Daily Stormer left to wander the internet

> Daily Stormer left to wander the internet
> Alt-right subreddits getting nuked or hijacked
> Branded worse than ISIS
> Alt-right publicly discredited with the shitshow of Charlottesville
> Rallies being cancelled across the US due to outrage

What did you achieve Sup Forums, apart from setting yourselves back decades?

Other urls found in this thread:


Allied with reddit?

>you should feel bad for speaking your mind because a large majority is against you
How's business, Rabbi?

"Let's parade around with swastikas, neo-nazi and KKK flags, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?"

Boston was a sick joke and people wised up to you. The game's up.

>implying there isn't massive activity going on in the darkweb right now :3

Yeah, which people associate with Paedos and Drug dealers. Not exactly a selling point for your ideology if you have to reside there.

any sort of publicity is good publicity.

it hurts now, people are astounded and amazed that these groups of people still exist (in the 21st century!!)... but once the whole fog clears and people keep reading into the alt-right, when they never would have- they'd be perfectly content only having leftist ideals- the ideas will become more mainstream, people that never wouldve converted will convert.

at the very least, the people that hated us still hate us.

this was good publicity, though it may not seem like it in the short run, the word is out.. ppl will look into the right and discover ideas and frames of mind they never wouldve otherwise.

(im so fed up with clicking street signs)

I'm excited for the inevitable 1st A lawsuits to race up to the SCOTUS.

This may be the lead in to Trump declaring Google and the other socials public utilities.

Fat Chance. They're now in bed with Trump,

Except, the moment Nazis or the Holocaust are mentioned (even if WW2 is barely within living memory) everyone turns against you.

Trust in the media is at an all time low, anyone who is even remotely paying attention will know that when the media shills this hard over a non issue then it's worth at least a second glance.

TheRightStuff is financially stronger than ever
DailyStormer will be back
Charlottesville was a huge success


You have to go back

Swastkas aren't for majority appeal. They weren't in the twenties in Germany, and they aren't here now. If the goal had ever been a big tent, things would have looked a lot different on Sup Forums for the last twelve months.
What the establishment, the culture and the majority did in the wake of Charlottesville was state with absolute certainty that they oppose free speech. The Nazi stuff was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. There's no longer any doubt that "free speech" means "free speech* (no nazis)".
This isn't about the masses, but the 10% who can think critically. Taking this stand forces all of the critical thinkers on the fence to pick a side - either the First Amendment, or "natzees are bad!"

>setting yourselves back decades
Ooh, a subject Brits know a lot about!

Well we might get a civil war out of this and I get to watch it from the comfort of my home in HD 1080p quality. Niggers vs Rednecks, Antifa vs Kekistanis, it's gonna be great like Rodney King on steroids. Hope to be shitposting with you goys when it all goes down.

>reddit spacing
Good point, i'm sure that everybody knows that the right wing is still alive. Now we have to figure out how to redpill people, so those ideas could go outside of Sup Forums.
(so done whit helping to develope (((google's))) AI for free, is there any way of changing the captchas provider?)

>another cucked britfag

Then fight back.

theres legacy captcha that u type in two words or soemthing. Click settings and go to Replying and Quotes and enable legacy captcha

>30% approval rating (and falling)
>le based Gen Z is now hard shifting left, and most are sympathize with Antifa, and going full communist
>/leftypol/ has been growing immensely by user traffic since Trump was elected, Sup Forums has HALVED in traffic
>Economy getting back into the shitter
>Firing a cabinet member literally every week
>Ones you don't fire are absolute thralls or have been resigning in mass
>alt-right has lost almost every website
>rebel media has last every anchor except based Jew Loomer
>Cantwell Anglin, Spencer, etc, all lost their sites and youtube channels. FBI currently considering pressing charges on them, stating that they planned for violence specifically
>youtube/google/facebook tripling down on censorship, and are now, specifically, targeting right wing content
>Think of any right wing e-celeb and 3/4th of them are actively being censored. Even le /RadicalCentrists/ like Sargon who just lost his Twitter, and almost about to lose his Patreon
>terrorist attacks in Spain and Finland get called "copycat attacks of Charlottesville." (CNN said this unironically)
>Normies are praising Antifa like they are WW2 vets, and are calling for mass censorship from this new nazi moral panic
>Iconoclastic Fury on both sides now unseen since when the Turks took Constantinople
>No Wall
>Debt skyrocketing
>Swamp thicker than ever
>No lock her up
>Islam taking over the west
>No immigration reform
>No tax reform
>no health reform
>no infrastructure reform
>half republicans are now overtly challenging Trump; multiple Republican Governors and Senators asking him to resign, or threatening to Primary him
>most democrats are on record stating that are seeking his impeachment. (something they never said against Bush)
>irreconcilable damage to global credibility (doesn't matter what Sup Forums wants to believe. Polls say 90% of western Europeans hate Trump)
>Losing against China
>Losing against Russia
>Losing against Europe
>Losing against everyone

>implying alt-right is actually a thing
>implying Sup Forums is alt-right


You mean Soros and his masters are setting the entire human race back by destroying the white countries who have greatly advanced civilization for hundreds of years. Don't pretend the globalist elites are only Sup Forums's enemy, the future of all of mankind is at stake and if they succeed in taking over the world, what kind of world do you think you'll be living in? You'll just be another of their slaves, the same as everyone else they haven't already killed at that point. So you better start realizing which group is really on your side, and start fighting against the globalist elites and their multicultural bullshit if you don't want to become their slave anytime soon.

The fuse is already lit on this powder keg. The resentment and anger the white man feels for his dispossession and replacement is very real and without a pressure valve (like rallies) to release it the fire only rises.

dudes been president for 7 months....

chill out theres plenty of time

obama didnt bring the troops home until the end of his first term, though he promised it would be the first thing he did if elected.

you're setting urself up for disappoint with that kind of talk, theres still over 3 years left.

(also the debt went down 100 billion dollars since trump took office)

Daily stormer and every single idiot going on about muh jews muh swastica deserves it.
Its not rocket science that this isnt acceptable they might as well be democrats with how much these "muh swastika" idiots routinly help them. Bury that shit already witouth it we are stronger and for fuck sake what did hitler do besides fucking LOSING and making it borderline impossible for future generations to have a home. He lost. HE LOST. Dont you get it fuck the symbols! Make your own. We are not the past, we will not copy the past because we will not lose. Get rid of the crap, get rid of daily stormer, get rid of skin heads, get rid of swastika waving idiots. NO ONE NEEDS THEM they just damage everything.

People are more scared of us then Isis. I revel in that.

What specific legislation has Trump enacted that led to the reduced debt (also source on your claim)?

i want them to feel welcome and embraced by a group that cares about its whites and its american heritage =[

i want our enemies to fear us.

>terms and conditions
there is no settings button, i could switch to audio captcha, but that woud be the same (and i am at work)

Well but no cuz see I heard that Mueller is actually investigating Hillary and not Trump anymore so once she gets arrested it'll redpill the normies.


nigga im stoned af, you find that shit or wait till i sober up

>Rallies are for the left
>Rallies are for the left
>Rallies are for the left
>Rallies are for the left

If they keep shutting down their sites they won't be so underground anymore. It's like hating spiders so you whack the egg sac you found in the corner of the room, and now your whole fucking house is covered in baby spiders.

Wow you suck at interpreting stats.

No one's scared of you, you fat peasant.

They just hate you. Even more than ISIS.

The survey didn't measure "fear", it measured hate.

Jesus Christ user.
We all knew that the Beast pwns this world.
As long as I get to smash some Jews and Antifa and go to heaven with Hitler and all the other good Catholics it will all be worth it.
Get your shit together you frogoposting Jew bastard.


Unite the right showed them it's not just old racist anymore and our internet groups are reaching the youth. Jews know the 10% theory and got nervous

I refer you to

A common sense of oppression among non-victims = massive levels of energy.

all kikes must hang.


thanks man. Sorry for high level of autism

First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you.

The fuckwits are even clearing out old monuments to build new ones on.

Join if you have an interesting in making some place better

its cool bro, took me a while to find it when someone mentioned it to me too. it only works in the quick reply box tho

can they join jew temple?

>Gen Z shifting to the left
You're just making shit up

alternative internet soon thx. there's already a dark web.

putting the movement more underground and giving it sekret club cred actually helps it

you think the alt-lite'rs aren't going to continue to consume and disseminate those views?

usenet is the future

ccluster.com will save free speech

That's how desperate you are?