BLACKS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ( Fillipinos, japs, chinks) are Americans. Pretending that whites are better based on skin color is fucking retarded and very 1700 ish. Judge a man by his actions not by his color. Its so fucking simple and you retards that larp hitler are just as destructive as antifa.

Here are the rules and thoughts of the actual right.
1. All legal citizens are our brothers and sisters. We are all equal as Americans and no one is better than the other based on skin color.

2. We are only as strong as our weakest links. Our weakest links are white trash and inner cities. A lack of jobs, dads, rolemodels multiplies the innercities. Drugs and crime are infested in these communities because they have no where else to turn. To deny the inner cities has an effect on the crime is naieve.

3. American goals and values first. Stop fighting these stupid fucking wars. We have incredible power and strength, we can deliver missiles anywhere in the world in 30 minutes or less. No reason we should be fighting Afgahnis for 17 years. WIPE THEM THE FUCK OUT AND STEAL THE OIL.

AMerica first, American flag is our symbol, No american is better than the other, skin color dont mean shit. Keep people that dont share our values OUT. No immigration from middleeast. Only College educated immigration, not from poor thrid world countries. Last but not least, build the fucking wall. Use the Army Engineers to fix our crumbling infastructure.

Fuck you hitler larpers and nazis fucks. America first and AMerica will always prevail

Other urls found in this thread:

pol finally accepting that being racist isnt cool? Judging a man by right


Whites are better because of skin color

Studpid fuck, I said AMerican first and only. YOu are just jelly that you arnt american.

Stupid cunt, the world literally revolves around what america does. Stay in your shit country fagg

No, no they are not.

You are too stupid to realize that. DUmb cunt. You judge a man by his actions not color of skin. Stupid fat fuck.

I wager you are overweight and are a virgin

That's a poor wager.
I wager you're a nigger loving liberal.
If I were to judge blacks by their actions I would hate them even more.

American browns/blacks wouldn't have the opportunities they have today if it weren't for whites. Every groid could disappear overnight and it would not affect our well-being. The inverse is however not true.


Then why did you post a picture of a Jew?

No, voted trump, married, the racist shit is a larp, you realize most of pol isnt racist, it was meant to keep normies off?

but then actual racists thought we were being serious......

She's running around asking for help naked. My guess is that someone raped her. Someone with incredibly bad tastes. This guy's response, drive on.

How much did they pay you to say that shill?

thats the dumbest fucking argument

whites wouldnt of had the opputrunities if blacks never left africa to resettle.

dumbass, you can use your narrative til about 1000 years ago, but before that it was all colored and brown people.

not raped, just nigs nigging
the usual

>is a civic nationalist cuck
>thinks it's ok when the US would be 95% black as long as the constitution is still there.

Of course, this scenario will never happen because the more blacks and spics the US gets, the more likely will be balkanization. The country will be ripped apart way before it will reach even 80% non-white population.

Race isn't skin color you stupid faggot.

>Pretending that whites are better based on skin color is fucking retarded and very 1700 ish
This study is based on sound facts. This is not some evil alternate reality. The fact is that blacks are 500% more likely to commit assault, and they know it....This is just one of many PROOFS that the scientific community shuns others for publishing.

Imagine that. Multiple scientific studies that people are shunned for publishing....Not discounted. Not having facts refute facts. None of that sciency shit. Just shunned.

Seems about right.

Whites are smarter than most every race by the averages. They are also better at self governing than blacks. But these are all just facts that I am blabbing....Forgive me

Because I am not racist, now im a shill?

So she was riding in the truck naked on a bet, fell out and ran for help? Sounds like something white trash would do. You know, the kind of person who flies the rebel flag.

niggers never had it better then in the 70s, then they went full blown ape again instead of parlaying the goodwill into "movin' on up"

A country without blacks

because its the only picture I have of someone laughing at how retarded OP is

>blindly adhering to the Out of Africa theory

legal immigrants are fine. niggers not so much. a lot of black people are ok but too many niggers that they refuse to acknowledge or actually defend. if decent blacks would call out the niggers and radicals that'd be fine but they won't so fuck them.

last time I looked it was white liberals and their non white monkeys trying to destroy the very history of our Nation.

Not exactly how it happened. This was a containment board for "politically incorrect discussion". You know, edgy teenagers discussing why woman shouldn't be allowed to vote or why Communism would be a better system. This inherently went straight to Nazis claiming it as a safe space. Like moot wanted them to have a hugbox. Moots a Jewish fag.

last sentence ruined that, faggot

Muslims fought for us as well...

Because crime isnt based on poverty and is only based on skin color... right.....

not many college educated blacks commiting crimes, it goes back to my inner cities and no dads breeding criminals. They are here, and we either fix the problem or dont do shit about it.

>we either fix the problem
What is this "we" shit?

Im sorry but no matter how good of a citizen you aer you will always just be a nigger in aracists eyes. at least be honset you fucking faggot

you are a plague. Using slursuhh you realize the constitution has given every american equal rights. so you cant actually be racist in any meaniful way?

> groups have trends
> trends are ironic

you are an idiot

blacks are here. they are american. we either bitch and ignore the problem, or fix the inner cities and make niggers into respectable americans.

>so you cant actually be racist in any meaningful* way?
Really? Is that so?


Send em back where they belong

"Destroy the history". This shit all started because they were putting a monument into a museum and the alt right decided that was something to rally against. Then some people got ran over by a neo nazi with a temper after the protest and now both sides are acting like fucking children. It isn't some grand plan and both sides need to chill the fuck out. It didn't start with anyone trying to destroy history. They were taking statues down and moving them to safer locations. No one in that part of Virginia even wanted the fucking things there. The majority of people in New Orleans didn't want the monument to "white supremacy" there either. You have this minority who's fighting to keep statues made as late as the fucking 80's up on public property in places that don't necessarily want them there. Fuck the statues. You don't see Nazi era statues just strewn around Germany. Let alone ones dedicated to Nazis after the war. Why should the Confederacy be treated so special? The only reason we allowed it in the first place was to appease the losers after the war. Well it's been long enough that we can start boxing up your participation trophies and warehousing them elsewhere. We can make better use of the public space. Maybe put up a statue of the first black president.

>Our weakest links are white trash and inner cities.
Niggers and other low-IQ minorities are your biggest problem.

Are you Americans taught about 'Black Wall Street'? Or does your deceitful "education" system not teach you that?

Here's some footage of it:

Pretending that anyone ever suggested it's because of skin colour is retarded


This is another all-white country look at the utopia.

There are more low IQ whites in this country than minorities. I'm talking places such as Alabama, Arkansas and Kansas. I believe it may explain why these people can't escape the cycle of poverty. We should just sterilize these places. Put something in the water that turns the freaking frogs gay.

sorry but I've lived around them my whole life. there are decent black people but a lot of them are just niggers. you can make the distinction between white and white trash but not black and nigger?

the only difference is that whites will call out other whites when they act stupid, but blacks will defend niggers. big difference

>being this retarded

niggers can't be respectable, the only way to rehab a nigger is lock him up until he's too old to do nigger things.

go live near some niggers before you have any fucking opinion about them. try living in a neighborhood that's mostly section 8 or live near any government housing.

do that then have an opinion

>happy easter Adolph

oh, niggers

t.arsemad blackie

>uhh you realize the constitution has given every american equal rights
The founders were slave owners who didn't even consider niggers fully human.

and this is wrong ?



you must not know, but people hate people because they are assholes, not because of they skin color.
theres a phrase you show respect and you get respect.
no one respects blacks because they dont respect themselves
look at the japs, we bombed the shit out of them and were all cool with them and they r with us, they have respect for themselves most of all
sorry race baiter but your just an asshole that cant tell the difference.

With niggers being the nation wreckers that they are, not really no.

i see what you mean