first day of college semester

> first day of college semester
> Philosphy 111
> professor is a complete faggot babbling on about "dead straight white men"

Other white kid I befriended in class turns to me

> "user, why do these people seem to have it out for white guys?"

Oh boy, do I have a Japanese image board for you buddy.

> have you all been doing you fair share of (((radicalizing))) yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

I have a (figuratively) super retarded friend and I spammed him with Sup Forums memes
Now he's full 14/88

So you couldn't explain why white people are being criticised? You couldn't, is that not a red flag to you, that maybe you are on the wrong side? You just cried victim and batted his concern off towards Sup Forums? And you people wonder why we hate you.

If he explained what was happening he would have been forcable removed from the college with no refunds.
Easier to meet after hours to discuss the really issues

>So you couldn't explain why white people are being criticised?
Where did you get that idea from nigger?

cool larp faggot, i love reading your roleplay blog

careful he isn't baiting you. Remember to hide your power level and slowly drip-feed it back to them.

Yes, I'm doing my fair share here and there. Surprisingly people around here seem to be well informed and have the right mind set.

>White lanky fucker in school
>Has really curly afro-like hair but once claimed to be aryan because of his eyes (green) and pale skin
>Saw him browse Sup Forums once on class
>He doesn't know I'm a meme war veteran
>He doesn't know I know about his power level

>Ay yo professor hol' up, let me give the class a 30 minute history lesson involving Adam Smith vs William Godwin, Hamilton vs Jefferson, the Talmud and Rabbinical Jews, and that cuck Churchill

Start dropping reference. Make a friend.

>So you couldn't breakdown a conspiracy involving every facet of our life committed by the largest criminal syndicate in the history of the world which 90% of people don't even know exists without looking like a paranoid schizophrenic?

print this and tape it to the chalk board

uma delicia caca

Promise my people high pensions and you could even instate national socialism in Romania in less than 2 days. Not even kidding.

Suck his dick he will like you for doing it

PhilosophyAnon here.

Distrust Analytic (Burger/Bong) philosophy. Embrace the Continent: Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Heidegger.

eat lead you worthless nigger. you should all be forced to go back to your AIDS and ebola infested homeland and chuck spears again like your relatives are.

Burgerbong Analytic philosophy is the only philosophy. Continental is a fucking joke.

>logical thinking
>honest pursuit of truth

>sitting dreaming up bullshit
More like feminism, socialism et al



I would say the terminus technicus "analytical philosophy" is mostly used wrong, because the project was to create an ideal language of logic, which isn't really tried anymore. In this Sense only People like Frege, Russel, Wittgenstein would be considered to be analytical philosophers. The divide is mostly artifical.

Have you ever read any philosopher? I won't really say much about your statement, because there isn't really anything of substance in it, but there are "analytical philosophers", who are into feminism and socialism.

No, there aren't. Real philosophers don't bother speaking about politics or ethics. Continental fuckwits don't get the distinction, because they have no experience with rational thought.