STEM FAGS BTFO!!! Prepare to check your privilidge on day one of classes

>Discussing Justice on the First Day of Class

>I have written in other public fora that math is not apolitical, that the implicit messages in our silence on these issues is damaging to students, and that mathematics has particular bigoted elements in its history and present framing that we must engage actively.

>Some people, including both students and educators, have suggested that math class is not compatible with discussing justice or diversity. While I reject this assertion and think I’ve refuted it in the links above, I am left without many established models for doing this work. There already exist useful resources lists for doing this kind of work under the hashtags like #CharlottesvilleSyllabus or #CharlottesvilleCurriculum, but most of these tools are for general purposes once the topic is opened. Given the perceived disconnect between math and discussions of identity and equity that some of my students bring to class, I am instead trying to open this conversation in a way that is specific to math. In particular, I think I am more likely to be effective in this work if I can help my students see these discussions as naturally connected to and appropriate for my courses.

Other urls found in this thread:

Math is discriminatory because black people cant add or subtract, they can only multiply

shots fired! ohhhhhhh
good one

How do the Japanese bant so well?

Do you remember pic related?


>Given the perceived disconnect between math and discussions of identity

But shynequia is definitaly subtracting lately

well played

So what? They're going to fork mathematics and re develop it under their Marxist presuppositions?

I welcome it. Theres no ambiguity in the application of mathematics. Its true or false. Until they make empirical improvements, I'll just keep using good old mathematics

>So what? They're going to fork mathematics and re develop it under their Marxist presuppositions?
That's what they are trying to do.
>Its true or false.
Nope, they're trying to get rid of that notion in US universities right now.

>calculating a pfaffian
>Pfaffian of a 4 x 4 skew symmetric matrix
So, your PhD thesis can consist of linear algebra lessons?

Thats my point though, they can do that. But there's no ambiguity in the results, their implementation will be blantently wrong and nobody will use it.

Nor can they force it, engineering companies aren't going to hire people who are going to make their shit empirically worse.

>add to the AIDS and crime statistics
>subtract income from Whites

Checkmate, Tanaka-san!

Sure, if you're a stronk womyn of colour that majored in romance languages before hitting the ivy league with no math experience for a PhD in Mathematics.

Check the CV too

So in California non-STEM don't have to listen to this, at least in community colleges, as algebra is no longer a requirement?

If there are many minorities in STEM, it would be hilarious to see them being lectured about discrimination. See how much of that bullshit they take.

Math is definitely discriminatory

>So in California non-STEM don't have to listen to this, at least in community colleges, as algebra is no longer a requirement?
Did you get to the pronoun part in the article?

I think we're going to go ahead and build a parallel society to you idiots. Prepare your butthole for evolution.


Honorary Aryan fpbp

What the hell is happening to science.