazi jews are mostly white, it somehow de-legitimizes whiteness, or requires them to consequently accept jews into a hypothetical white ethnostate.

I don't think either of those things follow. Yeah, it's obvious ashkenazi jews are mostly European in terms of their genetics, but they are still inbred mongrels. It doesn't make them "white like me" any more than a 75+% mestizo or hapa mongrel.

That's aside from the fact that the racial soul of the jews is as far from European as you can get, and that they see themselves as separate from us and in fact hate us.

forked beard is a jewish stereotype?

We arent remotely racially similar, stupid leaf, Jews are 0% European and 100% Arabic.

Ive never met a Jew who looked like a European in my life tje paler the slin the easier it is to see the biological differences.

Jews are Arabs.

Aryan race /=/ Semitic Race


The guy in the upper left. Creepy beards. All look super mixed.

But it doesn't' matter. These people are responsible in ruining our country and do not fit in. They are a bunch of smug shits. Fuck em.

that beard doesn't look very forked.

That's factually incorrect. They are Semite and European mongrels.

I mean, that's the entire problem of the Jewish Question. They look white, people think they're white, and then they stab white people in the back. How would this be possible?

Well, im a jew, i actually have a hooked nose and i worship and love hitler.
Everything the jews have today is thanks to hitler.
We have Israel thanks to hitler, all my money i got is thanks to hitler.

Personally, i think hitler was the biggest jewish trick, ever. It was such a great trick, even /pol didnt see through it.

It's not us that insist that Jews aren't white. The vast majority of Jews are comparable to the vast majority of Europeans, genetically.

It is the Jews themselves that choose to separate themselves from whites, they choose to isolate themselves in ghettos, they choose to distance themselves from white people to play the persecuted minority card.

Hundreds of years ago religion and culture were the only thing separating whites and Jews, these days, the elite are trying to make a quick shekel by belittling whites and creating s new market from "minorities".

I'm not dumb enough to believe that the Jews rule the world and are doing everything to institute a new world order, I know it's just a bunch of greedy CEOs introducing degeneracy to the masses for a quick shekel, but even they realize the long term consequences of their actions, they just don't care.

However, they don't want to be caught up in the storm that results from their actions, so they voluntarily play on the "persecuted minority" card that their ancestors, the same ones that took actions resulting in the Jews becoming a "persecuted minority" in the first place, invented.

So you see, newfag/shill, the "Jews aren't white" meme isn't us, it's (((them))).
We had nothing to do with it, we didn't invent it, we didn't propagate it, we aren't profiting from it.