You know.... she has a point... hmmmmm

You know.... she has a point... hmmmmm

Other urls found in this thread:


That's a she is it?

it's non-binary

What she has is a bunch of empty slogans

>science is real
Except when it comes to basic biology it seems.

if science is real then how can black lives possibly matter?

and a mustache.

In this house, we believe in loaded terms with no real meaning aside polarized political bullshit because I trust the media to do my research

imagine taking a whiff of her asshole

kindness is everythig you nazi niggers I HOP YOU DIE~!!

What is that thing?


Looks like an Oblivion guard

She looks like the nasty food lady on school. The last person you'd want to talk about love with.

>assuming its gender
you're awful OP

>no Trump
That's objectively and provably false though. There is a Trump.

>black lives matter
not the criminal ones
>women rights are human rights
women are not human or special
>no human is illeal
yes, but ilegal immigrants are
>Science is real
not the western pseudo"science"
>love is love
dead pedos are dead pedos
>kindness is everything
kindness creates loose people

literally na ogre



Does anyone have a very high resolution version of this picture?

As you can see, it's a professionally printed sign, and it has the name of the organization who printed it at the bottom.

I like to collect pictures of protest signs to track them back to the see the REAL philosophy of those who are paying the protesters.

For example, image.

nobody really believes in science. it just happens to be slightly more accurate than rolling dice and we've been at it for a while.

realism is a meme, m8

I found it here if it helps

"No human is illegal" - except when they illegaly immigrate, nuff said

Thanks. In looking at the original and other images from the same link, it looks like the label from a union printing shop

Antifa leave
