
My uni (ASU) now has an """Undocumented""" Students Club. What do, Sup Forums? Turn them in to ICE? Is that even possible/legal? Would they even give two shits? More importantly, why is this shit even allowed on a public university?

Other urls found in this thread:–Shafroth_Act

You university receives federal funds via the department if education. They are directly promoting the breaking of federal law. Report to ICE and DOJ as well

>What do, Sup Forums? Turn them in to ICE? Is that even possible/legal? Would they even give two shits?


Turn them in.

Write your congressman. Get your friends to write your congressman. Call people. Make a big shitfit about this because of what said. This is illegal.

If possible, notify ICE.

>What do, Sup Forums?
ICE, ICE, baby

Report it and then post their butthurt.

Upon further investigation, it seems the guy running the show has gone on record as being undocumented. His Facebook, LinkedIn, and a news article from usnews has him openly admitting to be illegal himself.

>School of Transborder Studies

>school of transborder studies

Can anyone give me a legitimate reason we shouldn't just cut all funding for the social "sciences"?

How about you leave undocumented students alone and let them get their education. The fact they're attending a major university means they're already more intelligent than a majority of the huwhite mustard race.

>What do, Sup Forums? Turn them in to ICE?

What the fuck do you think, stop being a fag and do it already

Which violation does this count as?
Pathetic, I know. I swear they're the 1% here.

lol you did this to yourself loser


>of undocumented immigrants


I came for the STEM and Honors not the libtards


Captcha related.

Do it before they breed.

The fact they're attending a major university means they are stealing grant money that should be going to actual citizens

Guys ice has a tip line

Yes, but ASU isn't exactly a great STEM school.

surely this is an ice honeypot

>Globalists now call themselves Transborder

Attend a club meeting. Secretly record everything while pretending to be an "ally". Try to get everyone's name. Send the recordings to ICE.

It's gonna be if someone answers this

Holy crap I went to ASU as well. You should call ICE it is perfectly legal. They are illegals that do not work and want to take the jobs of others. The more we get rid of the cleaner the streets will be and also the better paying jobs that will exist in the future.

You know what to do \pol\.

Why do Puerto Ricans hate Mexicans so much? Even the darkest of you hate them?

What do they tell you over there?

>tfw my debt identifies as forgiven

There's that word again. Commies will hang in my lifetime.


All of Latin America hates Mexico, even objectively worse shitholes such as Brazil.

Guys help him

volunteer as database admin, say you are good with computers.
Make fake campaign about asking scholarship from the Uni for undocumented students. collect their sign, names, and address.
send what you got to ICE

Because unlike Mexicans, we are actually citizens–Shafroth_Act
>The Jones–Shafroth Act (Pub.L. 64–368, 39 Stat. 951, enacted March 2, 1917) —also known as the Jones Act of Puerto Rico, Jones Law of Puerto Rico, or as the Puerto Rican Federal Relations Act of 1917— was an Act of the United States Congress, signed by President Woodrow Wilson on March 2, 1917.[a] The act superseded the Foraker Act and granted U.S. Citizenship to anyone born in Puerto Rico on or after April 25, 1898.

Fellow Sun Devil, saw that shit at club rush and laughed my ass off. BUILD THE WALL DEPORT THEM ALL.

Report to ICE and DoJ. Then sit back and watch.

What do you do here, brother? I'm Fulton/Barrett, but don't hate me for it; and did you see the pepe posters first day, it got all over the local news.

>tfw spic without a Spanish name
>blacks on Xbox live thought i was white
>tfw undercover

Hassayampa/W.P. Carey
Only jealous spergs hate others for being in Barrett. Y'all have the nicest everything.

I'd say Tooker has the nicest dining hall atm, but thank you, we do get a lot of flak as a whole for the vocal minority.

Also did not see pepe posters

lmao ted cruz cracks me up. such a goofball

I'm from here OP what's up? Call ICE.

how the fuck do they even pay for tuition?

How did I not know this already and why isn't Puerto Rico a state yet?

that drug money, homes
I'm gonna submit an online form, they don't let you call and do it online.

>im not an illegal im just a trans-borderist
>you trans-borderphobe bigots need to check your privelege

>What do, Sup Forums? Turn them in to ICE?
yes ya dip
>Is that even possible/legal?
you are reporting a crime

You should assist them. Increase their profile. Make posters for them. Copy and document the posters that they make.

archive the posts first.

Call ICE and give as many details as possible. It's your civic duty.

Failing that, go past their club and shout "LA MIGRA, LA MIGRA" to scare them.

I heard its the other way around. m*xicans hate puerto r*cans cus they were able into the USA kek

this going far even for /pol

STEM is good no matter where you go

STEM is more about knowing how to apply what you learn

Do anything stupid, and i will report you to tempe for harassing other students

Because they are a drain economically and would be a guaranteed 2 Dem Senators & 1 Dem Rep. Also they periodically attempt to vote to become a state, but can't get more than 30-40 percent turnout.

Anyone born is Guam or the US Virgin Islands is a citizen also.

Help me proofread this, Sup Forums.

"To whom it may concern,

As a natural-born citizen born to many generations of the same, I feel a duty to keep our country and its taxpayer money away from illegal "undocumented" immigrants. That being said, as a student of Arizona State University, I received the daily copy of our Barrett Honors Digest from the dean today, August 23, 2017, and with it came an endorsement for something called the "Undocumented Students for Education Equity" club. Its description will not fit in the body of this text, but feel free to contact me or the school for the information from the email/additional information. As a student here, especially as an American with burdensome student loan debt, I feel as though the fact they're attending a major university means they are likely taking grant money that should be going to citizens, and since this university receives federal funds via the department of education, they should not be directly promoting the breaking of federal law.

Thank you for your time."

>Reporting illegals is too far
Back to /reddit/

>amerifat education

Lol as if anybody in Tempe gives a fuck unless it has to do with sluts, coke, or Mill Ave

Do your civic duty user.

You're a fucking retard. Give names, addresses, phone numbers, times they meet.

ICE is law enforcement, not a fucking carebear factory. No one gives one fuck about the fluff story you put around it.

Enjoy getting expelled for breaking the student code of conduct.

>If you identify as undocumented
Fucking brilliant

>oh no whatever will I do
Try me.
thank you
I should have specified, there were a million other forms to fill out where I put all that information. All the wheres, whos, and whens are included in seperate fields. This one was purely "Describe the crime"

wait, so they're in your country illegally but they want to have driving licenses and they want tax payers to help subsidise their education? WTF???

It isn't like you guys can just hop over to Mexico and expect free shit from the Mexican government

There is nothing against the code of conduct for following the law. I am NOT doing this for some sick satisfaction of deporting my peers. I am doing this as what I believe is my patriotic duty. As the Code of Conduct suggests, we must do what we believe is ethical. I believe this is ethical.

Call ice. We need more English teachers here.

Okay you asked for it. Forwarding this to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Little do you know, they can already obtain driver's licenses in most states. All that is needed is proof of residency (NOT CITIZENSHIP).

Same with voting.

why in the world do you care, britbong

I reported it for you

If you want to destroy peoples lives then you should get the same treatment.

Glass it



>implying the faculty would ever find out about OP submitting an anonymous tip to ICE
The law trumps a University's feefees, every time. It is the OP's duty as a red-blooded American to report those beaners to the proper authorities.

hommie I reported an NYT article about an illegal helping illegals to ICE just do it



OP, you're running out of time. Report them to ICE immediately, before they can make their escape.

This the one?


Turn them in, no doubt about it. I'm fact, I'm going to do it as well and I don't even live in America.


>reporting the school for breaking federal law is reason for suspension
Can't you sue for shit like this? Its not even a private university

>Yes, but ASU isn't exactly a great STEM school.

it is if you're in graduate school - one of the top research universities in the country

I'll do it, too... You aint got my shit...faggot SJW. Goddamn I hate you lefty pussies.

>no gay sex with hats

1/10 apply yourself

fucking call them like, yesterday. Don't be late, don't wait, get them on their way to repatriate.

>Turn them in to ICE?
Do it

>no tabs open with gay porn and/or reddit

Haha should be a top quality law suit OP will file if they in anyway do anything to OP, seeing as he is reporting a crime...

>going to ASU, the place so hellish they literally have devils for mascots
>going to ASU, the state college nearest BRO DEAN and Pastor Anderson

could always have some fun first

pic related from the other week

Because it's basically a third world country where people live in tin shacks.

How can you join an university if you don't even have an ID?

They're already destroying my country so I think this is fair

They can lose funding for this. Get it to Trump/