Does love exist?

Does love exist?

Where it hasn't been destroyed.


If it does, it might be closer to home than you think~

best regards, your little sister xxxxx

all humans are merely using each other in one way or another

love is just a construct, in reality "love" is a parasitic relationship.

yes. it ends in a lot of zeroes.

yes but do you want it?


What is love?

What is love?

Also, not in the way that it's portrayed. Love is a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, then slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage.

Break the cycle. Rise above.

but so does his age

The most beautiful girl I've ever seen is dating a fatass 40-something rich guy, I'm so jelly
Maybe it does but money plays a huge role since it's basically a sign of status and we all know that women loooove men with high status

love is the difference between income and spending


you know when you come home and your dog whacks his tail around so hard that his whole body flips around (mine does that)
its all because he knows his chance of getting a cookie just increased by 70%

>does a mystical concept created by (((them))) exist?


yes, but men and women have different meanings for love.


screenshotted. say hello to /r/rickandmorty

oh man I just like this is the perfect time -- THE PERFECT TIME to quote that fuckings hit man fucking rick and morty IM A PICKLE MORRTTTYYYYY


It's extremely cringeworthy but it's actually true.

Love is just a combination of chemicals in the brain that we evolved to release when we found someone who would benefit us.
There's no such thing as the love we see in movies. Everything is just a matter of circumstance and when circumstances change so do relationships.

This is exactly why marriage means nothing now that it's so easy to get out of. Circumstances change at will rather than truly committing and being tied to a person for better or for worse.

damn dude that's deep
so epic

Love exists. It's painful as fuck sometimes, and sometimes it's the best feeling in the world. At the end of the day I feel sorry for people who haven't felt it; what a shallow life it would be to never love.

I don't think other animals experience love.

baby don't hurt me

Almost looks like he's hoverhanding.

You would be Fucking stupid. Maybe not to the same degree but at least mammals.

literal cuck

"Circumstance changes and life's always calling your bluff"

My dog loves me. I feed him and take care of him every day. I am his God in a way.

Hes old. He cant see shit.

Me can love, because there is a religious level to their admiration of female beauty and perceived fragility. Women can't love, because they only want to improve their own worth by associating with a worthy partner.

It exists and feels great.

It's irrational and will destroy you not unlike a drug addiction, but it feels damn good all the way through.

No, love is connection that creates our species and lets us pass our lives on to our children. Love is not parasitic, it is symbiotic, and it is the only way to ever be truly alive. If you don't understand why love is important you don't understand the human species.

No, literal Russian - young and beautiful women will go for old and stable men in a second.

gee, i wonder what that guy wants more:
A• money that he wont even live to spend.
B• Pussy.

t. Someone who's never had a girlfriend.

If you can afford the minimum, sort of.

it does but it requires dependency. if there is no dependency relationships become circumstantial.

what is dependency? a rekationship where one party provides a needed commodity that isn't readily found elsewhere by the other party.

needed commodities include:
means of survival (money, shelter, food, protection etc...)
capacity to give pleasure (sex, drugs, etc...)
status, power over others

>humans study how the world works to make human life better
>ends up making everything enjoyable meaningless
>no jetpacks
>cant grow back limbs
>still grow old and ugly
knowledge was a mistake.

Don't hurt me

why do girls like guys

physical attraction, material desires

why do guys like girls

physical attraction


we're all just using each other for our benefit. hence "parasites".

Look pretty good with his shirt off for his age to be honest

but the answer is yes but it's very conditional

How am i a cuck she ain't my gf

No, no it doesn't.

it's a mutualistic relationship you moron

unless you're a spineless beta bitch


no more

You just basically described pimping. I'm glad, because I've decided to start a strip club just so I can be loved by my stripper whore workers.

that's not what a parasite is