Brain sizes between the races

Average Asian male = 1372 grams

Average White male = 1345 grams

Average Black male = 1264 grams

Debate over!!!!!!!!

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This is big if true

Basic wikipedia knowledge, my friend.

Dylan roofs réal name is John Christian graas

He was a child actor and in seinfield then became a marine

Right before the "attack" he had just got his pilots license when he was living in New Mexico

Average White female brain size 1222 grams

That's racist


I guess blue whales are all geniuses then with their average brain size of 6,92 kg.

Niggers smarter than woman kek confirms

Brain to body ratio

It's usually proportional size.
Also whales are pretty intelligent.


>whales are pretty intelligent
If they are so intelligent, why do they beach their fat asses all the time?


just being east aryan master race

Comparing to whales is nonsense. If you had a brother having a brain 50 grams less than you we all know who is the smartest one

scientist now say is the count of the NEURONS that matters when comparing Humans to Animals

the data matches reality op

even whales got some retards

if black americans disappeared somehow overnight, the U.S would catapult to #3, tied with Japan/China

really makes me think

This could be attributed to poor prenatal and childhood nutrition since black people are more likely to live in poverty.

>but it's smaller only due to malnutrition caused by the white man's slavery
>but it's the number of folds and connections that truly matter
>but look at how this example of person out of the ordinary disproves the average

I think people should just start to accept that we ARE different in many ways and that the problems don't stand in the existence of inferiority, which is relative really, but the risks of said inferiority drowning the superiority through sheer numbers and these numbers carrying with them social and cultural retrogradation.

oh ya tell me more

we would actually be #11

They feel guilty about whale privilege.

Sure, but you still haven't shown the correlation between size and intelligence. It doesn't surprise me that animals where the brain has gotten more evolutionary care than the rest of their bodies have larger brains, proportionally speaking, than other species.

A study recently showed that gorillas are as intelligent as four year olds, while their brain body ratio is much lower than humans'. Even if size has some practical effect, which it might, I have serious doubts as to whether the differences noted in the OP would have any significant impact.

That just means black people are smarterst.
The more wrinkles your brain has the more efficient it can think.
The more brain you have the more wrinkles you have.
The more wrinkles you have the less it weighs.
I pity the asian man with a smooth heavy brain.

brain size matches up

black brains be mo efishint

lol east arya is the only blue one

Science doesn't fit the regressive narrative

Define those races



why do asians win in every metric

Julius Caesar.
2 kg brain.

So, fuck off, Jakie Chan.

>no source
>no info on how data was acquired
>8% difference between greatest and lowest
>this is surely enough to enforce biotruths about niggers

Need to add jews with 6 million IQ.

Life isn't a dick measuring contest

The average Asian is a fucking retard.

Merchant vessel crowd the seas, cause all kinds of loud noises which carries long distances in water.

Whales operate on vocal communication, can't hear or talk with all the racket. Suicide because it's ruining their lives.


only asians say that because thats the only metric they lose

I say all the time that the difference between whites and blacks in intelligence is smaller than the difference between men and women.

i only bring it up because whites always say master race this master race that and always have this smug attitude of superiority towards asians

>women's brains are 10% smaller than men
No wonder woman like niggers they are equals

Neanderthals had bigger brains than humans


''Asian'' is such a stupid term. East Asians only? Or it includes Arabs? Indians? Pakis? Central Asians? Southeast Asians? They are all very different.


Woman truly is the nigger of the world.

whats wrong with being a mongoloid

Natural Selection, whales will become very smart in a reasonable amount of time with our influence.


except asian men

lol completely cucked

>>but it's smaller only due to malnutrition caused by the white man's slavery
But weren't slaves bred to be dumb and strong?

Is this why so many women have an obsession with blacks and black culture? They can relate to them on their level?

Not even making a sexual statement, but just the affinity they have with pop culture and black celebrities.

This just goes to show that people that are descendants of long lasting civilization's.
Are indeed more civilized.

White IQ would be higher but Slavs bring down the average.

see you can filter by country
iceland for example 99% white still east asia has higher iq

THIS is big if true

You're actually the niggers retards. Women are smaller than men they have smaller brains.
Now would proportionally white women have smaller brains than black men? Obviously not.

Sorry, should rephrase that. White IQ would be closer to East Asian IQ.

>What is IQ.

no it would be about 1 point higher which would make it 101. east asia is going 105

so it doesnt match up

England is at 100.

Women's brains are wired for communication and emotion.
They aren't really capable of higher thought in the way a man is. Well, a white man.

What are you trying to say? Most people on Sup Forums already know this stuff.

You forgot the superior Jew brain.

Elephant brain size = 6000g
You think they are the superior race?

no they dont i see them shitting on asians each and every day with their china thread calling them subhuman and still believe whites are the master race

until they shut the fuck up

>east aryan master race
>USA flag
It is the same exact thing with all shitskins, you guys can only be succesful when living in the West getting the benefits of white societies but never when among your own. Just go back to China and brag about your race from there.

Wasn't there a study on that? How Eurasia ahs always been on top one way or another?

first i've heard of this. interesting.

yeah, and there are daily race-mixing trolls, muh dicking, turkroach w*ite threads, etc. Some on here are in it for the trolling.

>I have serious doubts as to whether the differences noted in the OP would have any significant impact.
In other species the size of the brain may be unrelated to their overall intelligence because it may grow to better process things that may not be linked with what we associate to our kind of intelligence, the brain mass may be used for spatial memory, sounds articulations and recognition, or other stuff that may be little related with our conscious analysis of hypothesis for example.

we can assume the brain of the nigger is roughly divided in its purposes like ours, so a smaller size is more indicative of a lesser IQ, but more studies on the growth, activity and purpose of the individual parts surely would be better to draw a conclusion, so I can agree with you on the doubts to some extents.

1. The .webms anti-China spam is mainly made by a viet.
2. You're subhuman, if you doubt this just look into a mirror.
3. Your race will get shit regardless of how well you do because you're all gibmigrant invaders in our countries. Tell your people to go back where you belong.

What's not accounted for is other factors, east asians test lowest for empathy at infancy, this is one of the largest causations for the lack of innovation displayed by those groups historically.

Sounds about right.

>societies but never when among your own

>invaders in our countries

actually look at the statistics i posted they go off the WHITES in your countries and theyre STILL below east asians in every category

Good for them.
>women have the least amount of all...

Take a nice infographic make sure to save it.

So after the English colonized and re-engineered societies and brought western invented sciences they can strive to excellence?
SeeLet me ask you this, what do you think the emotional life is for an east asian in asia compared to in a white society?

Don't show me a pic of a chinese city, move there.
And I don't think doing better overrules the fact that you're all immigrant invaders who don't belong in our countries, that's what I said and it's true. There are many millions of asians living in the West but only a few whites living in Asia, if you're so smart why can't you create succesful countries and stay there?

>Kalahari Bushmen
>54 IQ average
How the fuck is that even possible?

i think its a non argument ive never seen any empathy in whites growing up around them

meanwhile people who visit asia said they were treated with incredible respect and they were constantly being helped by people they didnt know rarely ever seen in the west

Jesus Christ, why is Denmark so stupid ;_;

Fucking yellow privilege

>i only bring it up because whites always say master race this master race that and always have this smug attitude of superiority towards asians
I care more about deviation than I do about the mean, my mathematically illiterate friend.

Whites > Asians
Men > Women
Even though their mean IQ is in fact ever so slightly higher.

Each gram contains millions of neurons. That's a huge advantage.

However, it's worth nothing when you look like shit.

Explain to me why Italy is ranked so high, it's full of shitskins and people pretending to be niggers.

cool don't post source or anything, i like to believe pretty pictures instead.

some points don't make us smarter

They only tested northern italians, the south brings the italian average to like 97-98.

Just like niggers

>I care more about deviation than I do about the mean

its not just the mean east asians have more geniuses too

dirty liar

you will never accept you are inferior youll just say look at this one high iq white genius this proves were smarter

Men have higher IQs than women though?

>there's been hundreds of years of study of human racial biodiversity
>he may not even accept this one small fact as truth

That's from PISA test

what a scumbag
you think just because theres a small fraction of white people with high iq genius that means THATS YOU

what a narcicistic shit bag its always portugal and spain shit skin countries who think theyre part of white people

They traded their dick size points for intelligence points.