No, Seriously... What the FUCK is Their Problem???

The dutch are the saltiest people on earth. Anytime you see their flag on Sup Forums they are angry at America and Brazil. The netherlands will never be as relevant as the U.S, China, Brazil, or other European powers. Their "golden age" is represented by conquering what is now indonesia, an island country with hundreds of ethnic tribes, none of which have ever accomplished anything significant. As much as people laugh at France for being surrender-monkeys, remember that the Dutch are just a welcome mat on France's doorstep in the eyes of Germany. Even the lost British, Brazilian, and French empires have done everything 10 times better than you. You are dirt. No, you are less than dirt. You are a dog's filth left on the bottom of a dead kraut's boot. You ridicule all countries above you because you think that your words are worth something, that nations of all sizes which can trample you in an instant might hear your pathetic shrill all the way up on their world's stage. Windmill niggers are the betas of western europe. Kill yourself, but before you do that, tell everyone in your god-forsaken country to do the same.

Other urls found in this thread:

>and brazil
*chimping intensifies*

Im pretty chill to be honest, a lot of toothpaste fags are just salty our version of donald trump didnt win so he could fuck up our economy,

move along sir

Why doesn't NL have a government yet?


Bitching about another country whilst hiding your flag. Cuck.

I also don't care if my country is irrelevant compared to others.

Hiding behind a false flag dutchie?

>Complaining about people being salty...
>...While being salty
You can't insult Dutch people by telling they don't matter. We are too small for that.
You can't insult Dutch people by telling them you hate them. We hate each other too.

so are you

''so are you''

ok golden, you can now fuck off you useless cunt

we have a government,the sitting government stays on till a new government is formed

I'm hiding behind it ironically.

Fucking fags, don't touch my waffles

The Netherlands are one of the greatest contires in Europe.
[spoiler]and one of the most popular proxies[/spoiler]

dafuq is up with the spoilers

They don't work here, newfriend.




Germany didnt conquer us, they liberated us. More Dutch died in allied bombing raids than German bombing raids. Dutch who didn't side with the Germans were idiots. There's nothing patriotic about siding with the communist resistance. Our royal family fleed the country to their rothschild overseers, and thus our government and overseas territories were officially abolished at the moment they fled. If they hadn't fled the country and cooperated instead, things would have been a lot less bad for the Dutch.

You show him, fellow gabber. Shadilay!

Your wyffels?


Wat de neuk heb je net over mij gezegd, hoerenzoon? Je moet weten dat ik als beste ben geslaagd van mijn klas in het Korps Mariniers, en ik ben betrokken geweest bij een serie geheime aanvallen op somalische piraten, en ik heb meer dan 300 bevestigde doden. Ik ben getraind in gorillagevechten en ik ben de beste scherpschutter van de Neerlandsche Strijdkrachten. Jij bent niks anders dan mijn zoveelste doelwit. Ik schiet je zo neukend neer met een precisie die zijn weerga niet kent op deze miezerige aardbol, knoop dat in je neukende oren. Jij denkt dat je weg kan komen met het zeggen van die poep tegen mij via het internet? Denk eens na, neuker. Op dit moment ben ik mijn geheime netwerk aan AIVD agenten in heel Nederland aan het raadplegen en je IP-adres wordt opgespoord dus bereid je maar voor op de storm, made. De storm die dat miezerige dingetje wat jij je leven noemt zo wegvaagt. Jij bent neukend dood, kind. Ik kan overal zijn, altijd, en ik heb zevenhonderd manieren om jou te doden, en dat is alleen nog maar met m'n blote handen. Niet alleen ben ik uitgebreid opgeleid in ongewapend vechten, maar ik heb toegang tot het hele arsenaal van het Korps Mariniers en ik zal dat tot zijn volledigheid gebruiken om jouw trieste reet van dit continent af te vegen, jij kleine poep. Had je maar geweten wat voor goddeloze vergelding jouw "slimme" commentaar teweeg zou brengen op jou, misschien dat je dan je neukende tong had gehouden. Maar dat kon je niet, dat deed je niet, en nu betaal je de hoofdprijs, jij godverdomse idioot. I zal woede over je heen poepen en daar zul je in verdrinken. Je bent neukend dood, kind.

since when brazil is relevant

What's with the Austrian part of Holland?



wtf? you never put your ass out of south america, that was delivered to you by the portugese.


Hahahaha ga door ga door

I've noticed Dutch people on here are extremely polarized, they're either really chill and crack jokes at EU and Merkel's failed experiment, or they're vehemently anti-American and blame America for every single one of their problems. There's also one Dutch flag that dickrides the Russians so hard, he's in nearly every Russia thread. I wonder if he's browsing right now

check op's flag

Wij zijn een bord van vrede

Ik werk voor de koning persoonlijk en hou je in de gaten

Arabs and lefties hate America and edgy redditfags fresh outta school pumped with marxist garbage.

they legalized marijuana. not the brightest.

If your ancestors had internet, they would've joined Hitler in his battle against globalism and communism

It was so easy to manipulate people back then

It's not even legal, faggot.

Ik heb zware twijfels dat zelfs de beste "atleten" zoveel tijd stoppen in het perfecteren van hun sport als dat wij doen in het meesteren van onze fidget spinners. Zeg is, welke "sport" vereist nou zoveel concentratie, moeite, flexibiliteit en intellect dan de kunst om de perfecte spin te verkrijgen. Ik zal het je zeggen: geen van alle. Ik zweer het je, als ik ooit nog iemand fidget spinners hoor associeren met "autisme", dat ik die persoon even snel het licht in zijn ogen ga doven. Het kan me geen reet schelen als ik de bak in moet. Ik heb het er voor over om mijn eigen gezondheid op te offeren om niet alleen mijn passie, maar ook mijn leven te verdedigen.

By the way is jumpstyle and gabber music still a thing in the Netherlands?

>United nations

that's pretty gay, fitting for being the OP

Jumpstyle isn't
Gabber is but not yuge

Big league

There is a new hardcore artist bringing hardcore to the mainstream. You should check him out: Zanger Rinus

>implying marocans use "het"

Just the Indies you say?
>Dutch Brazil
>Dutch Formosa
>New Holland
>Dutch Guyana (S*rinam)
>Dutch India
>Cape colony
>Bases all over the west African coast and the Caribbean
Now still in the top twenty on virtually every list m8
Sadly I have to do ontwikkelingshulp in Belgium now after I stole a stroopwafel from Albert Heijn :(

What is covfefe? The tweet by Donald Trump that baffled the internet

"Covfefe" is actually the secret password to get into the basement of Comet Ping Pong.

It's because it is 'de uitkering' whelloe bruur leer takkie van de straat wazmetjou

Show flag, we know you are Brazilian

Cleaning Molenbeek with kakkerlakkenspray?


What the fuck is this shit man

Eh sa3bi wazmetjou waterhoofd, alles is 'die' zoals 'die kkhoertje' en 'die uitkering' wollah

You mean to tell me that all this time that wasnt a French flag? What the FUCK is your problem dutch land?

Borgerrokko helaas vandaag. Morgen Sint Joost in Bxl

Dare I say, she is /ourgirl/

Most female Wilders voters look like her

Go away.

Sure it isn't the Turks living in the Netherlands who aren't pissed with us because of 2002 WC?

Eehhh faka met jou, als ik ben op straat met mij drerries toch dan ga je sowieso wakkie aan de andere kant van de straat aaahh bange tata

because they are very tall and cannot bend enough to suck their own dicks?

Our jungles know how to deal with them

Serious question, why hasn't the Dutch government sued Lichtenstein for basically using the same fucking flag?


>4 roaches and a monkey

and we should sue liechtenstein for stealing our national anthem

Serious question: Why hasn't the UK, as a Dutch colony, changed its flag to red/white/blue?

Fuck Off stupid europeist.

I will defend my dutch brothers and sisters to death. If the sea can't defeat them how a hateful leftist typing on his mac in his mom's basement could?

On a serious note: /ourflag/ has orange instead of red; Prinsenvlag

It was used by the NSB party; Dutch national socialists. Therefore it was banned by our royal family who fled to Canada during ww2. Only cowards and roaches recognise the red one as our official flag

This thread makes me salty as fuck bruh

>they liberated us
>by attacking you without provocation, occupying your country, stripping it of its self-determination and sovereignty, deporting thousands of your (non-Jewish) citizens to be used as forced labor, stealing everything that wasn't nailed to the ground (and sometimes pulling out the nails too), deliberately and starving thousands of Dutch citizens to death in the winter of 1945

Jesus Christ, you people are cucks.

Didn't the Dutch Resistance use orange as their official color though?

OP is a hue-hue stealthily trying to elevate the Brazilian "empire" into the ranks of the French and British Empires.


who gives a fuck about brazil?

You are suprisingly correct, dutch posters are usually pompous dick heads that bitch at everyone. If there were more of them here they would contest the americans on those fronts

Maybe your just salty your not tall

There wouldn't be a you without us
Respect your elders.
Also we live below sea level so we're born on salty grounds

Meh at least they are not parasitic like the Walloons.

Idk, we don't even really think about them.

NL is een kut land.
>56% inkomstenbelasting
Hoe the fuck ga je hier ooit geld verdiene?
Kut uitkeringen en sociale onzin neukt dit land de moeder!

You were our parasites for nearly 120 years, flemish peasants.

>believing post war soviet lies
the greatest warcrime of the germans was stealing our bicycles.

>On the most prosperous provinces in the Netherlands
>After Belgium the poorest

I wonder what happened.

They are the saltiest??? bitch please look at my flag homeboy....


Our government was against our people, our military had been abandoned for half a century, and our elites were estranged from our people.

Waaay more people died due to British and American bombs than both the May days and anything after that. And all of that pales in comparison to the dozens of thousands of Dutch people that died on the Eastern front. If the rate of joining the SS voluntarily to fight at one of the bloodiest front in human history was the rate people join the Dutch army today in peacetime, the current Dutch army would be over four times as large. Even larger if you consider the SS had standards that had to be met.
The NSB wasn't perfect, far from it, but the leadership was to be given to Dutch SS soldiers, and we'd be introduced into a Greater Germanic Empire.

Sure, I'd have liked some small things different. But it's basically a utopian alternate timeline.

>captcha: Fleming



Limburg en Brabant horen eigenlijk bij de Vlamingen, dan heb je als zuidelijke Nederlanden een van de rijkste middeleeuwse geschiedenissen van Europa. De noordelijke Nederlanden dan weer de Gouden Eeuw. En de Franken en Germaanse stammen zijn ook een rijk verleden.

Eenwording wanneer?

Good times.

I fucking hate the word "salty". When did everybody start staying that?


bin stolz auf dich

the dutch are incredibly wealthy and diversified

there's not a lot of them but they own fuckall in certain countries

After Trump won.

I genuinely don't know. I stopped coming here around early 2013, and didn't come back until late 2015 and didn't browse regularly again until 2016. Now everyone uses weird black slang

Maar dat volk dat in het zuiden van Vlaanderen wil je echt niet hebben.

Show your flag OP, I assume you're from Brazil because you mentioned America and Brazil. You live in a shithole, you're jealous of us lmao. We're on place 17 for gdp while having 17 million citizens. We're richer than most shitholes. You ain't much if you're not dutch fucking monkey

He says, hiding behind a UN flag, the biggest failure in humanitarian history. UN: America, you can't just kill civs. America: IDK. UN: Russia, you can't just kill civs. Russia: Idi nahui pidar blyat. UN: Holland, that tradition is rascist. Holland: Fuck off kankrhoer, beter ga je even amerika's pik zuigen ofzo.

No need to be salty bruh


A lot of Dutch people have a sense of self superiority like the Germans but unlike the Germans they never enacted a final solution so they are basically nigger tier to me.


You're the failed version of USA. You're almost as bad as Sweden