Why do Nationalists always lose?

Well, Sup Forums?

We, the socialist and communist peoples of the world, have always defeated fascists and nationalists.

Why do you believe you have a chance against us now?

You didn't in 1941. Pic is quite related.

Why not cooperate? Why not abandon debunked racial theory nonsense and work with your fellow humans for the betterment of all humankind?

Why not embrace equality, both social and economic, instead of embracing division, hatred, war and death?

We'll win anyway. Why not be on the winning side?

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The difference is that the soviets were a militaristic socialist state and modern leftists are just directionless anarchists who are just as much of a fringe ideology as the nazis they oppose.
Two memes clashing underneath the heel of neoliberalism. Face it, you're just as irrelevant as anyone else

Because fundamentally socialism is for the people and the people will always overcome

>debunked racial theory nonsense

ah, my sociology professor too told me that racism is all nonsense and offered literally no evidence to the contrary

i am an enlightened open minded individual and i deserve all the pussy in the world

Nazi germany was national socialist you literal retard.

National socialism is not socialism friend

Economically it's about even with demsoc but much more authoritarian and morally right wing

You are correct, it actually worked and helped its citizens.

>offered literally no evidence
Know how I know you're a liar? lol

>Why not abandon debunked racial theory nonsense
Oh so the white male isn't the source of your "oppression" anymore?


What even is socialism anymore? top cec you commies are retarded

Commies didn't win shit. If it werent for your capitalist zionist overlords from the US there would have been no communism or antifa today.

We always loose because nationalists are the only ones actually fighting those with power.

Communists resort to genociding the middle class of their own people.

>We, the socialist and communist peoples of the world, have always defeated fascists and nationalists.
But you lost.
>Why do you believe you have a chance against us now?
Because you lost. Repeatedly.
>You didn't in 1941. Pic is quite related.
Your troops got rekt. Only the winter saved you.
>Why not cooperate? Why not abandon debunked racial theory nonsense and work with your fellow humans for the betterment of all humankind?
Fuck off nigger lover.
>Why not embrace equality, both social and economic, instead of embracing division, hatred, war and death?
100 million dead people thanks to communism.
>We'll win anyway. Why not be on the winning side?
You lost against capitalism. Repeatedly.

And it wasn't nationalism that lost back then, it was national-SOCIALISM.

>We always loose because nationalists are the only ones actually fighting those with power.
Why are we supposed to lose? Nationalists nowadays are capitalists who only want to secure their borders.

>socialism is for the people

why do so many people die under socialism then?

>you lost

pic related, German victory parade in Moscow!

He brought some a lot of social reforms.
>Cheap cars
>Wellfare system
>Mandatory medical check ups
>Minimum wage
>Payed vacation

I would say he was pretty socialistic.

So the Soviet Union won against Germany but only with the help of the capitalistic Western forces like Britain and the US. What a nice victory for your ideology.

>So the Soviet Union won

>So the Soviet Union won

At least you accept it now

10+ million casualties
Truly a resounding victory, a small price paid

>Allies won

Why isn't it around nowadays then? Oh right, because commies were humiliated by capitalists.

Reminder of what Hitler thought of your people towards the end

>'The armed forces have lied to me and now the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people has not fought heroically. It deserves to perish.

>'It is not I who have lost the war, but the German people'."

None of that is socialism and the welfare state was around before the nazis, hell, it was around before Hitler's birth.

Then only after leveling a bunch of cities and killing shit tons of civilians. The war equivalent of getting jumped by niggers.

>implying USSR wouldnt have won the war without western help


payed vacation leave
and mandatory medical check ups in the the workplace was total alien here.

They even accused him of being commie once.

You wouldn't have though, your army literally survived off of lend lease when you were near collapse. Without lend lease you would have been rekt, that said though we were "allies' so nothing wrong with accepting help from your ally.

Hitler had the charisma, but he didn't know how to lead war. If his generals were in power, Europe would be in German hands nowadays.
Germany actually killed more Russians than Russians killed Germans.
They really wouldn't have. There were several fronts that the Germans had to fight on.


Globalists are backed up by the Rothschild's and other Central Bankers. Nationalists are usually honest working men who want a nice place to live. Most of them grew up believing in fair play and hard work. Most Globalists grew up believing "the ends justify the means."

Educate Nationalists about deceptions and Central Banking and watch them gain ground. No wonder Globalists want to ban Free Speech.

"Racial theory nonsense."

As in hard science demonstrating IQ and behavioral differences between the races, and study after study demonstrating more social cohesion in homogeneous as opposed to multi-ethnic, multi-cultural communities?

Why didn't the Soviets favor mass importation of third worlders into the USSR? Because while they were stupid on economic theory and their system fell apart, they weren't stupid enough to do that.

>We'll win anyway. Why not be on the winning side?

You won't win. Nationalism and white identity is spreading like wildfire. Trump's election was the beginning of a huge reversal, and a new epoch. Nobody who gets redpilled and becomes right wing ever comes back. It's a one way street.

And I love how leftists think, "be on the side that I feel is winning, or delude myself into thinking is winning, regardless of whether it's in my self-interest or for the good of humanity," such cucks and disingenuous cowards.

Im not lying, i took sociology and psychology and the professor just basically said "lol racism isnt real and skull shapes have nothing to do with your personality" and gave no evidence

What kind of evidence could he possibly give?

All IQ tests show shitskins are subhuman, all they can do is say NO ITS THE CULTURE, I MEAN POVERTY, I MEAN WHITE OPPRESSION, changing the narrative constantly as they control for each variable and find it not to be the cause for low IQ, in study after study

Almost the whole field of social sciences is just a bunch of pathetic retard leftists

>If his generals were in power, Europe would be in German hands nowadays.
The generals wanted to end the war. Rommel himself was part of a plot to get rid of Hitler for the good of Germany

>They even accused him of being commie once.
He wasn't. For fucks sake, i'd expect this idiocy from Americans but Euros should know better.

You forgot israHell, fag.

Commies lost the cold war to capitalist nationalists.

Get rekt shill

Equality is a false god

The generals would have used the first best chance to get rid of the Britains instead of trying to ally with them like Hitler did. If they had done so, the war would turn in Germany's favor.

Without those British and American trucks and materials and food.
It would have made the war a lot harder.
You where straining your supply lines critically when you reached Poland.

You should know better how those Russian roads are.

>We, the socialist and communist peoples of the world, have always defeated fascists and nationalists.

no you didn't

Nationalists lose because nationalism is a feel-good political philosophy that is easy for cowards and lazy fucks to support.

How many nationalists would be willing to kill their neighbors because they are leftists?

But leftists can just call anyone a nazi and feel justified in killing them.

Nationalism is for people who are too weak to defend their nation

>The generals would have used the first best chance to get rid of the Britains instead of trying to ally with them like Hitler did. If they had done so, the war would turn in Germany's favor.
No they literally wouldn't. The high ranking generals were almost all against continuing the war, particularly towards the end. There were several assassination attempts made to get rid of Hitler for that reason

That was in 1938 by the British and even my country news outlets.

Remember being against child labor in the 19th century made you a extreme leftwing.

You do know it was far more than just American Trucks and materials and British/American food right?

Something like 70% of all the trains they ran were using American made trains and cars. Without their trains they would have been SOLJWF.

Fuck off, Jew. You kikes won one time.

Yea sure planes and tanks.
But trucks where sometimes even more valuable you cant supply an army without them.

Jewish parasitism. It's what needs to be dealt with before figuring out what other ideology we want. Our white race simply existing is enough to work toward for the time being. Any white genocide denier is just anticacausic scum.

Are you retarded? Hitler had the chance to fuck the Britains at the beginning of the war and didn't use it. After that, winning the war would be a piece of cake.
If Hitler had taken the chance as the admirals suggested, nazi Germany could have used all of its resources on Russia and fuck them hard.

That 1991 though

Had the same experience. Even had anthropologists claim you could take a New Guinea cannibal, raise him in England, and have a high intellect english gentleman in the end, and conversely do the same with a white british baby raised by cannibals. No evidence for this was shown, the truth of these claims rested entirely on his status as professor and ours as student.

>Win every time
>Gets btfod by Spain

Even more important than planes trucks and tanks sent to the USSR was trains, back then most of the war transportation to the front was by train, without it most of the men, material, and vehicles would have never gotten there in time to make an impact.

They've only started to lose in the past hundred years. This is but a passing phase, if you're so short sighted you think things have always been like this, well i guess that confirms why you're a communist.

Fuck off KIKE.

And retards still claim he was left wing today, so nothing has changed. Making appeasements to the workers in order to curtail the rise of socialist revolution was commonplace especially with the spread of the Welfare state after Bismarck.

Бeз лeнд-лизa пpocpaли бы вoйнy к 1942 гoдy.

Oн пoкpывaл дo 100% вceх пoтpeбнocтeй CCCP.

Communists lose because communism is a feel-good political philosophy that is easy for cowards and lazy fucks to support.

How many communists would be willing to kill their neighbors because they are nazis?

But nazis can just call anyone a commie and feel justified in killing them.

Communism is for people who are too weak to defend their community


Exactly, because modern socialism is the failure destined embodiment of marxist idealism. Socialism always breaks a nation. Your perfect little model for the world doesn't translate to reality, but you wouldn't understand why because you have a Communist mindset, which means you aren't good at cause and effect.

unless you are a khazarian elite pure bloodline, you arent a part of this "we" and "us". you are one of the goyim, a gentile, and you will serve us, along side the people who are trying to stop us now.

It amuses me that your "Everyone right of Bernie Sanders is literally Hitler" mindset has led you to believe that this entire board is full of nazis. Most people here just don't want to put up with your bullshit anymore.

Because everyone from left to right gangs up on them(btw the soviet union was quite nationalistic in the 40's to 60's)

In those times it made him pretty red.

Now even a classical liberal in America is a fascist to some so don't let your modern notion fool you too.

You losed in 1989 in East Europe.

You losed in 1991 in Eurasia.

You losed a fucking Cold War.

You lose the internet cultural war.

the generals were smart. hitler cucked himself for brits and it cost him everything

In Greece commies got BTFO HARD on the civil war 7 decades ago

>that said though we were "allies'

No they werent real allies.
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
US just wanted to wait the situation out and look who would win.

>lend lease
were paid with gold, oil and coal.

>It would have made the war a lot harder.
Yes, but the army needed Artillery and Tanks.
That would have helped even more.

You dont win war with trucks alone.
Nice help, but the US didnt want to help too much.

Army logistics in Russia were bad during history.Not the roads fault though.

At the very peak of fighting on the western front, right after the invasion of normandy, the largest Wehrmacht commitment to that front was less than 10% of its total forces. At no point during the war was less than 90% of the total German military fighting in the east.

>In those times it made him pretty red.
You're pulling that out your ass. Hitler was seen as a right-winger by both the left and right parties of his days. Even Goebbels thought he was too conservative.

>Now even a classical liberal in America is a fascist
They aren't but more often than not they will side with the fascists when times get tough as history has shown.

Soviet russia was very nationalistic, racist, homophobic and genocidal. In fact they killed WAY more people than Hitler could ever dream of
As a black man mixed with Mexican blood, I am a Libertarian.
Marx was also a racist that believed blacks were inferior and that Mexicans were lazy and inferior.
Fucking racist ass commie totalitarian bitches
At least Hitler said some shit about how he gets a long with anyone who is proud of their race, and he liked animals and Germany and shit, and recruited blacks and treated them well
Commies are just pure evil


>clinging to the most inconsequential revolt of all time's defeat at the hands of the most inconsequential fascist regime of all time

>As a black man mixed with Mexican blood, I am a Libertarian
>nazi flag

Que pasa?

>conveniently forgets that the rest of the relevant world was fighting da ebul knotises

Yeah did you know political ideology correlated with millitary tactics

You liberals are godawful at rational thought

Hitler lost because the red fascists treated their people like cannon fodder and he was fielding trained soldiers against mongol hordes in the dead of a winter he was not prepared for.

Unsrurpsingly, he was also a rather liberal fellow, and the basis for many of his racist beliefs was in complete bullshit like who has a real human soul or not, and he was a fucking vegeterian. Hilarious.

Beserker autist vs. calculating but ignorant autist
beserker autist wins

>You dont win war with trucks alone
Funny thing is it does or has a more huge big impact than you like to think, especially as vast as Russia or like in North Africa.
Germans lost momentum and some critical chances.
I would say they lost due to having a lack of trains and trucks.

Russia did good work during the siege of Moscow and Stalingrad at disabling them.

Russia could shit out tanks and artillery from the factory lines that even Hitler himself shat himself.

But maintaining and supplying them is different story.

Anyone have the pasta about how Leftists are stronger than rightists.

>accidentally starves a few Jews to death because the allies cut off supplies to Germany
>his soldiers rape and murder millions of Germans
Dude, communism is like so woke check out my Che Guvara shirt (he totally didn't hate Mexicans and blacks) and soviet Russia flag
Why can't people be peace loving hippies like us based freedom loving gommies?

I had the meme flag from an earlier thread where I sarcastically said that Trump was a racist while posting memes like the one I posted there
No disrespect, sorry for the cultural appropriation

>t-t-that one doesn't count!

everybody itt kill yaself y'all niggas postin in a antifa shill thread

Do you even know how retarded you are?
Do you know how silly the things you write are, like the OP?
Why do you have to prove you know nothing about anything?
I'm not bothering correcting you because
A) it's endless
B) it's pointless, I can't fix you where your parents failed, where your teachers failed.
Please trust me on this, you are a blight, do the right thing and just off yourself ASAP.

becasue we eliminated other people not our own people, your dumb, no nation cares if your killing your own people moron bad troll 0/8 mate kys nigger bait

because the jews are always behind you carrying your asses, without em youd be in the grave

>Yes, but the army needed Artillery and Tanks.
That would have helped even more.
The US gave
>"over 400,000 jeeps and trucks; 12,000 armored vehicles (including 7,000 tanks, about 1,386[39] of which were M3 Lees and 4,102 M4 Shermans);[40] 11,400 aircraft (4,719 of which were Bell P-39 Airacobras)[41] and 1.75 million tons of food"

>"The United States sold to the Soviet Union from October 1, 1941 to May 31, 1945 the following: 427,284 trucks, 13,303 combat vehicles, 35,170 motorcycles, 2,328 ordnance service vehicles, 2,670,371 tons of petroleum products (gasoline and oil) or 57.8 percent of the High-octane aviation fuel,[24] 4,478,116 tons of foodstuffs (canned meats, sugar, flour, salt, etc.), 1,911 steam locomotives, 66 Diesel locomotives, 9,920 flat cars, 1,000 dump cars, 120 tank cars, and 35 heavy machinery cars. Provided ordnance goods (ammunition, artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives) amounted to 53 percent of total domestic production.[24] One item typical of many was a tire plant that was lifted bodily from the Ford Company's River Rouge Plant and transferred to the USSR. The 1947 money value of the supplies and services amounted to about eleven billion dollars"

Greedy bastards, we should have gave you a boatload of dildo's and told you to go fuck yourselves, and watch you and the Germans tear each other apart.

your dumb too there would be close to world peace if all jews were dead, jews spark white and black tensions more than anything, i hate all kikes

Dude like for example
It doesn't mean if go like

>I just want to gas the juice XD
That it automatically makes you a right winger.

Cause i can attest you if i was a big politician but a communist through and through, and said all foreigners out.
I would automatically be seen as extreme right wing.
Even though my social programs would be pretty left wing.

Funny how that works.

>Germans lost momentum and some critical chances.

Germans didnt really understand what the USSR was capable at the time. The attacked at a good moment, from a strategic point of view, while the Red army was still not properly organised and had a lack of capable generals.
>I would say they lost due to having a lack of trains and trucks
They were better organised and supplied than the soviet forces in the begging of the war.
Germans were always good at organisation, you can look up WW1 for an example.
Russia wasnt.

>Russia did good work during the siege of Moscow and Stalingrad at disabling them.

Moscow yes.
Stalingrad was a slaughterhouse, nobody is sure how many people died there today.
It was a strategically important victory, but from the casualties a mess.

>Russia could shit out tanks and artillery from the factory lines

Not always at the place where needed.
Again, supplies as you also mentioned.

No worries, i was just wondering.

your idea of (((winning))) does nor appeal, to the rational man.

ya its called being fucked by your government

Why are communists the absolute worst at arguing? Every time they open their mouths it's the same 1-3 lines
''t-that wasn't real gommunism tho''
Even on /leftypol/ they are this stupid

There's a shit load of ideologies on here I disagree with, but at least they all have interesting and captivating arguments

Oh come on guys you don't have to give examples for this. Almost every war ever was won by nationalists, Stalin had to let Russians regain a sense of nationalism in WW2. Vietnamese were nationalists really in the nam war and only adopted communism as a means to a nationalist end. It's not like commies were the only ones fighting the Germans now was it? And as for Korea (and nam again) it was all Cold War conflict and who won that because it wasn't the commies was it, it was the nationalists who are now feeling betrayed by neo liberalism.
Communism is shit, if communism was an actor it'd be Steve Gutenberg, if communism were a pop song Cheney Hawks would be singing it, if communism were a car it'd be a 1982 model Lada 'sport'. It's a turd and so is OP and nothing can ever change that.

because they literally are retarded same with libs and the left, they can not think logically and for the best outcome for themselves

Ultimately lies are more adaptive than the truth, which gives progressive ideology an edge over reality based ideologies, which allowed leftism to frantically worm its way into nation states and take them over utilising the entire capital of nations to destroy anything in its path which could be a threat to the ideology.

no its the child's mentality where in his mind they conjure a world that fallows there rules, its called Autism or living in fancy

>They were better organised and supplied than the soviet forces

Yea but they had small problem that turned out to be pretty disastrous.
All the Russian rails where of a different width.

The German trains couldn't fit on them so they had this whole Army of workers replacing them all the way from Poland and Romania to the front.

If you can imagine how fucked they where.

fantasy sorry excuse my shifty brain

>social programs
I've already told you the welfare state isn't socialism and it was specifically made as a concession to the workers to prevent actual socialism from taking place, in short, it was to preserve capitalism. I'm just repeating myself now and your English is shit so i'm done.