Red pill me on aliens /pol

Whatever you have

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They are right under our noses in a different dimension which dmt allows you to experience

i am not from this planet.
what you wanna know?

I have seen one of their crafts in May 2011. I would have never expected to see something like that in the skies of Germany.

Saw a lot of weird drones in Afghanistan, some that hovered and appeared to disappear and reappear

Swedes are descended from aliens, also known as atlantians.

Exact CAD files for the warp drive, power source and gravitational stabilizers in your craft.



They don't exist, there's the biggest redpill.

Aliens are fake
Space travel is fake
Space alien invasion will be fake

I believe in the nuttiest shit you can imagine, but ayy lmao is too retarded for me. literally bigfoot-tier

Fuck off and take your shit to the appropriate board, faggot.


2 kinds of Alien, legal and illegal. ICE take care of the latter.

All whites/Aryans are, but especially those with blonde/red hair, and green/blue/hazel eyes.

There are millions of them in our country

These please

They're coming back within the year.

Aliens coming here in biological form to abduct people and conduct scientific missions (as described in numerous sighting reports) means that super intelligent AI does not exist or can not easily be achieved.

This means that transhumanist singularity will not happen anytime soon.


>advanced civilization with crazy shit we don't know about
>implying they fly around in space ships
nigger they just teleportal or else they're shit-tier ayy lmaos

More than likely it's intelligence agencies fucking with people and covering up any black budget stealth craft test runs. Not saying they don't exist, but Occam's Razor would suggest anything seen on the Earth is of the Earth.

They are demons.
They are not physical.
Demons pretend to be them to spread their false doctrines as "space knowledge from advanced extraterrestrials".
There is a chance that they will officialy present themselves in public and bring us into "new age".
NEVER let them do anything with you. Never let them in. Never allow them to do anything to you or your family. Never speak to them. Never answer them.

We are the only life in the universe

Deal with it

It's a psyop. Longest running one they've got.

>Demons pretend to be them to spread their false doctrines as "space knowledge from advanced extraterrestrials"
>There is a chance that they will officialy present themselves in public and bring us into "new age"
explain poland

This is what it is. The guy who used to work for an intelligence agency doing exactly this made a documentary detailing how he disinfo'd the UFO community, and he's far from the only one who has been outed. Can't remember the names right now, but you should be able to find it by googling ufo government disinformation agents. Project Blue Beam is real too, so don't buy it if they try it.

This. We have no idea what's going on past our own atmosphere. To be that arrogant to say that life does not exist out there...yeah. No.

This is correct. See Rene Guenon's The Reign of Quantity for more on this. Basically the demons come from an intermediate realm between our world and heaven, which corresponds to the psyche or soul -in traditional conceptions man and cosmos both had a tripartite nature: corporeal, subtle (psychic), and spirit. "God" is a category in the philosophical sense which corresponds to the spirit. Aliens/demons are psychic entities which both arise from the collective subconscious and at times may take on physical form. As we approach the end of this cycle or Manvantara (comprised of four Yugas) it will become easier for these entities to enter the physical world. When they have reached their full potentiality they will "arrive" en masse. This unveiling of extraterrestrials is a trick - the Great Deception.

Your claim has less evidence to prove it than the people who claim there is life out there.

But, leaf, so shitposting, and nobody cares.

White people are aliens



I saw an ufo once


We are aliens. Let that sink in



My favorite tumblr meem after tumblr dogs

This. and also how do you mutilate cows and shit without blood anywhere. And why the fuck do you still keep abducting people?

Have had multiple encounters with crafts/plasma like objects doing very strange things in the sky and woods but nothing that would lead me to assume they are aliens. I work in remote locations.

They're fallen angels.

Read book of enoch, Jaques valee, who Vaticana.

The descriptions of demons from history are a great match for alien encounters today.

Also listen to bill cooper, Steven anderson, Chuck missler, Charles lawson, some rob skiba but with a grain of salt, outer dark.

The galaxy is a dark forest booming with life, where every sign of alien life no matter how minor is an existential threat to yours. The smart ones realize this and either hide themselves or destroy the threat.

3 Universes we can occupy and explore;

MACROuniverse (what we're sold as space)
MICROuniverse (inside your head infinity)
UNIVERSE (lies that only talk about ONE)

All my friends and my brother have seen the exact same UFOs. They have omnidirectional motion and can accelerate themselves impossibly fast. We've given up on trying to explain it.
Cow mutilations were radiation testing by the military.

So basically there are several races of ayy lmaos visiting Earth, because the planet goes apeshit from time to time and wipes out any trace of civilization the apes might have been able to build.
They come periodically to probe the planet and kidnap human specimens which they breed and train in other planets. When the Earth gets recked they release the specimens which start new civilizations.
They are liars and manipulative to humans which they see as cattle to experiment with. They can also pose as aryans but their real body is way uglier.

Sounds like jews.

The mathematical possibility of aliens is extremely high, though I don't know if they've ever contacted Earth officials.

I have had three UFO sightings tho

>We've given up on trying to explain it.
It must be electro-magnetic. Somehow they create a monopole magnet that gets repelled by the Earth's magnetic field.That would explain why engines stop near their crafts.

Some people who have encountered ayys have reported how they get "magnetized" and break glasses and bend metals for several days after the encounter.

where abouts have you had your experiences? Mine were all through Ontario and Quebec

Friendly reminder that even if extra terrestrial "life" was only single celled organisms it would still be ayys

Now that you mention it, the old israelites might have made a pact with some extraterrestrial entity they knew by the name of YHWH, to genocide some remaining genetic experiments in the lands to the north (namely giants).
In exchange they received some amazing artifacts (like the ark) which helped them in their wars.
Modern fake jews might know that some of these ayys are to return someday and are positioning themselves to be in the very top of the society when that time comes.

>implying those things are manufactured and not simply manifested in-place through directed intent

Ayyy Imao how ya doing with ya blm n' atifa, human bean?


Aryans are aliens we came from mars. You can see the remnants of our Martian civilization in the cydonia region (pyramids, the face). We came to earth after a huge catastrophe destroyed mars (probably something involving jews)

look on you tube at the glowing orbs.
they are the same all over the world.

Tunguska Event was not a "meteor" airbursting above the surface of the forest. It was an alien craft that crash landed into our planet. The area where the blast occurred wasn't explored until years after the event (at which point other aliens were able to come and clear out any lost tech or exotic materials that would alert us to their presence).

>11 years ago
>In a car with a friend, he's driving
>Take a right down a side street near the train tracks and power plant
>See an all white figure roughly 7 feet tall sauntering across the road, facing away from us
>Had two protrusions sticking about a foot out of the top of its head, almost like rabbit ears
>Stepped over the guardrail and walked down the embankment
>Was obscured from sight due to elevation and vegetation
>Nothing there when we pulled up further
Everybody said we were crazy, but we know what we saw.

had a similar sighting desu

They're more real than you think. Although the deep state hides them extremely well. Be careful and watch the skies.

Don't know about aliens, but I saw two flying saucers once. Black, circular, could hover, move slow and extremely fast as well. Broad daylight, eight of us saw them so I'm not crazy

You are minding your own business when suddenly there's a blinding white flash. You're transported into the belly of a large flying saucer and aliens surround you. One of them approaches you and you hear it begin speaking to you telepathically.

>we mean you no harm
>we are scientists
>we offer you an opportunity to come with us on a tour of your solar system and the rest of the galaxy
>an opportunity to see the humbling majesty of stars and the vastness of interstellar space
>an opportunity to observe the terrifying strength of black holes and the brilliant radiance of supernova
>a chance to bear witness to other life forms and extraterrestrial biomes
>during this tour you can ask us questions about our knowledge of you, the earth, ourselves, and the cosmos and we will answer to the best of our ability
>this exceedingly rare chance is yours to take and in return all we ask of you is this
>please allow us to jam a few things in your asshole and wiggle them around a bit for scientific purposes

If you take their offer, they will honor their agreement and your butt hole is exceptionally sore for several days afterwards. If you decide to decline their offer, they'll instantly transport you back to what you were doing with no memory of the interaction. Do you?

>TL;DR - the case for the existence of intelligently controlled objects that penetrate the most secure airspace on the planet and are verified by multiple independent radar systems as well as highly trained military personnel is actually a logically unassailable case to be made. But, to claim that there are little grey men inside of these things is where this conversation should normally stop.

very true, it's all science fiction.

the owls aren't what they seem


But flat earth is real science, it seriously can't be disputed. It sounds nutty, but it is absolutely true.


I only debate flat earth because people, for whatever reason, will jump right in to fight over it. Noone wants to have a straight up "NASA is fake shit" convo.

Here's a typical alien.

Is it worth getting that WINRAR license ?

who was ufo then?

And here's one in disguise.

Is that a Jewish Donald Trump?

This one here tries to hide its colors to fool its prey


and this is how they look when no one's lookin'

Was this the pic that nearly shut down pol and of which the mods had to sticky the public banning of someone over because of all the autism?

a prominent victim, but there are many, many more all over the world

>there is ZERO evidence of anything proving them being here in the past or present nor anything noteworthy
>no bloody blurry picture or montage of nigger tier png file of traces in the sand constitute anything valid
>the closest thing that you MAY just tuck in the pile of "uh, weird" is a collective of military crew who observed and offered eye witness deposition (less acceptable piece of evidence) of a weird shape in the night with lights that were utterly baffled because that "thing" really moved (at least at the time, even now) like no other airborne craft could
>that's almost it
>i even had a few interactions with real gov paid "experts" (that's a big word but heh) about the extent of what we know about all this
>let me just say this is just very disappointing but kinda expected anyway

If, i just say IF there were .. they probably took a look without being seen from afar and decided to not care or/and not interfere.
Also, no alien with their tech would give a shit about our planet for its ressource because it doesn't make sense.

I thought that was a result of Tesla's Wardenclyffe experiment.

It would make more sense that these objects aren't even occupied, that they're some kind of drones or reconnaissance craft. But the topic of the occupants is the bullshit that ultimately labels the whole of UFOlogy as bullshit. It's what is used to actively undermine the reality that it's objective fact that these objects exist.

On the other hand, the color of the occupants, their origins, and intentions are entirely anecdotal in regards to the evidence available to support ANY of those assertions.

You have to go back

Every night between 02:00 and 05:30 the aliens inside your anus apply anesthetic cream so that you don't feel it when they gape your asshole to fly the out with their UFO.

there is no antidote, so avoid like the plague

Was the figure somehow glowing/blurry? Seen that shit in the 90's around Lac-Saint-Jean

keep this one

All I know is I saw a small ball of light hovering that looked little bit bigger than stars next around it.
I don't know how far up in the sky it was(pretty far) and what the real size was but it was fucking hovering almost stationary and I wouldn't have noticed it if it didn't have show little movement.
Then suddenly it accelerated straight up fastest I've ever seen and just vanished.
I don't know what the fuck that was but I fucking saw that.

Let the record show I was sober at the time.

are those real ayyliums?

Just watch Australiens the doku

Nah...... Just Albino Ethiopians, a bit like pic related

>Never speak to them. Never answer them.
Can I not tell them to "Fuck Off"?

This photo leaked from a secret lab on Tsushima Island.

The Russian Phobos probe incident is pretty interesting.

Maybe black people were genetically engineered by aliens to cause mayhem and disrupt society through their stupidness and destructive nature.

How long before you cut it up and serve it raw?

Well, that's working


>june this year
>holiday in las vegas
>we drive to area 51 to see them ayy's
>didn't see shit
>look at pictures later on
>see some object that does not resemble a normal airplane

Pictures are 11MB though. Can't fucking upload, and don't want to scale down because the object is already far away.

Pic related, where pic was taken from and where object is on pictures.