Wait who's winning the culture war again?

That's right


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Baffling. Baffling.

Americans are just a disrespectful bunch of niggers.
I'm just waiting for the toppling of some Amerigo Vespucci's or Marconi's statues.

Why are you so anti-semitic?

we're destroying what little history and culture we have. just because it's considered "bad" doesn't make it any less important.

whats next?

burning books perhaps?
boycotting white peoples businesses?
NONONO I'VE GOT IT!!! how about, we round up all the people who disagree with us and put them in special settlements, like concentrating them in several spots so we don't have to deal with them anymore!!

marvelous, this is exactly what needs to happen!

Antifa is going to be in Gitmo by the end of the year

Please continue doing what you are doing, thank you. Stuff like this will push people to us because you come of as idiots with no basic understanding that can only destroy but never build anything. Keep being a general nuisance and incredible stupid and ignorant it suits you.


This is beyond just a statue at this point. These are battle flags.

>smashing statues instead of smashing the state







>hurr durr we're so anarchist and communist
>hurr hurr we smash statues

This planet is going to have a rude wake up call in about 15 years. Race will start to disappear. It will start to turn into nationality labels. as in christopher columbus wasn't white, he was spanish. asian people will get mad if you call them chinese but they are from japan or korea. it's going to change. sorry for the redpill. also the LARPer who posted this will probably be silenced as well.

>hurr durr the capitalist banking and military regime collapsed because we smashed a statue


If nobody cared about them until today, you made a bunch of people more aware and more likely to care about them now.

>Americans are now Muslims - iconoclasts / aniconists.

Germans always have the best ideas!

Good job Hans!

Wasn't he an Italian working for the Spanish crown?

You again?

Christopher Columbus was Italian, he only trained in Spain.

and as for your Asians from other countries meme;

>Christopher Columbus

By that definition every white person before 1950 is alt-right

I think anarchy is fucking retarded, but shit at least you actually call antifa out


Communist scum aren't Americans and neither are rabid niggers

Who cares Columbus wasn't white.

They've begun to eat their own........

>Smashing a monument dedicated to a spanish guy.
Shame on you left, thats racist.

Muh smash!!!!

This is glorious

> winning the culture war

With each swing of your hammer, and spraying of mace, and shutting down free speech the left is digging the hole they're in deeper and deeper.

Carry on.
Do more: violence quick and often

It shouldn't be surprising.
SJWs and postmodern academic communist kikesuckers have had Columbus in their sights for MANY years.

lel, us is now taliban/isis tier nigger land

We'll see what the Spanish has to say about THIS!!!!
No one is upset about this. No one is a die hard Chris Columbus fan! Oh no! Not Columbus!
But what it has done, is make you people look incredibly fucking foolish.
So I'm glad you tore it down. Good job.
You are my enemy, and you thankfully do my job for me. I can just sit on my ass and watch.
It's actually enjoyable.

Keep larping as Project Mayhem you stooge.
You will eat a bullet when they finish fucking over your country.
It will happen overnight,
enjoy your gulag.

The sad thing is that the left will simply blame Trump for this...such as "In Trump's America Christopher Columbus couldn't survive! Trump couldn't even protect our statues!". This is a real slippery slope, if we don't stop this shit right now we're going to end up ripping up the constitution for being "alt-right" because the founding fathers had owned slaves. If it continues.



>who's winning the culture war
Mindless vandals?

Based antifa standing up for all PoC, LGBTQI+ and disabled people. Awesome! Love from the EU!

You were nothing before us. Knock down our statues all you want, it doesn't wipe away the shame of your ancestors.


Honestly at this point every white person to me is alt right unless they is marching in the street for the BLM movement

Again a christian bigot not happy that people are finally standing up against your institutiinalized racism

>institutiinalized racism
You make it sound like that's a thing.

Peace was never an option

Why are they going after a spaniard??

He didn't do nuttin wrong

The same blm who attacked antifa thugs some days ago in a rally?

I found funny thay leftists always support always kind of nonwhite racist group, evej when they attack you

I don't get it. Someone explain to me why they did that. Literally what was the point.

It is look at the prison system where blacks are imprisoned but they didnt even do anything

>implying Christian

Italy is a loose confederation of people and Italian nationality doesn't exist. It's just been recently made up so babies like you could cry about.

If you think people in prison were just put there for being black then the holocaust propaganda has eaten away at your brain.

There's this little thing called due process in which people go to prison after they are found guilty

Sure you could argue that people in JAIL are being held there, but they are all accused of crimes and only people who are flight risks and violent are kept without bail.

So you're telling me Spain and Italy is the same place are you?

They're doing what their corporatist NGO masters tell them to do.

It's a few hours by ship lmao. Southern Italy has more connection to Spain than the rest, and so does Venice have to Turkey. Are you triggered?

>Genoese, not Italian
>Castilian, not Spanish

>institutional racism
Sounds like a great idea now that you mention it.

>smash nebulous concepts

Anarchists everyone.

OK, so a nigger bashing a statue with a sledgehammer is a loss for us? It's a fucking win, all day long.

If I do anything in response to this I will be put in jail, called a disgusting Nazi, lose my job, lose the respect of my family, and be considered garbage for the rest of my life.
Is it worth it? To hit back at antifa and to lose everything I have, is it worth it?


Cbus was a fanatical catholic

Examples of instructional racism
>blacks commit more crimes more blacks are in jail
>blacks suck at education, education system is racist

eum so all older generation americans are alt right now?
sure we shitpost about them destroying statues, but you actually think one of these teenage to middle age 20 something guys on here care about statues?

>they didnt even do anything
If they didn't do anything, they wouldn't go to jail.

same shit

I don't prescribe to City-State nonsense.

Athenians were Greek.

Genoese are Eye-Ties.

>So you're telling me

How to spot a shill 101.

Does this mean if we break the holocaust memorials then the world has officially denounced jewish protection and we can gas the kikes once again?

Same thing

I'm lost as fuck at this point

>assuming they would know who those are

He's Catalan

uncle tom ass bitch nigga

>it will be in museums they said
>you can still read it in books they said
>225 years old? who cares


The ironic part is they call themselves anti facist. Churchill called this shit over 50 years ago though so I guess we shouldn't be too surprised

ITT: burgers learn that Columbus was Italian

When will Washington Monument go down?
George was a white male and a slaver after all.

Shut up you are italian too

all that matters is they were white. thank god this shit isn't happening in my state.

war's a brewin'

Did they paint its face White?

relax, im fairly sure all these BLM ANTIFA and NS are reasonable, levelhead-oh god

>italy is spain ay because it's a few hours by ship
>a few hours is usually less than 10
>everything less than 10 hours from spain is spanish clay
>this slav is spanish


They are too busy being divided to focus on actual targets, your cries will fall on dumb ears

You're not winning. The statue will be replaced and paid with your taxes.

You're wasting tax money and putting the US more into debt. The anarcho commies are retarded.

Are you legit stupid? He was employed by the spanish, he wasn't one of them

Why did he give places Catalan names and in his journals he wrote in Catalan never italian?

Catalan is not a race or ethnicity. Fuck the catalan.

alt-right smashing liberal statue = jail
alt-left smashing 'offensive' statue = nothing

>The statue will be replaced

Keep dreaming fagboy. The government would NEVER build a statue representing a slave owner in 2017.



Isn't it wonderful?

Now stay out of American politics you shithead

That's what the conversos who funded his trip told people, too.

I thought you types are all about open borders :^)

Vietnam memorials dedicated to an unjust and racist war.

Tear down all Vietnam monuments.

culture war? bahahahah

OP you fucking idiot. it's gotta be so frustrating having shit for brains. where a condom please don't spread your moldy genes to any other Human

It's a little different when one side has literal neo-nazis in their ranks

>Wait who's winning the culture war again?
>That's right

You American are fucking retarded! How can you people allow Christopher Columbus statue's to be torn down?!!

Thats gotta be b8, thats like using the Russian narrative at this point.

no, it's using the Nazis lost the war, get over it argument

lewd :3

If I were there I would not only kill those antifa scum who destroyed the statue but also all the "true" americans pussies who can't fight against a bunch of spoiled skinny white kids. Seriously, why don't you fight back??

Say the Italian soil made up country

I just don't get the point.
what was accomplished here exactly other than vandalism?
what did it prove again?

Because you need the narrative to be on your side in order to avoid swift retribution. In this situation it's easier to just watch and let them make a mistake, which they have just done.