Whats pol's opinion on the USSR?

Whats pol's opinion on the USSR?

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the biggest dumpster fire yet

Commies suck, but they sure made some good music.

cool military parades.

i wish norway would stand closer to russia. i don't trust uncle sam to come rescue us from anything.


The first thing that comes to mind is all the slaughtered farmers in Ukraine.

Good for space race. Good for atheism. Bad for everything else.

a progress toward communism. A lot of errors that we have learned from.

not that good.

had some aesthetic shit i'll give them that

>ends the holocaust
>then murders 30 million people in the gulags

I like those spoopy paranormal researches they did.

I thought they did that before the holocaust.

good culture
bad policy

nazis not rape all female which they meet
commies rape every female, dont care about her age and after that they killed them


also saged gay thread asking for pol's opinion on something.

Here you go, about (((them))) in UdSSR


Any symbol or monument related to it must be pureged. Party members and KGB - hanged. Same for Putin's dogs. Immigrants repatriated

>"I swear, next time it will be done right! Let's just starve millions again"

The revolution seems be fun if you dont have too much to lose in terms of property. You are raiding rich pricks anyway.

Then it all goes to shit.

>*seems to be fun...
>talking about communist regimes on general not just the former USSR

Experiment went awry.

But the russians had some shitty allies when it came to trying to make a great union of people in semi-autonomous regions. You can't rule the world with retarded central Asiatics and traitorous eastern Yuro's.

Wish they went a more chinese model where the country was opened up for foreign investment.

Great anthem.

Can you trust russia enough to annex you?

Millions are starving today under capitalism


Capitalism and central bank cant exist together. Checkmate.

But at least not the entire population of the country, like in communist countries

double checkmate

>get's to finish their holocaust
thanks for clarifying

first and only thing i could think of

I'll even say the lyrics are fantastic. If you disregard the commie shit of course. But it's filled with inspirational and nationalistic themes. Pride, achievement through struggle, bravery, veneration of hero figures, glory in battle, defense against barbarians. Love of 'motherland'.

certainly better than the faggy shit we have today in most countries.

fuck all communists faggots. failed experiment. shameful embarrassment

An under appreciated warning on the dangers of fanaticism of any description.

> survived total jewish control in transition to generic state capitalist authoritarianism
> the historic peak of that part of the world during 50's-70's
> led a nationalist, traditionalist alliance
> no race mixing, pure white/euro cities
> had the most important role in winning the most important war in human history
> didn't do anything that bad after said war
> the last respectable match the west will ever have
> never harmed a hair on an innocent western civilians head, no trucks of peace, just respectable proxy wars between guerrillas and armies
> ended out of its own naive autism
The vote to preserve the union should have been respected, better yet, the nukes should have flown. Whites would have rebuilt a better world from the ashes than the one we're stuck with.

Poor capitalist country

there is a story behind the park that these communists tried to run
they tried to make it "free" but it failed so they had to start charging people to enter the park

Хopoшaя пoпыткa, тoвapищ

It's true, I get goosebumps every time, don't even understand the lyrics.

The cycle of Communism:
>Take the power (extra points for doing it with violence)
>Realise, that your holy bible is written by a retarded fuckhead, who doesn't know jackshit about basic economics, and how the real world works, so communism is literally unachievable
>Stay in power anyway, and massacre, torture those, who criticize your retarded system
>When you killed everybody, who disagreed with you, start killing your own allies
>When you done with that, and also used up your country's all resources, fail miserably
>Wait until 18 year old college spoiled brats say, that "it wasn't REAL communism", and "communism is great in theory"
>Try to build a militant force with these people, to take the power again
>Rinse and repeat

good at making tanks, bad at making toilet paper.

The USSR, like every communist government, failed.

The commies lost. The commies will always lose.

The cycle of communism, capitalists exploit the fuck out of free market, do "communist" revolution complete soxialist and then use force to kill all othees then exploit the fuck out of everyobe.

>they always lose!

Not knowing that the KGB infiltration and culture spread has worked here. They may have died and their countries fallen, but brother, they did not lose.

Russia is as "other" to me as you are to me.

Not the culture in a sense of Slavic or Russian, but the LGBTQ+/degradation of America. It was a project by top KGB officials and other communist groups. It was their plan to diversify and create distrust, look at all the rise of communist like ideaologies in the past 30 years. America probably won't exist in the next hundred decades due to infighting, just as it's been planned.


Oh yes, because communism isn't really communism, it's just capitalism, and fascism in disguise, even when it's openly aganist those two, and try to make a communist system with communist "values" (but can't, because it's impossible)

*puts on tinfoil hat

Not good

Funny thing is that russian posters are always bragging about how stalin genocide all the jews in Russia before ww2

USSR Under Stalin: commie cuck anti fascist shithole

USSR After Stalin: most based anti leftist, nationalistic nation for its time

Made a country full of peasants getting butt fucked by imperialism a super power.

Press P to piss on grave.