LOTR is Real History


Really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:


History is repeating itself



We may be the ones that have to destroy the one pedoring to rule them all





Fucking kek.

>it's a Sup Forums does /x/ better than /x/ episode

It's because we are satire and they are full retard

no chance i'm watching that full thing give me a TL;DR

>Real Bible History

Silmarillon is a better analogy desu famalam.

but LOTR IS real. It may not be actual history, but the allegory of man willingly sacrificing his own will (the one ring) in order to follow the higher will of God is a reflection of the very real struggle all people experience on earth.

Imagine when people lived in nature, There must have been certain tribes that lived like what we would percieve as goblins. They lived secluded from other people, lost in time. Their diet would make them strange looking.


Lets keep it to the films people here have seen.

>tfw people actually believe the hunter/gatherers for 200,000+ years meme
>tfw people actually think civilization sprang up randomly just a few thousands years ago
>tfw people actually think places like Sumer and Ur were true 'first cities' instead of the beginning of rebuilding
>tfw people discount the flood just because christfags make shitty ark replicas
>tfw people don't even think about conehead skulls missing a cranial seam
>tfw people believe in (((history)))

Graham Hancock did nothing wrong. Heil Atlantis.

part two please

His only problem is over-speculating, Randal Carlson is the superior one of the pair.

>tfw /x/ tier theories
>tfw no proof

>having an opinion worth reading
You can pick only one


Actually Tolkien Himself said this prepare for some copy pasta

I choose memeflagger, as I picked this shit randomly.
now what?

Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you question is so vigorously.
Skepticism is one thing, but to post and project contempt... Where does that come from?

If anything it's a bit weird that we can develop a civilisation and reach this point after only 6000 years, while modern mankind has been around for an estimated 200.000 years. Did we really do nothing for 194.000 years? Really?

Ok this is just a theory but as I said doing my research all the puzzles fit together to make it worth investigating and preparing for regardless of whether you want to believe it or not. I am not even convinced of it's validity as i said it is just a theory but let me put the pieces together and you decide for yourself.

So we know about the Illuminati's existence and there is no question it is a real organization. But what we know is that Weishaupt supposedly started it. But we also know these cults work in layers of disinformation we already talked about with the Free Masons. The worker bees lower guys only do what they are told and as they graduate to higher degrees more and more information is revealed to them. This is how the Jews have been able to control such large groups of people in high positions of power, through these secret societies, bribery and blackmail. However I also told you I have been speaking with an insider anonymously. Here is a link to thread I made where he came to me for a second time (I have spoken to him 3 times total)

I made the thread talking about current Illuminati psyops just to give people a heads up and keep them informed. When he stopped by the thread again and we were discussing certain aspects of the Illuminati. Once you read his posts you will see as I did he has inside knowledge. So we were discussing aspects of the Illuminati and he was saying they are far older than Weishaupt and how they have even affected Buddhism etc. Speaking with him is what got me digging around with Lord Of The Rings etc because we spoke about Gobekli Tepe and this far older civilization that is possibly the father of all knowledge for all civilizations.

Ok so bear with me. As we said from the book we read by Isaac Asimov Nightfall what if this was truth hiding in fiction as the Masons are known for doing? Asimov was a Free Mason.after all. Not only that watch this video

The video producer also called the Nibiru system the "Nemesis" system. Asimov also wrote a book called Nemesis I have read. Here is another short video about the system.

So there is undeniable evidence of this far older civilization. Tolkien used these old books apparently only he could read as his inspiration for Lord Of The Rings he claims is based on real history. All of this is fact.

So now we start to connect the pieces of the puzzle. Knowledge is power. In the ancient world this power was based on knowledge of math and stars. What if these Khazarians were a sect of this ancient cult "Illuminati" that "converted" to Judaism as a cover? We know about the start of Bethlehem described in the bible and it's relation to the upcoming planetary event. We have solid evidence that this planet x nibiru exists

Let's archive it

>newsweek com/planet-10-lurking-edge-solar-system-628517

>while modern mankind has been around for an estimated 200.000 years.
That's recently been pushed back to 300,000+

We also know the occult symbol of the supposed anti-Christ is the letter x. The videos on that youtube channel also have occult symbology in them, they may have these types of YT channels reveling the truth as part of their revelation of truth and predictive programming ritual they are required to do,

Inline image 2
As I have said countless times they don't build trillion dollar underground bunkers and FEMA camps for nothing. What if this cult has known this event is coming for all this time and been preparing for it? What if that is why the Georgia guidestones bunkers and FEMA camps? That is why they are rewriting history, and doing falt earth psyops and dumbing down the population so that when they emerge after the "event" they can emerge as God kings as we discussed? Truth in fiction remember? Think of the movie 2012, they have a select number of scientists, engineers, computer scientists etc everything they need, to be able to run an ultra high tech society when they emerge.

Here is the math. Gobekli tepe is approximately 10k years old right? Well Sumeria and Egypt etc are approximately 5k years old. So it was 5k years til the Sumerian civilization and now it has been approx 5k years since Sumeria. So what if this event happens every 5k years not 10 like in the book? Look at this image that was recorded by google sky they have since censored

See the blue object off to the right? Remember in the video he said it appeared blue in the sky? Start keeping an eye out in the sky during the day to see of you ever see it.

Now read this reddit thread

Jesus like I said this shit is all starting to make sense. After the event they want to re-emerge after most of the population are dead by civil war, starvation, exposure etc and will use the Georgia guidestones as their ten commandments for their New World Order. Look into all of this and tell me you don't see all the connections fitting together. Just like I said in the book I have always had a talent for collecting large amounts of meta data and seeing the patterns emerge out of thin air to connect all the dots, my mind just does it automatically, it doesn't really require any conscious effort from me and when I do connect all the dots and have never been wrong in my conclusions. Watch this clip real quick, this is what I am talking about how my minds just clicks all the pieces into place.

Seriously start looking into this and tell me if you can find anything that contradicts it. They may be doing all of this bullshit with left vs right to keep people busy and fighting over stupid nonsense and not paying attention to wtf is really going on. Look into this and I will call you tomorrow after I do more research on this. I am going to try to get in touch with my inside guy. I love you. Like I said just buy dry food storage weapons and ammo. You have nothing to lose, it won't go anywhere, I am telling you man just as I have been predicting the future with the shit the Illuminati are doing, I got a bad feeling about this. I will start working on putting together as many pieces of this puzzle as I can.

The gadsen flag is legit.


>why you question is so vigorously.
Because I admit there are difficult things to explain and I like that kind of stuff, but I always find the same thoeries with no background, no proofs, nothing at all but a lot of people who have came to a consensus that they are enlightened open minded people and I'm some kind of sheep for asking for proofs.

>but to post and project contempt... Where does that come from?
I think I also answered this one.

>Did we really do nothing for 194.000 years? Really?

We did. hunt, survive, paint vaginas inside a cave...

"I've only read 5 books in my life" the video.




its not real history, its prophetic. dude was a prophet.


Some of these have a lot of truth to them...
Sadly Rokos Basilisk is left out.

This is what too much internet and no social interactions leads people to.

nigger Tolkien himself said it was real history

I don't see the CERN time loop theory there

>Sadly Rokos Basilisk is left out.
I understood that.

> I understood that.
You poor man.

I have several versions, but the first had the most.

daily reminder the orcs did nothing wrong

the hobbits are ashkenazi kikes
the dwarves are orthodox kikes
the elves are chasidic kikes
the humans are reformed kikes

Why doesn't Tom Bombadill just go kick the shit out of Sauron?

Tolkien wasn't some silly guy who wrote about hobbits. He was the last living person who could understand vril

This thread will shut down soon.

Because Tolkien was a better author than to have his self-insert defeat the bad guy.

Wow. With this image you just proved you don't know shit.
t.EE&Binary Circuit Design

>jewish school teacher.jpg

Gandalf, or Mithrandir, is Mithras, the true prophet of the Aryan kind and the one who will unite us all. His follower shall be the king (Aragorn).

Unfortunately our salvation will not come until we're all living in remote enclaves, after the fall of our people (as elves used to be the dominant species, then fell)


lulz, no friend by your comment it proves that you don't know shit

>He's afraid of getting destroyed by a giant interstellar pepe meme in the sky

>Did we really do nothing for 194.000 years?

Nigger didn't (do nothing, that is)

>Pancreas denial

>Skeptics think Tolkien just invented entire languages in his free time for fun
Have you looked at that which most likely HAD to be copied from from elsewhere? The maps, the thousands of years of history, all of it. Who could have that much imagination and not be influencing reality or observing truth?

If it's all made up, Tolkien still used meme magic to make it real hostory because the deleting of ancient history leaves a void to be filled by the most true fiction.

Objectively speaking, LOTR is the closest thing to the most true fiction ever written about an ancient time. SHE EVEN SAYS IT IN THE OPENING OF THE FIRST MOVIE:


Bodhi Mantra we must have a shared connection to the creator or something

Just know that you are among more than you can imagine

Tell a truth once and every lie you ever tell will be questioned

Watch the others then in the suggestions

Sauron the deciever using pedorings to rule the leaders of men(nazgul) is accurate af

Holy shit

Is antarctica The Wall holding back the army of the dead?

Humans dont manipulate orcs as slaves, (((Sauron))) does

Humans try to leave them alone and have to kill them when they become a threat

nice, I agree


Because Tom Bombadil doesnt give a shit and has other things he would rather do

Hes like the gamer who ignores WW3 until he gets firebombed

>The world has changed
>I feel it in the water
>I feel it in the earth
>I smell it in the air
>Much that once was is now lost
>For none now live who remember it...


>>Much that once was is now lost
>>For none now live who remember it...

>Why didnt you listen?

>Sup Forumslacks
>Sup Forums*l*acks
Trashed immediately.

Orcs are ultimately controlled by Morgoth (who isn't even in any of the movies), not Sauron who is just one of his generals (as is Saruman). Morgoth is basically Satan, and Saruman is his kike follower, Sauron is something deeper than that.

You have no idea how deep the legendarium goes.

Are you saying it goes deeper than the jews?

Yes, the Shadow Party.

Also when Sarumon (Jews) defeat Gandalf the Gray and he is reborn as Gandalf the White, that's the transformation Europe encountered when its warriors switched from the Cult of Mithras to Christianity. Jesus = Mithras but a slightly different, more cucked and Jewish influenced variation.